Post something you can't say out loud.

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To this someone: I do not understand why anytime I talk about me and Allie you STILL get all mad. Like I know it hurt you, really, I know I do, but can you not realize that we are dating? Like I know, but I still think I should be able to talk about it. Like I can't even grab her hand around you without you glaring and getting all pissed. Like you're my friend, and I know it hurt you, but yeesh, please, I want to able to talk about it or hold her hand for that matter without getting some dirty look and you ignoring me.

To my cousin: Uhm, okay, did I make you're heart fall out of your chest? Cause mine was beating so fast it felt like it was going too. Sorry, I never told you because I was just scared...yeah, pathetic, I know. But thank yous so much for accepting who I am and my sexuailty, I really appreciate it! :)
To D: Stop coming by unannounced and uninvited

To granny: Enough is enough. Stop judging me for who I'm frineds with and don't tell me again that I don't have a "real" friend. Whatever you meant by that, you don't know sh*t about my friends. You only see one tiny piece of the whole picture. And FYI: I have two very good friends that I can always count on. You even know them, I don't know what your problem is, I alsways thought we were cool with each other...
And one more thing: Stop treating me like a 10 year old, I'm twice that age!

To my sis: I'm so sorry you had to hear that. I'll explain it to you when you're old enough to get it. I hope you never feel that way. And yes, I did send D. away, I know how you don't like her.
to me:
dont hate the world and love yourself and stay out of problems and ask people for help. And just start getting angry at the people who take care of your money and yell at them maybe then the will listen to you.. :mad:
To the world: i do not need a therapist.

To a friend. (i know you know this is about you but i just need to get it out)
ok so you say you are sick of "it" what is it? is it me or is it me talking to you.. you have to understand that i am going through a lot right now but if you havent noticed you are really lucky.
-you have someone who really loves you
-you never have to feel fat or too tall
-you dont care what others think
-you seem to be comfortable in your own skin and here i am every day wishing i was someoine else!
i can apreciate your problems and i know how much you hurt, and im always there for you but it just seems that when i say im sad or im mad you just get pissed off at me and it just makes the whole situation worse.

To the same someone.:eek:n a happier note we kinda made up and i look forward to talking to you laster, i have so much fun when i am with you even though half the things you say dont actually make sense. just remember tah even if i say i hate you , have to know that it will never me true cause i love you. best friends for ever and frickern ever. haha even if you forhget about me after university/college i will stalk oyu and force you to be my friend. hahah ilu.
to dad: stop being a dramaqueen. And if mom has snapped at me, it doesn't mean you have to be evil to me. and stop being childish - you are over 50. I don't know how anything that is "cleaning" is such a horrible monster for you and you cannot do it well and when you mention it - you get upset and start to blame stupid things such me "sleeping till noon" (even tho I wake up at 8:30).
MY sleeping doens't have anything to do how YOU clean.If it's that goddamn difficult since you are "male and they don't clean", let mom do it.
Like now, you are in the kitchen pissed off. I can hear how you throw plates to the sink. I don't know why, I assume now mom has cleaned this morning ( i mean moostuff) and you blame she did it because of me. Because I said something about it yesterday.

Grandpa has been dead for 5 years and you need to realise he is not there anymore cleaning what you leave behind like he did for 40 years :rolleyes:

You always say to me "you don't do anything". I want to see how you guys work out all the stuff one day when I'm not living here.
Think about it.
To me myself:

Don´t stand alone so often. You know you can´t stand lonelyness.
So, get your damn move on. You are symphatic.

What the f* are you scared of? :mad:
to a girl i like as a friend:
Im sorry that you dont feel well and that im trying to listing or help on my way, but being angry doesnt take it away and now am angry to because i already having a bad time and try to put my touchs on something else and then you get angry.. it hurts and i do mean it well.Im so sorry.. :(
To my laptop: Why don't you connect to the internet and now I have to come on this computer and it looks and feels all strange. I don't like it!
To someone: We have got to stop assuming eachothers lives are just peachy. You live a hard life, I live a hard life...and that's that. But you cannot go and blame this whole stupid fight thing on me. You had a part of it too, it was not only me. I don't assume everything, but you're saying you didn't assume anything, but yeah, you don't give me that bulls*it, because I don't want to hear it. I am just SO sick of aruging.
To my mom: teeheehee, I make a good detective...I know your secret
To guy at school: get this through your skull...cutting is real, no I do not cut myself and emos don't all cut themselves. You think you're funny ding imitations of people who cut themselves, people die from that every day. You don't understand what other people go through, cutting is not funny!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't joke around about stuff like that...I know people who have cut themselves...cutting is a serious issue.

(crazy steph, I've heard the first song in your sigi...I love it)
to myself: Why can't you say out loud that you love that guy?! Why can't you tell your true feelings? You have to learn how to balance your heart and mind!
to myroomate:
if you wanna go a way from this house just f**** go and take all your stuff with you and never come back because im sick and tired of you and starting to hate you very much.. Youre a pain in the ass. go life with your mammie and ask her to confort you and be a little sad child there after trying to kill yourself and me being the one who saved your live and still get angry on me and thread me like im carbiss bitch.. go to :devil:
Roka4csi said:
Violence is not the answer.
Now, that's something you should say out loud.

To my mother: Shut the F up. (Ok, I said that, just not loud enough for her to hear. She got a bit of a hearing problem...)
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