Have you ever... ?

Oh god yes, that was all I seemed to dream when I was 14. I'd always wake up crying :(.

Have you ever had a little kid hit on you?

Eww, I never knew little kids even knew how to do that. I was talking about a skirt I had and he's like "that must look good on you...you're so hot" I was like eww.
Haha kinda..There is this little boy my friends sister babysits (im friends with her too) and he talked about all the girls in my group of friends and he would say ohh shes hot, and he said I was good, but to shy... :lol:..ew.

Have you ever been told your hot by a complete stranger?

Nope :D
no, well maybe by some drunks in the bars...

Have you ever eaten a whole quart or so of ice cream in a day???

I have today and now I feel like a big MOOOOO.... :lol:
ooh I used to eat a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's, but that was before I went on a diet :p

Have you ever held a CSI marathon?
I'm currently having one. We almost finished season 2 :) We don't get to watch everything at once because we live quite far away from each other, but when we are together we watch as much as we can :)
Yepp, haha, I sure have. When I was sick with tonsillitis that's all I did for 2 straight weeks. I watched seasons 1,3,4, and 5. (for some strange reason I don't own the 2nd...I just never really got around to buying it)

Have you ever stayed friends with someone even though they treated you horrible around their friends?

I did, when I was like 13 or something, then I told her off, and well, since then I'm friends with people who are nice to me no matter who they're around!
yes. this one girl was always talking bad about my family and stuff like that. we were still friends for a while but then she said somestuff that just crossed the line. we arent friends anymore.levon i think you probably know who im talking about.

ok...have you ever...known that someone has none something illegal( im not saying cause im not sure if im aloud on here) and not said anything and then laughed about it later?

tehhe im guilty. i went shoppin yesterday with someone and the did something and i laughed but know i feel kinda bad.(just kinda)
To save the thread...

yes I have known someone to do something illegal and not said anything about it later.

Have you ever... been on a theme park ride, such as a rollercaoster, and come off it with an instant huge bruise?

Yup! :D There was a school trip to a theme park last Monday (exactly a week ago) and I am still covered in bruises - about 5 on my legs, one each on my forearms, one each on my upper arms and a massive one on my right elbow. I look like I have been beaten up!
Nope. Luckily, I haven't.

Have you ever burnt something? (I mean, like a picture, or some paper, accidentally?)

Yup. It wasn't my fault. We were so naughty when we were kids and played with lighters. So we ended up getting the curtain set ablazed which was quite a sight I recalled. And then, a bad spanking from me parents. Hmmm....those were the days.

Have you ever tried looking for your lost glasses/sunnies when they have been on the top of your head all along?

Yes! Ahahaha....man, it happens so many times I've lost count. I've got a habit of putting me glasses on the top of the bushy head and end up forgetting it's there. :lol:
yes. i found them when i shook my head and they fell off!!!

have you ever wrapped something in a napkin at a restauraunt and had it thrown out?
i have, i wrapped up my old retainer and it got thrown out like 5 times:D
Yes, but not particularily at a resturaunt. I'm in a Navy program and went to summer training. I would get napkins in my utensils kit and would wrap whatever I didn't want in napkins, stuff it into the first cup(we had to get a cup of juice and another of water at every training) and stack the second cup on top of the first cup, nobody ever noticed! I did it like, 20 times!

Have you ever gotten a detention? I know lame, but whatever.
Nope. At my old school we didnt have detention. But now since im in highschool we do. You just sit in a room with a glass wall so when people pass by they just stare at you. :lol: :eek:

Have you ever been so happy, about something stupid youve cried?

Haha yes, Im pretty sure it was something On CSI. :rolleyes:
Yeaah. I have. But I'm not going to tell you folks. You'd cry too. :lol:.

Have you ever wanted to change your haircut dramatically?

I want to be a blonde, I've been a brunette my whole life. I want to see how it looks on me. :lol:
Yup, nearly all the time I want to! I would love to get it styled differently, dye it black and then get streaks put in it. The streaks would be the colour of purple, red and blue :D all darker shades of those colours but how much I would LOVE to have my hair like that :D

Have you ever... eaten mould (where there isn't supposed to be any, not like on blue cheese or whatever type of cheese it is :p)?

Nope, well I don't think so. I thought of that cause I needed something to get into the dining hall this lunch and found a sandwich from weeks ago in my bag and so had to use that - very mouldy! I could just imagine a teacher making me eat it! :lol: