you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When you can watch the same epi over and over for a 100 times until you've wrote every detail of every procedure down. :D I've dun it
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

when you're having a conversation with a friend, and he says the word 'urine' and you immediately think of Doc Robins and say 'and you're out' :lol: (and of course, your friend then proceeds to give you a very strange look)
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Whenever you buy a cold Dr. Pepper at school, and you take it on the bus (where there is a LOT of body heat, mind) you always get your fingerprints all over the foggy part of the bottle and you are extremely tempted to print it.

And whenever you see someone's wad of gum on the sidewalk (or you feel it under the desk... ewww) you wonder it you can still get DNA from it.

Those are true stories. :p :D
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

...when your mom makes the voice recording for her cell phone while CSI is on, and so everytime I, or anyone else, calls her cell phone and she doesn't answer you can hear Warrick's voice in the background :lol: haha It's pretty funny...
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

... When you get the shivers every time you listen to Outside Chance from The Turtles (that was the song on the tape in Grave Danger)
... When every time you see something with Adidas you think All Day I Dream About Sanders XD
... When every time you see the numberplate on your car (which is SG-DL and then some number) you think it means "Sara/Greg Da Love" XD The most pathetic ever!
... When you get excited when you get classes about microscopes in biology and make a sample of the leek like a experienced Labrat :p
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When you spend a bunch of time trying to think of something to put in the 'You Know Your Addicted to CSI when' thread :D
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When the person who originally got you addicted to CSI starts to agree with you that it's beginning to become an unhealthy obsession, especially since I talk about it almost non stop sometimes in the two back to back periods I have with her.

And I must beg to differ with her. I always tell her that it's not obsession, it's called being past it. And I'm already past that which is crazy, and won't deny it.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

blackened623 said:
...when your mom makes the voice recording for her cell phone while CSI is on, and so everytime I, or anyone else, calls her cell phone and she doesn't answer you can hear Warrick's voice in the background :lol: haha It's pretty funny...

i did that my dad was recording his message during csi and you can hear me going "shut up nick is dying! have some decency"
when you want to fingerprint the cabinet at work that gets broken into but your boss points out that everyone has touched it and you don't have a database anyway.
when you sell people clear nail varnish instead of cream for insect bites.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2


1: When you already have a list of reasons.
2: When you've trained your family not to interrupt you while it's on, even it it's a repeat.
3: When your family knows your pet names for all the different characters of each of the three shows.
4: When your computer contains a file of CSI related pictures, subdivided into files labelled with character names, shipping names and show names. Even with files for characters you despise.
5: When you spend two years writing as Conrad Ecklie, and go so far as to give him a back story, because he has none.
6: When people ask you what the end to CSI was the other night, because they fell asleep, and they know you watch, and would remember, it.
7: When people who watch, and don't watch, CSI, groan when you mention it.
8: When you can tell people what episode they're thinking about, from minor, fuzzy, details, and then give them a probable episode name, and approximate episode number and season.
9: When you write as Sid Hammerback, and give him a back story as well.
10: When you collect DVDS of an actor, who you saw in CSI, and then became a fan of.
11: When you live on that actor's IMDB page.
12: When you've taken forensic classes at school in the past.
14: When you take human biology classes at school, and get excited over heart and bone dissections, because CSI has completed erased your gross out factor and gag reflex.
15: When you actually have spiders in jars, a cockroach in a jar, lizard skin, and people give you bugs as present after they've come back from trips.
16: When your collection of CSI related media is all together in a play list, and is over 14 hours long.
17: When you play six degrees of separation with various CSI actors, namely Marc Vann, and find that you can relate anybody back to them, or him.
18: When you personally CSI themed your computer desktop, complete with silver taskbar, and little twirly coin mouse pointer.
19: When you have CSI related dreams. (I've had three. Eek!)
20: When you make efforts to memorize Grissom's Bloodlines speech, even though you can already quote a lot of the show.
21: When you annually ride a rollercoaster twice a year, even though you're afraid of heights, you're head gets knocked around a bit, and you're generally scared of big, speedily moving, things. Just because Grissom loves them, so much.
22: When you write fan fiction, make pictures, music videos, which are all CSI themed, and have a story that's already over twenty pages in length.

Ok, so, that's my top twenty two, personal, reasons. Just thought I'd contribute. Twenty three should probably be, when you can recite twenty three reasons why you're addicted to CSI, off the top of your head... Surprisingly, I have other fandoms, that I’m almost as equally addicted to. *Is a crazy fangirl.* :D ... *Cough.*

Wait, wait!

24: When you smartly combined Grissom’s glasses and Horatio’s glasses in your mind, and get a pair that looks like a hybrid of them together, that go dark in the sun... Because you actually need glasses, like I do.

25: When you have to make a clay head, and your clay head looks like Grissom, and has the hair of Grissom, Horatio, and Ecklie, combined.

I am crazy fangirl! Hear me meow!
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Sushie_Shuakhwe said:

I am crazy fangirl! Hear me meow!

Yes you are :D but then we all are a little!

When you've just had your hair cut (today) and realise you have gone from Sara's hair in season 3 to Sara's hair in season 4! Maybe it's just the way my hairdresser straightened it? I hope... Otherwise I may be three years out of date! :p
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

At least you didn't end up like Nick's almost bald look.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

- You took every Thursday night off of work from the season premier to the season finale.

- You yell, and shout, and cry at the screen when something you don't like happens to your favourite character. <3

- Your photobucket account is overrun by CSI screencaps.

- Your RP characters AI (Actor Image) is someone from CSI.

- It does not need to be discussed whenever Thursday rolls around. The O.C. is NOT going to be on the main television. CSI is automatically accepted, because of you and only you.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You catch yourself standing with your hands on your hips and you chuckle :lol:
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Sushie_Shuakhwe said:
19: When you have CSI related dreams. (I've had three. Eek!)
oh yes.. How about people/actors from CSI in your dreams that have nothing to do with CSI.. I've had a couple.. :eek:
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When your neighbor gives you a book called

Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation

Here I thought you would like this.. is what he said