The ressurection of Duckman (Sara/Cath Slash fic)

Part 2 peoples! Get ready for a wild ride!

Chapter 1

Sara walked into the house. Her already swollen belly obscured her vision of her feet. "Cath?" She called as she walked in the beautiful Vegas home.

Muffled sounds. "Cath?" Sara called again, walking further into the entrance.

"Sara help me!" Cath's voice filled Sara's well formed ears. Sara followed the voice, all the way to the living room where she saw a gruesome sight.

Jayne, Jaci and Ann Marie...dead.

Sara brought her hand to her mouth. "Oh my god." She thought to herself as she walked past the bodies.

"Im sorry girls. Im so sorry." She said silently.

Walking into the kitchen, she saw a man covered in what she could see was...


"Duckman?" She asked the man. The man threw his head back in a bone chilling laugh. "Duckman I was...and your wife, I shall kill." He said.

He turned around to show Sara that what he had in his arms was none other than her wife.

"NO!" Sara screamed as he raised the knife to Catherine's neck. He pressed down slightly and a river of crimson water poured forth.

"" Sara said as she knelt down to her wife's side. "I love you."

Duckman walked over to Sara and giggled. "Love, love, love. Is that what this is about?" He said.

Sara looked up. Pure anger shattered her vision of what was seemed to be real.

He lifted his knife and said "Any last requests, before I kill you and your unborn child?" Sara looked down at her stomach and thought.

"He knows about the baby." Her mind screamed.

"No?" Duckman said after she looked back up at him. "Then I will get on with it."

As quick as he had pulled the knife up, he launched it down onto Sara. Hot, seering pain pushed through her body as she collapsed on the floor.

Then there was light.

~If you think this is the end, think again peoples! Should I continue? Comment please.~
Chapter 2

Sara awoke in a cold sweat.

"Honey what's wrong?" Cath asked as Sara's eyes popped open to reveal bright brown eyes.

Sara frowned and said " back."

Cath sat up and rested her hand on Sara's stomach. "He's gone. We killed him a month ago." She said.

Sara sighed and said "I just want my life to be worry free." Just as she said that, a thud rippled through Cath's hand.

"The baby just kicked." Cath said as she smiled at Sara. "Our baby." Sara said.

"MOM!" Ann Marie screamed from the living room. "Jayne stole my shirt!" Sara rolled her eyes and said "Want me to deal with it?"

Cath smiled and said "No...I'll deal with it." She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stepped out of bed with a stretch.

"NO!" Jayne screamed back. "It's my shirt! It's the one I bought at the Tangiers!"

After the screaming ended, a lone scream rang through the house. "WILL YOU GUYS SHUT THE HE*L UP?!? I TRYING TO WATCH TV!" Jaci screamed.

Cath laughed and was about to enter the living room to settle the arguement, when the doorbell rang.

"Who's at the door at this time?" Jayne asked as Ann Marie began pulling on the shirt.

Cath walked to the front door and opened it. On the front step, held a package. Cath picked it up and walked back into the house.

"Damn it!" Ann Marie swore as the shirt ripped in half. "Ha! Now no one gets to have the shirt!" jayne screamed back.

Jaci walked out of the room, and said "Heard the door, is pizza here?" Cath snickered and said "No pizza not here."

Sara walked out of the room and saw Cath standing with the package. "Who's it from?" She said as she wrapped her arm around Cath's waist.

"I don't know! It just came." Cath said as she placed the package on the coffee table.

Every member of the family stood around as Cath began ripping open the package.

"Is that--" Jaci asked but was interrupted by Sara.

"Feathers." Sara said softly.

As Cath lifted the feathers out of the package a note popped out.

In blood red letters, the words 'Im back!' screamed at the girls.

"What's that sound?" Jayne asked. Ann Marie lifted the box up to her ear and listened carefully.

"EVERYONE GET OUT!" Ann Marie screamed. "IT'S A BOMB!"
that is so good. i'm really excited...i really liked the first one, and i really like this one so far. good job :D
Chapter 3


The bomb went off, sending millions of pieces of debris flying towards the 6 girls.

Cath pulled the girls to the ground and shielded Sara from the explosive debris. The only thing on her mind was making sure that her 8 month pregnant wife was safe, and that the baby was safe.

"Is everyone okay?" Cath asked as the dust cleared. Sara sat up and then Ann Marie sat up.

Cath crawled over to Jayne and Jaci and noticed that their eyes were closed.

"No." Cath said to herself as she felt for pulses. Noticing that the 2 girls were alive, but unconscious, Cath took a sigh of relief.

"Cath, we need to get the team back together." Sara said softly as she stood up. Cath nodded in agreement.

"Mom?" Ann Marie called. In her hand she held a slip of white paper, with black marker written on it.

The slip of paper held the words: this isn't the end. Duckman is back.




As the clicks got louder, the girls panicked.

"GET DOWN!" Cath yelled. As the girls got their cover, another bomb went off, even more intense than the last one.
Oh boy! I am gonna have to let Jayne know you brought this back to life. I am sure she will want to know and like many of us who have busy "real lives" we miss stuff.

I am glad to see you are back and having fun!
Wow. that is a very good story. I look forward to reading more. Keep up the awesome work. :)
:eek: Gah! You always leave us at a cliffhanger Katie! :lol: Hopefully you'll be updating soon. :)