you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

messinwithmesser said:
when you watch the episodes on your ipod to/from work!

haha, :lol: I do that too, only I watch them on the bus to/from, and sometimes at school in the morning. I probably have like 50 episodes on it! And I plan on adding more as long as there's more room. :D
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When you post the CSI schedule near the tv so everybody else knows when you get the tv.... ;)
Monday Miami 9pm
Wed NY 8pm
Thurs CSI 9pm
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

So, today in English, we had to write a story in thirty minutes using all 20 of our Shakesperean vocabulary words so I wrote a CSI:NY fanfic about a blind begger being cudgeled to death by a guy named Joe Mama and our CSI's had to solve the case. Yeah, I got an A+! Woo Hoo!
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Taking control of the television to watch CSI on its designated night for me (Tuesday), making all my family watch the repeats using CSI as my media coursework and planning my schedule and other important events such as family getotgethers around CSI (i.e will there be a tv there to watch CSI on?) Basically not being able to stop thinking about watching CSI or any of the characters and how hott/cool they are.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

...when your mom tries to wake you up in the morning in the middle of a CSI dream, and she later tells you that you said to her, "wait, I'm collecting evidence..." hahaha :lol:
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

LoveStCoffeShop said:
hhunter said:
I'm not quite sure where to put this, I think it would fit here, I'll move it if it comes up :)

I think I am addicted when MY DAUGHTERS make a picture like this...............


That was so adorable!

Aww, how cute :)
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When you really should be working (after all they are paying you..) but all you can think about it what cute pictures of Nick will be posted next.

Or, when last night you watched Miami, the repeat of NY and didn't want a break of 30 minutes before Living TV showed season 4 repeat of CSI, so watched it on DVD instead. (Only saving grace is that, by doing that, I did get to bed before midnight...) ;)
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

First post.. figures it'd be in a thread like this ;)

Watching the news last night and seeing a story about a guy in full bondage gear, complete with gag and mask, handcuffed to a metal fence who died.

My first thought? "Wasn't that a CSI episode?"
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

A few days back I dreamed about this very board. Don't remember it all but I was reading some posts about CSI...I felt a little pathetic when I woke up :lol:
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2


when you write 'CSI TONITE' on all of your papers the day of the premeir.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

haha, I know, I have "new CSI tonight" written in like 4 different places in my planner. And, if you look carefully, you'll see "CSI" written on the wall in my 7th p. class. haha, wow what a loser... :rolleyes:
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

lol Love

I saw a dead bee on the floor at work and thought Gris would be sad...then wondered if i should make like Sara and the gorilla and bury it...rofl.

*pictures the gang picking up fake spiderwebs and bugs to decorate the breakroom for halloween* stuff's already out at JoAnn.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When you are putting latex gloves on in you lab techingues class and think ok i'm ready. where's grissom?
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When your listening to the Who's -Who are you song while updating the CSI page on your website :cool: