Post something you can't say out loud.

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Nah I cant, I'm supposed to be tough and mean all the time :cool:

Maybe you should have told her to shut the L up. That usually works :).
im not saying things out loud if i post them in here. Some im a bit hard i my langauge but thats because im really mad and a answer like that makes me more mad...
To N:

Thank you for making me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. It's been too long since we've talked. I'm glad you decided to say hi, I've really utterly enjoyed myself. You're the funniest guy I know and even if you're completely messed up and most of what you say is crap you are the coolest 'looser' ever. Now, I would never tell you this, because it's way uncool and boy, would that blow your head head but I love you. I miss you. I wish we were back to school and we'd see each other in RL, not just on messenger. But hey, that'd be too much, right? Right.
:lol: the things you say...I'll have sore muscles tomorrow from all that laughing :lol:
To my parents and and all my relatives... :

I will in the spring 2007 to make the motorcycle driver's license !

I have really a big interest and a fractious passion for this.... :)
to guy at school: stop making fun of cutting, people who cut themselves and me. you are so stupid. you're not funny. i don't appreciate you jumping in front of me in hallways to say "cut my wrists and die, cut your wrists and die" i would say something again if it wasn't that you are over a foot taller then me. but cutting is a serous issue so stop joking around about it when people die from it.
to me:
Hold on to the positive things of today and dont let your slep yourself in the face when your roommate is nagging about things and let her in her own world with her own problems you have enough on our mind and thats already to much concentrate on the people who like you and love you thats what you need wright now and not something bad. Be happy.. ;)
To someone :
thanks for the compliment or didnt you ment it like a compliment so not your a asshole.. (sorry for the language)
So think you one the world and your everthing and better than the rest i still doesnt like you..
^ Erm, just want to point out, if you're referring to someone at this board, please be careful. Even though you don't post their name, they can still work out you're talking about them. So...just a little reminder ;)
to my roommate: why don't you tell me before you buy something? i hate it when you say: oh, i've just bought this and that and please give me the half money. talk to me before buying something, i need to calculate, man!
i wash just wondering to who you are talking because im a little irritate by you..Not that youre are a nice person just because of some things you say and i dont hate you ore something like that..
Nathalie_Emily said:
i wash just wondering to who you are talking because im a little irritate by you..Not that youre are a nice person just because of some things you say and i dont hate you ore something like that..

Do you mean me? :eek:

To my friend: It was funny today, we actually didn't do anything. :p I hope well get a good grade.
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