Your Parents are annyoying when........

When they bug me all the time
when they take the tv from you
when they take the computer from you
when my dad yells "Emily come here quick. quick quick" and i run and its somthing pathetic like he wants me to pick up my shoes or reclean the table.

its mostly my dad
When they drag you away from the computer at 12 am.
When they force you to eat raw food (just my mom, my dad is actually my rescuer here)
When they check on what you're doing ever 5 seconds.
When they limit your CSI intake. :lol:
When they yell at you and then you prove to them you didn't do whatever it was and they just get all grumpy.
sandersidle said:

I was talking to a friend, and she walked into the room. I changed the window so I could put a song on, so then she asks me why I was hiding the convo.

Oh man, my mom ALWAYS does that. I'm like mom leave me alone. I'm not hiding anything. :rolleyes:

-Your Mom hears you watching Grey's during one of CSI's commericials and goes "I thought you watched CSI."
-Complains about financial problems.
-My mom yelled at me about my GPA, which is a 3.57 :confused: that's not bad.
-Volunteer to take you somewhere and back-out at the last minute.
-Instead of grounding you from going out they take away CSI. :p
In all honesty, my parents aren't all that bad...
Some of you guys seem to have it a lot worse than I do.

The only thing that I could complain about is that my mom freaked out when I got a B on my grade card in AP Chemistry.
Can she do my Chem work, I don't think so, and yet I get yelled at. I know that I need the best grades that I can get, but that class is hard.

And I guess that the only other thing is that every time one of the three CSI shows comes on tv, my dad yells "re-run" even if it's not. It's not really mean or anything, it's just kind of annoying to hear every day.
My parents definatly aren't too bad. They just do little things that really irritate me.

-Like yelling your name six times when you've responded everytime.
you tell them you have to be left alone tonight to finish a project that you'll probably be up till hours doing and they call you every 2 minutes to do something :mad:
I guess my parents aren't that bad. They just annoy me when they are.

I have that problem too, my mom will come in and I'll be chatting instead of doing HW and I'll hide the window and she'll spend the next hour searching my computer for dirty stuff. Not that I have any. *whistles innocently*
When they complain about mothers of your friends or other people and tell you how horrible they are.
When they complain about your other parent to you.
When they yell after you make a mistake.
When they constantly forget to knock, even when you put up a sign. :lol:
cainesugar said:
When they complain about your other parent to you.

When they constantly forget to knock, even when you put up a sign. :lol:

hahaha my mom always complains about my dad and I always go, your married...? and she's like "yeah I guess."

The knocking thing is so annoying. My mom or dad or various other members of my family knock once and just walk in, It's annoying, especially when i change. :eek:
AshleyWillows said:
-Instead of grounding you from going out they take away CSI. :p

That has got to stink.

When I get in trouble for something when it was my brother who did it or started it
When my father has to help my brother practice the trumpet and they both do it in the family room. (its really loud)
when they keep bugging me about my spanish grade not being so good when everything else is (all A's except spanish C)
When they love peeking into your private life.
When they want to know everything about your life, and gossip with you about things going on at your school. I kid you not. :rolleyes:
I hate it when my dad wakes up and starts mowing the lawn at 6 then my mom starts the vaccumm cleaner like on hour later
They drum on the steering wheel.
OMG YEAH! Uber annoyance. It's like mi dad drums so hard I can't even hear the fecking song anymore!

When my mum calls me 'little one' I'm nearly 20 ma.