You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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-when the olive oil advert comes on and you think of the olive oil episode and olive oil and ties.

-when your on holiday in la and al you do is look for people who may be the cast of csi (i actually saw a carminealike) :eek:

and the best that i think we all can apreciate is when you sit infront of the tv on csi ny night and when the theme tune plays and it comes on you get that fuzzy warm happy feeling. :p :)
- when you hear your parents talking about a Mac Apple laptop and you go like "Mac in the big Apple?" :lol: I know I'm crazy.

-or when your sister's (2) and she's trying to sing the theme song while you just stand there and play the fake guitar and encourage her.
You know when you watch to much csiny when you are on holiday and see a bar called 'Stella's bar' and suddenly get excited!!!
-you refer to the dirt and stuff in your shoe bag as "trace"

-you refill the Q-tip jar and think you really need to be swabbing for evidence :p
PerfectAnaomaly said:

Your dog licks you in the face and you refer to the drool on your glasses as "high velocity dog spatter."

Which then caused "high velocity coffee splatter" all over the monitor when I read this....... :lol: :lol:
I just realized I was asking for advice on LJ about making friends in my new city and what the hell "style code in effect" means using the quote "Okay you guys are going to have to explain this to me like I'm a five year old" and didn't even realize it until after I had posted. I have thus spent the last five minutes snickering to myself. Maybe I really have been watching too much CSI:NY. Nah...
You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When... you have self printed wallpapers from your favourite couples like SMacked, Pac and from the whole cast of CSI:NY on each of your walls..just everywhere. :D Seriously, my room looks like that. ;)

...when you're at work and all you can do is writing future scenes for your own CSI:NY story. Done that and nobody noticed it. ;) realize in the middle of a very important press conference that your voice recorder is exactly the same Flack has in 'The ride in' and you decide to take it and examinate it while all the jurnalists look at you with weird faces. look at a magazine spread about decoratiing, and notice that the children's place cards say Aiden and Claire, and you cry a little. (Or alot...)

I wish I had a scanner to show you guys the pic... (I'm Not Crazy!)
1CSIMfan :
You read Danny/Flack fanfics til the wee hours of the morning.
I'm addicted :devil:. I think about how cute they would be together... and I hate Lindsay for messing Danny up :mad:.
csi_fanatic87 :
When you pick up a tounge habit just because Danny and Flack do it
It's so, so sexy when they do it :D.

and also...
-When you use the term "KINKapoodle" as a nickname for your significant other ;).
-Melt everytime you hear that hot and sexy New York accent :D.
-You'd prefer a man in a tank-top :)... always. (they could always take it off later :devil:)
-Think of hidden messages or codes on t-shirts. (thanks to Shane)
-You play air-keyboards whenever you hear the theme song.
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