Let's Talk Gay

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If theres one word in this world i hate, its the word 'normal'. everything about society today is labelling things, groups of people etc, and placing them in little groups. So apprently, whoever you are, you have to fit into a specific group, when in fact most people don't! They try to. They change things about themselves to ensure that they are either this or that because it is inconceivable to not fit in somewhere, or to be more than one thing. I don't really get it. For a long time i wanted to fit somewhere but couldn't figure out where it was. So finally i just decided to be me. A lot less complicated. Anyway my point is that no matter what century we're in its always the same. One group of people will always discriminate against another. And then i thought that people within their owns groups were fine but i discovered that the discrimination just gets broken down within the smaller groups. I have gay friends who will judge other types of gay people! I mean as if there isn't already a stigma around homosexuality (although its a bit better in this day and age) they just add to it. I find it fascinating and disturbing. Why are some people so interested in fitting in? Who decided what 'normal' is? And why can't we all just live our lives without caring what others think?
*sigh, okay i am done now*
Showtime said:
Laetri said:
Oh like my friend's parents, I really really want to use a hairbrush microphone when both of her parents are home and start singing the Gay Eskimo song

The Arrogant Worms are amazing by ALL standards.

arrogant worms...?

I love labels I love them to death! I think that they work well and allow me to place people where they belong. I know that probably sounds horrible but I just don't see anything wrong with them. I laugh at some of the labels I have aquired and most of my friends spend their time calling each other emo :lol:. I <3 my friends!
Labels...hmm, I have been labeled as a gay lesbian! Yeah, the idiot was not too bright :lol: So I told him I was a straight lesbian :lol:

I actually don't know what people would actually label me (besides a gay lesbian)...hmmm, a gay lesbian weirdo! :p

I used to have a huge thing against labels, then I gave up, hahah. My friend says I make fun of emo people, but I don't think I do, I've never heard myself say "HEY LOOK AT THAT LOSER EMO!" I like emo people, they are very emotional :p...I also like what they wear! 'Sides, that wouldn't be very nice of me to make fun of emo's...I gots an emo cousin...her hair is like 30 different colors :p

Ohh...wanna know what makes my relgious mormon friend really awkard...when you say this: I AM A LESBIAN WHO'S DATING A LESBIAN...MWUAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! Yeah, she don't like it too much.

^^That was SO random, hahah.
I don't think if it is a problem that whether you are a gay or not...But it would be a problem if you have to share a room with someone else of same tender but never let her/him know you are a gay...It sounds horrible...I think I like those who are really frank and honest to tell...if things interfere in others' personal lives...
My brother used to have a friend (that was gay) and his family was srictly catholic and so he couldnt even tell his parents. it was really sad and i really feel for him.
What's that got to do with each other? My friend and her family are catholic and they know that I'm gay. And I'm still welcomed to their house.
I think religion and homosexuality don't strictly contradict. It's more a matter of whether you're open-minded or not. (I know several open minded and deeply religious people, and I know a religious ed teacher who is gay)
Furthermore, where's the sense in hiding a part of yourself from your parents just for fear of their reaction? Either they love you and accept you or they don't. Not telling them neither changes the way they think nor the way you are.
If I knew someone in the family would think less of me because I'm gay I still wouldn't deny it. Because, isn't it basically the same, living with the knowledge that they disrespect me or living in the knowledge that they disrespect who I am, even if they don't know?

Do I make sense? I feel like I should have somehow phrased that better...
My friends brother is gay and they are catholic.... their family has accepted it but not like all people in their lives know that.
The friend I was talking about earlier (sorry about how stupid that was, I was a tad bit too hiper) her and I got inot a huge fight. She emailed everyone that I was gay, and told everyone in her chruch. I got so many phone calls saying "We can fix you" and I'm going "but I'm not broken, why be fixed?"

Eventually we forgave eachother but anytime I talk about my sexuality I get the "okay i guess..." and other times i get the awkward silence.

And I do share a house with 3 people of the same gender and tehy don't care. One of them is actually christian and she doesn't care either. The other one calls me a fag all the time I get called by "hey you fag come here" but that's not as bad as it used to be. She used to be super homphobic, infact she told me when I first met her. ANd well, the other roommate is my gf so she quite obviously doesn't have a problem with it.
Correct me if I'm wrong but to me the definition of "fag" is a guy who acts a little too gay, like girly in a way. Sorry, I used up all my english words at the moment.
Anyways, I'd never call a girl fag, simply because to me fag is a male term.
I have a (very good) friend who I sometimes call fag. It's like an inside joke and he is not offended by it (otherwise I wouldn't call him that.)
He once called me macho dyke in return (well he phrased it differently in german but the meaning stays the same). I gave him a look and he never said it again. It's not like I felt it was an offense but I just don't define myself like that.
He on the other hand is very "faggish" (I love that word, we made that up when we were stupidly fooling around), hence I call him that. I think fag sounds cute. As long as the person you call it knows how you mean it.
I'd never call someone any names when I don't know how it will be received.

BTW, CatherineWillows, I think you still haven't defined "straight lesbian". You've brought it up in the previous thread already and I'm just curious what that means ;)
^^Hahah, I guess I haven't.

Well I was sitting in one of my classes one day (I can't remember which one, I think it was my antrho...but it doesn't overly matter what class I was in) and someones like "You f*cking gay lesbian!" And I was like "NO...I'm a straight lesbian" pointing out the fact that he called me gay and a lesbian but they both mean pretty much the same thing. Then it just kinda turned into mine and a couple of my friends joke. Anytime my one friend calls she goes "Hey you gay lesbian, what's up?" I also call my bisexual friend a straight lesbian cause according to my roommate (the one that calls me a fag a bazillion times in a day) it means your bisexual because you like the opposite sex making you straight and you like the same sex making you gay :lol:
One time i was in a class and the teacher was explaining the definition of 'dyke' (meaning a pile of dirt to help drain marshy farm land) and that 'dike' spelt with a 'i' meant a masculine female...so the guy in front of me turned around and said "She's a dike" pointing to me. all the people around me started laughing and i told him to shutup, then they made fun of me for that so i went back to learning about dykes, spelt witha 'y'.
CatherineWillows said:
^^Hahah, I guess I haven't.

Well I was sitting in one of my classes one day (I can't remember which one, I think it was my antrho...but it doesn't overly matter what class I was in) and someones like "You f*cking gay lesbian!" And I was like "NO...I'm a straight lesbian" pointing out the fact that he called me gay and a lesbian but they both mean pretty much the same thing. Then it just kinda turned into mine and a couple of my friends joke. Anytime my one friend calls she goes "Hey you gay lesbian, what's up?" I also call my bisexual friend a straight lesbian cause according to my roommate (the one that calls me a fag a bazillion times in a day) it means your bisexual because you like the opposite sex making you straight and you like the same sex making you gay :lol:

:lol:, omg. Well, I sometimes call my friend gay, but that's just because he doesn't seem to have any interest in girls, or whatsoever. My other guy friends are like: "Wow, she's hot", 'n stuff. He doesn't seem to care about that :lol:
I used to know a guy like that. Though my first conclusion wasn't "gay" (he didn't have the vibe), it was more like "asexual".
Turned out he had a crush on me and therefore didn't look at other girls, at least not when I was around...probably though that was the chivalry thing to do...:rolleyes: Guys.
I even checked out girls when my gf was with me...:lol:
ahh. at school the boys, i reckon, are only going to mature when they reach their fifties.

i have short hair, and i'm not overly girly. yet they still find it funny to constantly whisper about how i just couldnt be straight!

i'm not against homosexuality at all, but it does bug me.
I think it's the immaturity behind it!
le sigh.
Hmmm...I had a boyfriend a very long time ago (obviously before I knew I was gay) and everyone thought he was gonna turn out gay...I don't know if he did, after we broke up we never spoke another word :lol:

Okay, so yesterday I'm on MSN and my cousin asked me if I was gay. So in my head I'm swearing my mouth off, then I told her. And hahaha, well, I was just so worried that she would like freak or something...but she didn't. She was totally all for it and was just happy to see me so happy again :)
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