Stupid/Embarassing things you/someone you know has done

My sister was just stood reading loads of these and goes to me: "you know when you poo you lose about a million brain cells!" :lol: I know it isn't that much of something stupid done, but she said it so seriously! :lol:

ETA: we used to have quite a big detached house that had the toilet at the top of the stairs, so if you were to need to go to the toilet during the night then you would be able to see down the stairs. One night my mum and Maree (family friend) were drunk and saw a ghostly looking figure walking across the landing towards the toilet so they both screamed but then the 'ghost' screamed too! It was really my sister (who was about 6) wearing a long, white nightgown that just needed to go to the toilet! :lol:

Also, my brother's internet wasn't working for a couple of days so he kept phoning up the company that supply him with it and being really really angry at them down the phone (which isn't really like him), so they kept telling him to check certain things. Eventually he realised that when he was moving his living room around he had pulled out the internet cable! I have never seen him so embarrassed! :D
This thread is olddd :D hehe, but I had a mortifying moment today.

I was trying on jeans in a changing room, and the queue was like miles long, so I was trying to be quick. In my effort to be quick I got my foot caught in the leg of the jeans (because I hadn't taken my shoes off to save time) and before I knew it I hadn;t fallen over, through the curtain and into full view of everyone in the changing roomm queue, it was awful.
^^^I think you'll take your shoes off next time right :lol:

This happened early last year... I went the cinema with a bunch a friends and one of the guys brought a load of stuff like popcorn, sweets, drink (He's not fat just hungry :lol:) Anyway we all got to the place where the people check your tickets and because he had brought lots of stuff he'd put his ticket in one of his pockets. I say one because he had some of surf shorts things which have a lot of pockets and he couldn't find his ticket! He kept giving the woman a load of receipts!!! The queue started to get really big and we were just waiting- it was so embarrassing!!!
I've had a few. :p

One time I was on a cruise ship and it was the formal night, so everyone gets dressed up and you can get your pictures taken in the forum part of the ship. So there are backdrops and professional photographers. I was sort of running down the hall because we were late for dinner or something? I can't remember. But I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, and I ran though a photoshoot right when the professional dude took the picture. :eek: I just looked back and said, "sorry!" but kept running because I didn't know what else to do. :lol: I felt so bad though.

Then another time, oh man this was bad, I was in class and the guy I sat besde had a pack of gum. He would always taunt me, asking me if I wanted a piece and then wouldn't let me have one. :rolleyes: So one time I grabbed one from him and stuck in my mouth and it turns out he licked it all over and was planning on giving it to another guy in the class. Everyone was laughing and was like "OMG IT'S LIKE YOU KISSED HIM!" It was SO bad. :lol: *fail*

Another time I had to do a presentation with powerpoint/overhead and with the first few presentations, the people had to unplug the powerpoint to use the overhead, and vice versa. By the time it was my turn, though, apparently my teacher got an extension cord so you didn't have to keep unplugging one. I don't know WHERE my brain was when she told the class because I didn't know that. :lol: So I kept unplugging and plugging in the cords throughout the whole thing and I had to crawl under this table to do it. It was awkward. When I finished she was like, "...You didn't have to do that. I fixed it... Good job, though." :lol: Everyone laughed at me. :p

Oh then another time when I was little, I was in an airport and my mom was wearing a yellow jacket. I lost her for a second but then I saw a yellow jacket and just assumed it was her. I ran up to her and hugged her from behind, yelling "mommy!" and they turned around and it was a man. :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

I feel so stupid for posting this, but one time when I was younger I was sleeping with my mom, and in the middle of the night I jumped up out of bed saying, "I have to go sell my eggs!" :lol: :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

^^^ Well look on the bright side... A least you weren't staying at a friends!
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

I had to go buy a new Christmas dress, and we ran into some kids from my high school (They were grads, and I didn't know them). My mom strikes up a conversation with them while I'm trying on these dresses. A few dresses later, I hear the conversation getting louder and I go out so my mom can fiddle with the dress. I hear somebody shout my name, I turn around and standing with the grad girls is one of my MALE friends. I was hideously embarrased.

Another time, in middle school, my friends and I were sitting around a table and eating lunch. One of my friends (who happens to be my boyfriend now :lol:) and I were glaring at each other, and my friend shrieked suddenly. Apparently, from where she was sitting, it looked like we were kissing. Ew gross.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

I've got a good one, being a parent, my daughter is nine, and her class went on a trip to see "The Nutcracker Ballet". When she got home, I asked her how she liked it. She informed me, that it was fun, but also very gross.

So I said..."what was gross about it"? she replied...."You could see their naughty things through their tights".

Now...can you imagine, how a bunch of eight and nine year old girls, explained that to their parents. The only thing I could think of, were the poor teacher's who tried to do their best, to help these young girls, in their fit of giggles, and ewww"s.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Embarassing stories? Me? Lots. Here's one:

Back in school we went on a trip to Italy. Me and my 2 best friends we're getting ready for a night out (read: we were drinking heavily) and I said some pretty embarassing (intimate) things (which I cannot repeat here, due to PG13 rule).

Anyway, it was just the 3 of us, so naturally I thought it would stay in between us. Most of it was joking anyway.
As the evening proceeded and the mood loosened more and more, my friend took out her camera to film our funny lot. Inebriated by the vodka I didn't notice (or didn't care about) the camera, so when my friend repeated what I had said I didn't even deny it. We did a lot of stupid stuff that night, half of which the camera caught.

Now, two and a half years later, my friend brought the video to our New Years Eve party and we watched it. In front of their boyfriends and my girlfriend!

That was embarrassing as hell!
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

There is this thing that happened a year ago or so . Me and my classmates had our exams and decided to gather together in front of the school to talk about the results . We took the exam and we got out . The court was filled with a lot of people , I think there were about 500 . We were happy because the tests were simple and many of us passed . We were a small group in the middle and one of my craziest buddies John decided to do something funny and pulled down Alin's pants , but the funny fact was that he pulled out not only his pants but his boxers as well , leaving him naked in the front of all those people . I was shocked and after that I laughed crazily . John got his nose broke though ...
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

My friend has never forgiven me for this and he always brings it up saying he'll get me back- It's all fun though.

Ok here's the thing... A few years a go me and mates were out in our loacal town. One of the guys' trousers kept getting anoyingly low! He was walking in front with his girlfriend and and the rest of us were all walking behind. Anyway his best friend was walking by me and I said 'Do think he'd buy a belt if we pulled down his trousers?' Anyway that was it and he managed to convince me to go and do it. There weren't that many people about but we were all in tears of laughter, after he'd pulled his trousers back up he was laughing too! :lol: But he went pretty red and every so often he brings it up and moove swiftly away so he doesn't get the chance to get me back :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

I was at a theatre once buying tickets for a show when my friends and I saw panties on the floor. For the next 10 minutes we scrutinized over if they were mine or not(I had been swimming the night before and had the same bag that I had my change of clothes in that day). So in the end I assumed they were mine and had fallen out when I had reached for my wallet so I picked them up. I felt so stupid. Just as we left I realized something... The night I had gone swimming I had used the underwear afterwards.

So the underwear in my hands... not mine. *shudders* Ewwwwww.

I ran back into the theatre's bath room and washed my hands like 100000000 times. Then I took out my Tyed Pen and put it all over my hands. It burnt like hell but I swear I could hear the germs scream :p I felt really stupid at first but I laugh about it now :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

I was once walking with a friend of mine and was talking her, and not watching where I was going. I walked straight into a tree.

This was during a phys ed class called walking for fitness. My teacher jokingly said he should fail me for the day.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

I've walked in to a lot of things!! When I was younger I walked straight into a glass door of a shop on my way out. I just opened the door, a little dazed lol, and quickly went around the corner :lol: Also when I was on hoilday I managed to walk into a two sign posts and a tree on the same footpath!!! :eek: I am just too clumsy!
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

I think that the darn trees jump out in front of me sometimes.

I've also walked into a room and forgotten why I was there. :lol: