Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

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chaostheory08 said:

1. He stares at you a lot.

2. He hits you a lot. (just play hitting )

3. He uses the first thing that pops into his head to start a conversation
with you

4. He yelled, 'Hi!', to your mom that day she
picked you up from school.

5. He blew off his buds to go see 'Run Away Bride' with you cuz you

couldn't get another girl pal to go and didn't want to go alone.

6. He tries to make you laugh anyway even if he gets hurt in the process

7. His voice gets softer ('Hey, you') when ever you two talk.

8. You hung up on him. He called you back.

9. You where invited by him to a group outing.

10. He called you to talk about nothing at all.

11. He imitates your laugh. OK, you do snort sometimes. Which makes you

laugh even harder.

12. He remembers little things you mention in casual conversation.

13. He sometimes stares straight into your eyes.

14. He every possible way to touch you (your hair, face, thighs, ect.)

There's a lot, that reminds me of Flack whenever he's with Danny. :D
Sigh. They just so perfect together.
What's so bad is that I'm reading that list and I'm mainly just going:

'Run Away Bride'

Kimmy, I don't think Danny will be suicidal, no. Self-destructive as far as drinking or something, sure, and pulling away from people, but not suicide. I just...don't see it.

And there's no way in hell his 'family' would let him do that to himself.

Ceindreadh said:
IMO, they deliberately wanted Danny to be on his own emotionally with this one and that's why we missed out on the D/F comforting. Hopefully though there'll be an aftermath in subsequent eps.
Very good point. Danny being 'alone' even as he interacted with the people at work required Flack and Stella to be out of reach, and for Hawkes to be conveniently separated.

Poor Danny. :(

But I definitely hope the next few episodes show that Danny does have support from the others.

Top41 said:
I don't know if I see Sid hugging anybody but Stella.
B-but...I want to hug Sid. @_@


But couch? Please, you know Flack would give up his bed...until Danny was ready to share it with him.
Well, they'll both end up there anyway--either Danny will wander into the room, half-asleep and seeking comfort, or Flack will crawl in with him when he's tossing and turning--and not leave.

Gah, woobies! >.<
I'm torn on whether Danny would be suicidal or not. I don't think so...but at the same time, I could kind of see him doing something impulsively, and taking a lot of pills or something like that. I think Danny gets very down on himself, and in this case...well, he's got good reason to.

But regardless of whether Danny would go to that extreme or not, I think Flack would worry about him hurting himself. Flack knows how fragile Danny is, and Flack really treats him like he's very fragile. Running wherever Danny is to meet him and see if he's okay and offer words of support and comfort? Flack isn't like that with anybody else, and even after "All Access," I don't think he was worried about Stella offing herself or anything like that. But Danny's a different story.

The more I think about Flack actually breaking into Danny's apartment, the more I love it. Wow. I mean, WOW! Seriously, if that isn't concern, if that isn't love, I don't know what is!!!! So Flack is clearly beside himself with worry. I can't wait for the scene where he finds Danny. Oh, it's going to be so good. :D :D :D I just hope we get it, and it's not say, Flack telling Mac, "Oh I found him at Sullivan's and got him home." Not that our imaginations wouldn't run wild with that ;) , but I want to see the moment when Flack finds Danny. I can't wait for 413!!! :D :D :D
I hope that when Flack finally finds Danny, they don't cut it to "It's okay now. I found him and he's safely back home." That would be frustrating. We at least deserve "heart-to-heart" conversation between these two. Or if we just have the "it's all good" thing, it would be great if Flack stays with Danny.
This is something that came to mind while I was chatting with Fay ...

According to the spoilers, Flack breaks into Danny's apartment and finds the pamphlet for Ruben's memorial service folded on the table next to Danny's computer. Seeing as Rikki seems to be partly blaming Danny for Ruben's death (what with the way she flinches from him), there's the possibility that Flack will find Danny in the church attending Ruben's memorial service. Heck, if we're lucky, we may see Danny attempting to ask for Rikki's forgiveness there through Flack's POV. If not, then I hope we'll at least have a scene where Flack finds Danny and they have a private talk, just like the pool scene in 3x23. :) It would be disappointing if TPTB simply showed Flack telling another member of the cast that he found Danny and Danny's okay. What potential a Danny/Flack scene has! That bar and pool scene last season is the perfect proof of that. :)
OK, I really hope we get a scene between them and not just Flack telling Mac or Lindsay or someone that he found Danny. I could see him finding Danny in church, but probably not at the funeral because Danny would have gotten the program at the actual funeral. Either way, I hope there's a great scene between them and they have a heart-to-heart. And I'm sorry, but Flack breaking into Danny's apartment? Man, that's an act of love! :D Seriously, Flack's so crazy about Danny...I love it. He'd literally go to the ends of the Earth for Danny. So incredibly romantic! :D
But if the writers decide to just have Flack tell the others that he found Danny... he could do that maybe over the phone while he is still in Danny's apartment, with Danny sleeping in the other room. Or something (cheese LOL) like that.
:lol: It looks like we'll be using spoiler boxes for a while.

Ah, good point on Danny already getting the funeral pamphlet at the funeral itself. I kinda confused it with a memorial service announcement. :lol: Wait, is it an announcement for the memorial service? I gotta go check it again ... But yeah, I just can't see TPTB wasting such massive postential for a D/F scene, and I'm not even saying this as a shipper. We have an entire scene where Flack breaks into Danny's apartment, and there's no follow-up scene where Flack does find Danny? What a terrible letdown. It'd be like being told you're gonna get the yummiest chocolate cake in the friggin' universe, and then find out it's only the size of a pinhead. :lol: Okay, maybe Flack meeting Danny won't be in a church, probably Sullivan's, ya think? It's already canon that they go there together for drinks and pool and that it's Danny's chill-out place where he opens up to Flack ... Personally, though, I'd just love it if Flack finds Danny at Battery Park looking out at the Hudson river at night, and they just stand side by side while Danny ends up reminiscing his childhood past with his dad and maybe we finally get some update on Louie. It's a lot to hope for, I know, but we haven't had any update at all on Louie for ... almost two seasons! :eek: Bad TPTB!
Yep, spoiler boxes for a while, I think...

I can't wait to see Flack's reaction when he finds Danny...no matter where he finds him. Somehow, I see him being totally sympathetic and trying to console Danny, rather than getting pissed at him for disappearing or even agreeing with Danny if Danny talks about blaming himself for Ruben's death. I really think in Flack's eyes, Danny can pretty much do no wrong. Flack kind of puts Danny up on a pedestal...Danny is his sweet, emotional angel and that's that.

The stuff about the spoilers kind of got me thinking (and this is spoiler free, hence no box), but why do you guys think Flack is so forgiving of Danny? Danny was kind of being a whiny brat in OtJ even before he stormed out, and yet, Flack just sat there, trying to console him. Danny stormed out on Flack--and Flack goes back to working the case to clear Danny's name. Danny is sulky in "Necrophilia Americana" and Flack just continues to smile at and try to joke with him. Danny snaps, "I know that Flack!" when Flack tries to tell him how the AC vent works, and Flack just beams at his little Kinkapoodle, clearly finding him all kinds of adorable.

Why's Flack so patient with Danny even when Danny gets a little frustrating? Sometimes--OtJ excepted, of course--Flack even seems to find Danny's sourpuss attitude a little...adorable. What else could explain the big smile on his face when Danny's sulky with him?

And lastly...do you think Flack is too forgiving of Danny? Should he have put up with Danny storming out of the diner? Or does he spoil his Kinkapoodle a bit too much?
^Maybe, in some level, Flack understands (or even relates to) Danny. Maybe he sees or knows that there is next to no one who stays long enough to tolerate and/or understand Danny and Flack wanted to be that person, a friend whom Danny can depend on.

Not so much as Flack is feeling sorry for Danny. Just feels for him.
Most of the time, Flack just seems amused by Danny's antics. A lot of the time when Danny's a surly little moppet, Flack seems to be struggling not to laugh. He's often grinning or smirking. I think he knows that Danny's moods are seldom personal, they're just a symptom of Danny's highly strung personality. Flack's much more laid back and sure of himself, so he doesn't mind if Danny just wants to vent. Flack's better humour often seems to eventually rub off on even the grumpiest kinkapoodle. :)

"On The Job" was different in the sense that Danny was just too wound up by then to listen to anyone. I think Flack understood that and knew that the only way he could help Danny was to get on with the job. I think he sympatised with Danny and understood why he felt that way. I dare say he knew he couldn't change Danny, only be there to help him out of the holes he digs himself into.

The contrast between their personalities and how they compliment each other is one of the biggest attractions of this pairing.
penguinpie said:
Most of the time, Flack just seems amused by Danny's antics. A lot of the time when Danny's a surly little moppet, Flack seems to be struggling not to laugh. He's often grinning or smirking. I think he knows that Danny's moods are seldom personal, they're just a symptom of Danny's highly strung personality. Flack's much more laid back and sure of himself, so he doesn't mind if Danny just wants to vent. Flack's better humour often seems to eventually rub off on even the grumpiest kinkapoodle. :)

Good point! It's so cute how downright amused Flack often seems by Danny. He clearly thinks Danny's cute when he's pouty. I love the smile Flack gets on his face when Danny is in one of his moods--Flack holds back on smiling too much, but the smile is totally in his eyes! They just sparkle around Danny. And certain in "Necrophilia Americana," he was finally able to cajole Danny into a better mood. :lol:

"On The Job" was different in the sense that Danny was just too wound up by then to listen to anyone. I think Flack understood that and knew that the only way he could help Danny was to get on with the job. I think he sympatised with Danny and understood why he felt that way. I dare say he knew he couldn't change Danny, only be there to help him out of the holes he digs himself into.

He did show a lot of sympathy for Danny in "On the Job." I think Flack is empathetic--he's able to put himself in other people's shoes and imagine what things are like for them. I think Danny is able to do this, too, and that's some common ground they share, but I think with Danny it's in part because he's experienced a lot of bad things in his life. Either way, I think it's totally sweet how attentive and caring Flack is towards Danny. He's a very patient man.

The contrast between their personalities and how they compliment each other is one of the biggest attractions of this pairing.

Agreed. They're so different. I love how grounded and stable and insightful Flack is, but I also love how emotional and passionate Danny is. I think they're both drawn to each other for those different qualities; Danny loves how strong and reliable Flack is, and Flack adores Danny for his passion, and feels protective of Danny because of how emotionally vulnerable he is.
They are different, but that's why they are so perfect for each other. They complete & need each other.

Flack's got a bit of a hero complex. I think that's why he chose to be a cop. Cause he's "good at it". He can't help himself but help others. That's why he's always there for everyone when they need a shoulder to lean on. He's been there for Stella, for Mac through all his Peyton - 333 caller saga not to mention S3. He came running when Hawkes and Danny had that accident. (I think that on his day off he goes nuts if he doesn't do something for someone. I can see him helping his neighbor, Mrs. Agatha who's 75 with her shopping bag :p ) So, Danny is exactly what he needs. A 24/7/356 hands full job!
And Danny, when he's not depressed cause he's in trouble he's pissed, frustrated or sulky! :lol: He needs Flack to keep him centered, keep his ass safe,and heal his broken soul. They need each to survive. U take one and the other one will slowly die on the inside.

That's what makes them so beautiful. They are a perfect match. They make each other happy. (not so sure they realize that though) :rolleyes:
Top41 said:
The stuff about the spoilers kind of got me thinking (and this is spoiler free, hence no box), but why do you guys think Flack is so forgiving of Danny? Why's Flack so patient with Danny even when Danny gets a little frustrating? And lastly...do you think Flack is too forgiving of Danny? Should he have put up with Danny storming out of the diner? Or does he spoil his Kinkapoodle a bit too much?

I am trying so hard to contemplate on these questions but Lorelai's banner is utterly distracting me and making me smile. :lol: Carmine and his cute snort, aww.

Hmmm, why is Flack so forgiving of Danny ... only logical answer I got is that Flack loves Danny to bits. :D Really, what kind of guy just smiles like a lovestruck loon when another guy snaps at him or is short-tempered with him? This is Flack we're talking about here, the no-BS homicide detective who doesn't let anyone push him around or backtalk him. (Except Danny, naturally.) And c'mon, what kind of guy stares at another guy like Flack stares at Danny?


That is not a look a regular friend gives another regular friend. That is a look that says, "Look at me, Danny, can't ya see how much I want you?" :devil:

And of course, there's this:


:lol: I dare anyone to show me another TV male character who's smiled and waved like that at another TV male character. :lol: That is his wave of pure happiness at seeing his favorite person in the world, no doubt about it. (And it's just the sweetest thing that Danny waved back too.)

Hmmm, as for whether Flack is too forgiving ... I dunno. On one hand, sometimes Danny does seem rather unappreciative of Flack. Perhaps I should put it as he seems to take Flack's support for granted sometimes. Ya kinda get the feeling he dares to vent on Flack because, unlike other people in his life, he's certain that Flack is the one person who'll never abandon him. And that alone says a great deal about Danny's feelings for Flack, no? ;)

So on the other hand, I think it's more a matter of Flack understanding Danny on a much higher level than everybody else does. He doesn't take any of Danny's outbursts personally because he knows it's not about him and he knows Danny isn't attacking him in any way, just releasing frustration in the fastest way he knows how. That, and perhaps Flack even enjoys being the person Danny vents on ... direct proof that Danny trusts him enough to open up like that, ya know? Something like, "Of all the people in the world, Danny comes to me. Yeaaah. :D"

Yes, Flack is more than strong enough to deal with Danny's issues and hey, at the end of the day, he knows Danny will always return to him, no matter what happens. :)

penguinpie said:
Most of the time, Flack just seems amused by Danny's antics. A lot of the time when Danny's a surly little moppet, Flack seems to be struggling not to laugh. He's often grinning or smirking. I think he knows that Danny's moods are seldom personal, they're just a symptom of Danny's highly strung personality.


Hear, hear! :D

Top41 said:
I think they're both drawn to each other for those different qualities; Danny loves how strong and reliable Flack is, and Flack adores Danny for his passion, and feels protective of Danny because of how emotionally vulnerable he is.

Awwwwwww, Danny/Flack in a nutshell. :D

Lorelai said:
Flack's got a bit of a hero complex ... That's why he's always there for everyone when they need a shoulder to lean on. He's been there for Stella, for Mac through all his Peyton - 333 caller saga not to mention S3. He came running when Hawkes and Danny had that accident.

Good observation! Even Mac goes to him for support. How about that? Flack the Pillar of Support. What ever will the CSIs do without Flack? :p

So, Danny is exactly what he needs. A 24/7/356 hands full job! And Danny, when he's not depressed cause he's in trouble he's pissed, frustrated or sulky! He needs Flack to keep him centered, keep his ass safe,and heal his broken soul. They need each to survive. U take one and the other one will slowly die on the inside. That's what makes them so beautiful. They are a perfect match. They make each other happy. (not so sure they realize that though)

AWWWWWW. :D Indeed they are a perfect match. :D I think they do know they make each other happy. Maybe they're just not ready to move beyond the close friendship level into being lovers yet.
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