Your Parents are annyoying when........

My parents (more my mother, in fact!) are annoying when they decide that they want to ask me something in middle of a CSI episode...Also when they try to guess what I am watching on TV and they mix all the names! And when they don't allow me to continue online, on the computer, when I am enjoying the most, like when I am posting here!
KimAZ said:
-when they ask about technology

omg! my father is good with technology but my mother isn't and she always asks me to use the scanner for her or print out a picture for her. we have macs and we have the mighty mouse, which has no bottons, except for the scroll wheel. it is very smart so it knows where you click and she always clicks too far to the left and if she is on the internet, she gets a new window. it gets very annoying sometimes to have to help her.
Lizzy_004 said:
^ omg! SO true! My mom doens't even know what the 'space-button' is on her cell phone! :rolleyes:

:lol:My parents don't know how to use the contacts in their and my brother have tried many times to explain but, alas, it is useless.
about technology
-my mom was like tryign to call my uncle on an out of town area code and was like it wont connect and it was because she forgot the area code. i was like oh my lord.

-when they commit you to something with them and you already had plans.

-they yell at you for not listening to them when they talk but they never listen to what you have to say

-when they attempt to give "the talk" [ my mom does it frequently ]

-when they pry into your private life.

-tell you "be home by 11" and they dont come home til 3.
- my dad is annoying every once a week when he's complaining about yet another virus on his computer (I study computing)
- when they kinda tell during the winter holiday that they are going to get a divorce... It is usually a holiday of celebrating xmas and new year... not this year
- they decide to drag you to a braai with the family friends who have know since you were three and hate with a passion.

-they read what you are doing/reading on the computer over your shoulder.

-they tell you to go to bed at 10 in the holidays

-my mom has a nervous breakdown if I am even 5 minutes late.

-my mother just shrugs it off when she picks us up an hour late. (um, hello? Double standards here!)

-when my mother gets annoyed because I change my plans and don't tell her because she doesn't ahve a cellphone where I can reach her.

-they try to act cool. (please, don't!)
My parents are annoying when....

-my mom gets my dad to yell at me (he's very scary when he's mad) when I won't listen
-my dad yells at me cause I don't get off the laptop the milisecond he tells me too.. Sorry I like saying bye to my friends... :rolleyes:
-they embarrass me infront of my friends.. which is all the time :p
-my mom gets mad at me when I'm watching a new episode of CSI Miami and start squeeing when there's a CaRWash scene. Apparently I can't get excited cause I'm too loud. pfft please. :lol:
sienna said:
-they tell me that CSI is not real life

I get that SOOOOOO much!!
Any way my list:

-They freak out about minor things
-They are to honest
-They threaten to do something even though they have said it a billion times before and still think you will fall for it
-They blame you for stuff they do
-They go and get a "little" tipsy and deny it the next day...

my list could go on for ages
when they keep you out WAYYY too late.

they have your neighbors spy on you

refuse to fake signitures on homework

andd go wear your retainer//glasses.
when they say where did we go wrong with you.. like outch

when they force me to hang out with my cousin

they say i am to mean pft yah right.

& way more