you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

i did that but i kept them on my eyes when i didnt need to but i put them on my head because i looked wierd
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

i look weird either way... in chem lab last year i never took them off... even if i ws just pouring water into a dish :lol:
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You know your addicted to CSI when you rush out and buy a season adn have to watch it all that night. :)
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You know you're addicted to CSI when you see blood at the butcher's shop and hide in the corner and swab it... :lol: im evil
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When watching Girlfriends and one of the girls yells "Don't forget to tape CSI" as she's running out the door, you go crazy at the mention of CSI and your roommate just looks at you like ur crazy.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You know you're addicted when even your 10th grade science teacher doesn't get what you're talking about
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You know you're addicted to CSI when you see blood at the butcher's shop and hide in the corner and swab it... :lol: im evil

:lol: Or you go to the owner and say, "I appears that there is a high velocity blood splatter(sp?) over there. Would you mind if I took a sample?"
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

when your bio lab teacher mentions that in today's lab were going to use phenolphthalein to act as an indicator in the experiment we were doing on enzymes... and you jump up and scream -YOU CAN ALSO USE IT TO DETECT BLOOD!!!

We had to use it in Chem once, which immediately caused me to tell in depth for the next few minutes the person next to me how they use it to test for blood.

I was going through my friend's contacts on her phone, trying to find another friends number, when I came across a contact labeled 'CSI Uncut', and when I checked out the number it was mine.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You know you are addicted when the 50 per cent of the day you talk about csi ad the another 50, you ask someone to talk about it!!That's me!
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

jorja_fan86 said:
Or you go to the owner and say, "I appears that there is a high velocity blood splatter(sp?) over there. Would you mind if I took a sample?"
LOL how do you say that in arabic?! I think I'll try it today.

We had to use it in Chem once, which immediately caused me to tell in depth for the next few minutes the person next to me how they use it to test for blood
:lol: i talked nonstop about it, telling them every detail I knew, including the chemcial formula of it! (C2OH14H4) and ended up trying it in the lab - but my lab partner wouldnt let me get her blood.... i wonder why..
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

...u realize half-way through a conversation ur doing the Greg Face (aka mouth to one side, eyebrows raised).
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

^^ i dig that... i always wanted to say that CSI is not csi... never had the guts.
you know you're addicted when you fight with someone and instantly compare them to one of the CSI's (coughECKLIEcough)

Guilty! You know you're addicted when you beg for all 5 of the $60.00 DVDs and you find out as much about the actors as you can and add them as interesting little tidbits to your conversations with friends. When you make and Ecklie voodoo doll...not that i've done that...
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

...u realize half-way through a conversation ur doing the Greg Face (aka mouth to one side, eyebrows raised).

i do that well i only do the eyebrow bit but i also find my slef doing the grissom pouty lip thing
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When you're on a rollercoaster about to fall off the edge of Lebanon and all you're thinking is "Grissom??"...

When you're watching a laser show and the blue lights makes you think of glowy semen and you look for a crime scene.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When everytime someone mentions forensic science, you actually start to listen to the conversation!!!