Hmm so I 'borrowed' some of these,
You know you're a New Zealander when...
You are used to Americans asking if your English when they hear your accent.
People automatically assume you are Australian, or worse think your country is part of Australia (I was once asked how long it took to drive across the Sydney harbour bridge to New Zealand - ummm we are nearly 1400 miles away!)
You think of the French as villains who explode nuclear bombs in your neighborhood
You think the English are emotionally repressed snobs who feed weird stuff to their cows instead of plain grass.
You call everyone by their first name, from the Prime Minister down.
You know what to do in an Earthquake: get into the nearest doorway before any other bugger and say, "Nah, i don't reckon it's the big one this time. We'll be right"
You reckon anyone who carries on about how great they are is an up-themselves wanker. Or an Australian.
You know someone who worked on The Lord of the Rings, Hercules or Xena.
You know something's horribly wrong if you've been driving for more then 2 hours without the scenery changing.
You wouldn't dream of wearing flip-flops on your feet. Thats what jandals are for.
You know you're a New Zealander when...
You are used to Americans asking if your English when they hear your accent.
People automatically assume you are Australian, or worse think your country is part of Australia (I was once asked how long it took to drive across the Sydney harbour bridge to New Zealand - ummm we are nearly 1400 miles away!)
You think of the French as villains who explode nuclear bombs in your neighborhood
You think the English are emotionally repressed snobs who feed weird stuff to their cows instead of plain grass.
You call everyone by their first name, from the Prime Minister down.
You know what to do in an Earthquake: get into the nearest doorway before any other bugger and say, "Nah, i don't reckon it's the big one this time. We'll be right"
You reckon anyone who carries on about how great they are is an up-themselves wanker. Or an Australian.
You know someone who worked on The Lord of the Rings, Hercules or Xena.
You know something's horribly wrong if you've been driving for more then 2 hours without the scenery changing.
You wouldn't dream of wearing flip-flops on your feet. Thats what jandals are for.