You Talk Funny!

Yeah, i get called canadian all the time cuz i watch curling. I am a big fan of canadian radio, mostly rock stations(buffalo stations suck and canadian rock is wicked) and HTZ FM and The EDGE are the two major stations i listen to.

(and a plus of watching canadian tv is i have 4 csi channels)
I was born in Philadelphia and grew up there for the first 7 years of my life before moving to Northern Ireland (Belfast) - I was educated in West Belfast, which, as anyone who knows anything about Belfast knows, has an extremely strong and distinctive accent. However, because I started out studying to be an actress (looooong time ago) I always made sure I didn't have a particularly strong West Belfast accent (that, and the fact that i hate the accent...) Then I moved around - lived in Dublin for a year, London for a year and a bit...

So, I now have a weird hybrid accent, parts of which are stronger than others at different times, depending on who I'm talking to, etc. Its American/Middle-of-the-road-Northern Irish / Dublin /with just a hint of London occasionally... Confused? I am indeed :D
when i was born i lived in a polish speaking neighborhood and i only spoke polish until i was about 3 or 4 - i didn't speak a word of english. The strange part is that my father only knows a little polish and my mom doesn't know any so i have no clue where i learned it from. I don't know how to speak it anymore but i really wish i did. I think it's cool being able to speak another language and i've tried to teach myself how to speak it again but it's a pretty hard language to learn.
I'm still shocked that when I was still chatting, someone told me "get off the mic you friggin' yank!" :lol: :lol:

I once again realized my Finnish way to speak ENglish when I spoke with one American reporter :( No matter how hard I try, there comes a difficult word, which reveals me :lol:
I was born in Philadelphia and grew up there for the first 7 years of my life before moving to Northern Ireland (Belfast) - I was educated in West Belfast, which, as anyone who knows anything about Belfast knows, has an extremely strong and distinctive accent. However, because I started out studying to be an actress (looooong time ago) I always made sure I didn't have a particularly strong West Belfast accent (that, and the fact that i hate the accent...) Then I moved around - lived in Dublin for a year, London for a year and a bit...

So, I now have a weird hybrid accent, parts of which are stronger than others at different times, depending on who I'm talking to, etc. Its American/Middle-of-the-road-Northern Irish / Dublin /with just a hint of London occasionally... Confused? I am indeed :D

Och, how much I would do for a Northern-Irish accent.. any Irish accent.. except Corkish :lol: jk! that'll be fine too.
*goes back to her pint of the black stuff in her flat over-populated country*
forensicsgirl i think its so cool how you have that accent. oooh i love irish accents. i went there when i was little and thought it was so cool how all of them spoke.

by the way nice icon- willow&tara rock!
me too! Me loves Irish accents too!

... I'm going to weddings soon. I heard half of people there will be Irish :lol:
..and I just got off the phone with an Irish friend.. he has this hot Dublin accent! And my exbf is coming over in November, and he's Irish, from Donegal.. hot hot hot!! I'm considering marrying him, so that my kiddos will have these gorgeous accents :lol: jk
I tend to have the New Jersey accent alot. But, when I get angry I talk in a New York Accent. My roots. Brooklyn bitch! :p

Umm...I also tend to say Foh instead of Four. A bunch of other words. We're all from New it's just the way I talk half the time.
Yeah, i get called canadian all the time cuz i watch curling. I am a big fan of canadian radio, mostly rock stations(buffalo stations suck and canadian rock is wicked) and HTZ FM and The EDGE are the two major stations i listen to.

(and a plus of watching canadian tv is i have 4 csi channels)

You rock! :D Seriously. I've listened to HTZ for 16 years :p The Edge is a back up station.

forensicsgirl :eek:, I can't believe you don't like your Irish accent. I'd do just about anything to have an Irish accent. Scottish would be cool too. :)
I reallly reallly don't like Irish accents. Everytime I talk to my uncle who is irish, and I always I have such a hard time understanding him. But it's worse when he's drunk.

Scottish accents are SO cute. Heh, when I talk to my english teacher personally, I always go pardon when she uses S words and she has to repeat it again in english accent but she doesnt do it very well. She struggles. :lol: *sigh* I do love my teacher.
I live in Arkansas, and apparently have a very thick Southern accent. :lol: When I was in school everyone used to comment on how thick my accent was, and to me they all talked the same way I did, lol. :D
I tend to have the New Jersey accent alot. But, when I get angry I talk in a New York Accent. My roots. Brooklyn bitch! :p

Umm...I also tend to say Foh instead of Four. A bunch of other words. We're all from New it's just the way I talk half the time.

i'm from jersey too and i'm so envious of new york accents. I also say rum instead of room and my mom always makes fun of the way i say crayon.
My family also has a problem saying tommy hilfigher. I say it right but my mom says hilfinger and my sister says hilfigure.
forensicsgirl :eek:, I can't believe you don't like your Irish accent. I'd do just about anything to have an Irish accent. Scottish would be cool too. :)

Hey now, I never said I didn't like the Irish accent. And I like my accent just fine (as messed up as it is) Its the broad west Belfast accent I have a problem with. No offence to anyone who has it, but after 21 years of listening to it, it's still painful on the ears. I prefer the more neutral versions of the NI accent - although I definitely prefer several of the Southern Irish accents...