Stupid/Embarassing things you/someone you know has done

Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

when i was in like 8th grade we had a 2 hour play, and my friend and i had the leading roles. well the teacher didnt give us enough time to go to the bathroom and she was nervous, and she was in the middle of screaming at me and she peed all over herself!!!
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

One of the jobs I had working my way through college was cashier at a gas station / mini-mart. It was a huge station and a relatively large store. I could share so many stories of idiotic customers, but I'll share this little tidbit with you.

One weekday morning a businessman drove in, jumped out and put the nozzle in his gas tank so pumping would commence as soon as he put his credit card in the crind (pay at the pump function). He then went back to his car and got his baby out, in the car seat mind you, and brought the baby in while he got his coffee. He went to the restroom and came out ... without the kid!!!!! I ran out of my booth and opened the door; yep, the baby was there, giggling his little heart out. I took him to my booth and called the father on the intercom. He came in and got his baby, then he went out and set the baby on the trunk while he took the nozzle out of the car's tank.

The best part: He got in his car to drive off while leaving the car seat on the trunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed my lungs out on the intercom, freaking the entire station out, and the man stopped his car and put his baby in the backseat. His excuse: He'd never been responsible for taking the child to the sitter before.

I'm not a parent, but how does that happen?
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

^That's unbelievable. Seriously someone has to be stupid or ignorant or both to do that!

At college we have these stupid 2 hour lunch breaks which I hate, because I have no friends in my class and the building is wayyy over the other side from everything else. Anyway so I was sitting outside my classroom like I do everyday, just reading. Then my teacher came past and asked if I wanted to sit in the classroom instead of on the floor so I agreed and was sat in there for ebout an hour. I had my iPod on and I didn't realise that I was actually singing out loud with it hehe, and it was only when my tutor came and tapped me on the shoulder that I noticed I was singing. I'd lost track of time and lunch was over and the whole class had been standing there listening to me. It was mortifying.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

^^ That is absolutely insane...that guys needs to get his priorties straight. And have a nice chat with the wife or gf about what he did...

I work in a food service industry mainly doing prep and getting things in order, other assemble food and such. There are a few new girls that tend to be very, forgetful when they are assembling sandwiches. One decided it was alright to put fish sauce on a burger. Luckily I stopped her and was able to fix the mistake before the food went out to the customer. I dunno how she missed the brightly colored signs about what goes where...
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

^^ I used to work in McDonalds, and there were people there who would like make half of the burger than forget to put the bun on, or just close the box with just a bun in it, and these were given out to customers. It was embarassing for the stupid people I used to work with when they were called out to explain. I mean how hard is it to put bun, cheese, meat ,bun? Lol.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

There was a storm coming in this afternoon while my friend and I were on our way back from college, and we nearly got blown off our feet, anyway that does relate to this btw, she gets off the train a stop before me and she was waving to me as the train pulled out the platform and she was walking along it. The wind blew her hair in her face and she walked smack in to a lampost. I nearly died laughing.And the entire full train saw it too.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Last friday I had a really REALLY boring literature lesson. I've quit smoking a month ago (yeah it's important to know, that's why the story is funny, you'll see). Two minutes left from the lesson but the teacher was about to leave. One of my classmates asked me if I smoked, because she knew I was trying to quit (she was kind of loud). Me: "No, not anymore, but after a lesson like this, I must say I DO SMOKE." That was such a horrible lesson :D The teacher burst into tears and left. Actually, I hate that teacher, but I didn't want her to hear what I said. I didn't mean to hurt her. My classmates said it was too funny. Well, I'm not sure it's funny. I'd say it's evil. But yeah, stupid for me and embarrassing for the teacher, so this is the perfect story for this thread :D
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Pretty lame teacher if she cries over that. I had a teacher in school who cried because we didn't want to sing christmas songs with her (we were in 11th grade). When one of the girls pointed out that no, we didn't like "those stupid church songs" and we'd much rather leave class early, she had tears in her eyes.

I don't know which of the two was the stupid one in my story, the girl or the teacher. :p
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

I said to a teacher something that can be translated to "F*ck, what a b*tch", and we both were alone at her office, so it was even worst. I was at tht Audiovisual Producition exam review, wich I hadn't passed. She was having a bad day and she said something rude to me (practically that I should have taken another degree, but my exam wasn't that bad, I had a 4.7 from 10), so I, shocked, said that phrase to her. She opened her eyes to the top and asked me to repeat it again, and noticing what I said, I answered back "don't you see you're rude", that is spanish is close.

She believed it and even said sorry for her comments. My roommate, who was outside waiting for her turn, laughed when I went outside and said my answer was so fast she may had believed she heard it wrong the first time. I passed the next exam after that :)
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

The other day I was doing my english exam, and I finished early so I decided to go write some fanfiction. A few minutes later I go back to the exam and notice a few errors I made. I start muttering to myself - and of course, everyone can hear this because it's dead silent - and the teacher taps me on the shoulder. I blink, then go: "I'm muttering again, aren't I?". She nods.

She also started laughing when she noticed what I was writing on the side. There was an incident earlier in the year when I was writing a fanfic on a bus ride to some Performing Arts thing. My BF's sitting beside me, and I glare at him evilly when he tries to read what I'm writing (which happens to be getting rather steamy). So he looks back and sees - who else? - My english teacher. A few minutes later she grabs the paper and reads it. THAT was embarrasing. The look on her face when she gave it back was priceless though :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

The other day in LA class I was getting really annoyed with one of my guy friends when we were in the computer lab and after I told him to shut up like six times he just wouldn't. So, like the mature young adults we are, we started insulting each other back and forth (playfully) and when I realized I had no comeback I just yelled, "Logan, why don't you just stop breathing?!" And, of course, my teacher was right behind me. But, thankfully, it was that teacher, because I'm a teacher's pet and she just laughed at it.

Today I really needed a pen to write a reminder on my hand in LA class and the teacher was babbling on and on about nothing so I quietly asked my friend Dena if I could borrow her's. She nodded and handed it to me. I started writing but the stupid thing just would not write. Finally, I hear my friend behind me, "Krystal," she whispered, "It's a pencil." I just shook my head and slunk down in my chair.

Today in French class... (Yeah, it wasn't exactly the best day embarrassment wise)... We were all sitting there and there are two girls in my class that are really annoying. One is really ditzy and blonde and the other is just really annoying. Finally, one of my friends just starts making fun of her from across the room (Our classroom has two sets of desks facing each other). I started laughing pretty hard and my teacher, Mme Sleevi looks over at me and starts laughing. She said, "Laila (That's my friend Allyson's French name), I can tell when you can sit as still as you want, but I can tell when you're messing around because Cecile (That's my French name) is over there laughing evertime she looks at you." Then the entire class started laughing. I felt pretty stupid. Luckily she's my CCD teacher, too, so she likes me and I dind't get in trouble.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

About 6 months ago I was horse riding and the only jodhpurs I had were a wee bit small and i mounted and my joddies completely ripped. To make matter's worse I was riding with my coach and her friends who happen to be really really good. Now I'm known as underwear chick...

and about a month ago

I was skating and thought it would be cool if i skated as fast as i could. I crashed into a small child, the kid was fine but i broke me blooming fingers.


One of my friends was using his laptop during one class and he needed to shut down. Now at that time he had a Doctor Theme and whenever he shutdown his computer played the Doctor Who theme and he forgot to mute his computer. It was hilarious.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

A couple of months ago...we were in maths class.........and a couple of guys that were actually suppose to be in the lesson were outside playing everyone goes to the window and waves at them and then they wave back....A few minutes later the teacher comes over and looks outside and signs to the boys to yet their butts in class......they wave back but don't turn up to class.....

Whats more is that they got surprise when they got in trouble for doing that.......

And they always complain that she's hates them...........

Well what do you expect............

this story is more on the stupider/foolish side and shows the lack of common sense people have
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

CalleighD said:
^I worked in McDonalds for 2 and a half years and I did that too, all the time, it just slips out doesn't it! Another one is when they just used to order an apple pie or something and I'd go 'would you like any sauces?' lol the looks I got heh.

Another one I got the other week, not really that embarassing for me but for the other person involved heh-- I do a lot of babysitting and I look after my neighbours 4 month old for a couple hours each week while she does her shopping etc and I took her out for a walk and I was sitting on the bench when my old history teacher came over (she hadn;t seen me in the 2 years since I left school) and she just assumed the baby was mine! Said how much she looked like me and asked me how I was coping. I was like 'actually I'm just babysitting,'. :lol: she went bright red and tried to change the subject but it was really awkward lol.

I have one similar to that.

I have three little sisters. Anyway back when I was like 14 the girls were like 8,7, and 5 or there about. So I went out to dinner with them and my step father.

Now my step father is a "down country" type of guy, very different from myself. I'm kinda "born and raised yankee" but anyway he got to pick where we ate because in his household he dictates and his kids (well, and my brother and I) follow orders. Anyway... that's only important because of the place we ate. It was a "walk up" burger stand called the Chuck Wagon *blech*.

So there I am standing with the girls and Kurt (my stepdad) and I'm trying to find out what they all want to eat so I can order for them. Well finally it's our turn and Kurt orders and I place my order and all of the orders for the kids. Well the girl behind the counter looked at me and then Kurt and then back to me and back to him agian... then she points to the girls and asked "Is dem your kids?" I just looked at her and I was like "Lady I'm 14" and she's like "so?" and I was like "the oldest is 8" "so?" "do the math" *pause/totally glazed look on the woman's face* "I would have been six when she was born... that's not really possible." "oh... well they look just like you" "they're my step sisters... can I just have my sandwiches please?"

The funny thing was that wasn't the first time that I'd ever been asked if they were my babies.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

I have the same issues when I take my 10 and 8 year old girl cousins places.

A about 3 years about when the youngest was 5 my aunt had come to visit. We went to a nursey(for plants) my mom and and aunt wandered off and I was with my cousin and the plany wagon. An older lady walked by and was like she is cute, to be nice I said thank you. She asked how old and I replied with 5. She then looked me up and down and asked when I had her. I had to subdue a laugh and told her that she was my cousin not my daughter. She tried to tell me that my cousin had to be my child because she looks like me. I kindly told her that genetics and dna are funny like that, grabbed the handle of the wagon and walked away.

Another was the other day at Wal-mart. I had been given a nice Liz Claiborne purse for Christmas and was excited to finally take it out of the box. So I'm standing in the video game aisle and looking at the Wii and DS games. There is a lady to my right and she keeps looking at me, looking at the games, looking at me, and then back to the games again. I finally asked her if she needed me to move and she replied with I can't believe someone with that nice of a purse plays video games. I turned to her and said ma'am how do you know that I play video games? I could be buying them for someone else you really shouldn't assume things. She looked at me agian and walked away. The other people in the aisle were laughing at her.