You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

Hmm so I 'borrowed' some of these,

You know you're a New Zealander when...

You are used to Americans asking if your English when they hear your accent.

People automatically assume you are Australian, or worse think your country is part of Australia (I was once asked how long it took to drive across the Sydney harbour bridge to New Zealand - ummm we are nearly 1400 miles away!)

You think of the French as villains who explode nuclear bombs in your neighborhood

You think the English are emotionally repressed snobs who feed weird stuff to their cows instead of plain grass.

You call everyone by their first name, from the Prime Minister down.

You know what to do in an Earthquake: get into the nearest doorway before any other bugger and say, "Nah, i don't reckon it's the big one this time. We'll be right"

You reckon anyone who carries on about how great they are is an up-themselves wanker. Or an Australian.

You know someone who worked on The Lord of the Rings, Hercules or Xena.

You know something's horribly wrong if you've been driving for more then 2 hours without the scenery changing.

You wouldn't dream of wearing flip-flops on your feet. Thats what jandals are for.
Roka4csi said:
You know you're Lebanese when a bird pisses on your Internet box on the roof and it goes off for weeks - let alone what happens when it rains.

birds dont pee :p

you know youre canadian when:
youve memorized the words to the heritage moments commercials (my favourite is the burnt toast one :lol:)
you had a crush on joey jeremiah
you pity people who havent tasted a beavertail
you go to the washroom
you sing the abc song but say 'zed' at the end, even though it doesnt rhyme
the newpaper takes 6 pages to cover all the hockey the off season...
Dragonstar4 said:
-your dad's a doctor and your aunt, uncle, and grandfather are lawyers.
That right there described my family perfectly. I'm italian too :D

-You know you're italian when you ask your family if they've ever met any famous celebrities and they go on about how The Soprano's filmed right down where they used to live..... :rolleyes:
chaostheory08 said:
You know you're a Filipino (if you are raised in the Philippines) if you refer to the ladies room or comfort room simply as CR.


when you set your goals and you work for it at first, then suddenly give up later. Ngingas-Kugon, eka nga.

Crab Mentality, in English.
^Yeah, it stands for "comfort room".

It's common to find a Filipino to say, "I'll just go to the CR" if they have to go or wash their hands or something lol
You know you are a Finn when you go on strike if it's possible (or even when it's illegal), no matter how small thing it is. And you are on strike for long!
Wa'alikum Salam,Roka..I stil find the whole notion about having tea at shaou rather wierd...No offences...
And yes...Birds do not pee..haha...
You know you're Canadian when you...

want to be polite while chewing someone out for parking in reserved parking spots

insist on using extra 'u' in humour, colour, favourite,

get mad when people say Toronto, Canada, instead of Toronto, Ontario

would rather watch American shows on TV because for the most case Canadian show are not worth watching

get excited that a Canadian channel will not be showing your favourite American show, we may actually get to see clips of next week's show :)
You know you're a Canadian when . . .

You stand in "line-ups" at the movies, not "lines".
You eat chocolate bars instead of candy bars.
You drink pop, not soda.
You drive on a highway, not a freeway.
You wonder why there isn't a 5 dollar coin yet.