You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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^^ :lol: :lol:

... when you start calling your younger friends... kiddo :p

... when you have Smacked dreams :p... or dream with any of the characters :lol:
^^ :lol::lol:
Dude, don't laugh at me! :lol: I seriously remember being at my computer, reading a thread and thinking 'wait a second, that thread doesn't even exist in the NY forum'... :rolleyes:
When... you show that edoclaundry thing to your classmates (especially the ones who saw last night's ep, Hung Out to Dry)and tell them it works in real life too...

When... you browse around here while you actually have German class ;)

When... you squeel everytime while you're running to your room when CSI: NY almost starts (my parents know by now that when they hear "w00t!!!" they don't have to disturb me ;) )
When the theme music come on and you throw your hands in the air and sing along at the top of your voice!

When your Ipod or MP3 is full of songs used in the past three seasons!!
...when your mom and you argue abotu what your wednesday night 10 PM time slot will be like.

...when your brother has no clue whatsoever what your doing on the PC talking about "kinkapoodles" to your friends.
-You have this giant urge to check the boards the moment you get out of bed (guilty as charged)
-You count down the days/hours/minutes to the next episode :)lol:I did that last week with SOOH)
-You write fanfics about the characters (me!!)
-You use scientific terms in everday situations
-You're on here pretty much 24/7 (I try)
-You watch the re-runs even though you've seen the episode :)lol: I just do it for D/L action...and to see Gary Sinise)
-You try to get your friends into the show (I tried with one of my best friends but it didn't really work. With my other best friend, I constantly tell her to watch the show but yah that failed too)
-You're in the middle of a conversation and suddenly trail off into something about the characters/show
-You tell complete strangers about your obsession
*pops head in*

you know you watch too much csi:ny when you.....
get into a fight with your husband b/c he says the show is stupid :mad:
You know you watch too much CSI:NY when you want to throw swabs and test tubes at peanut's husband for saying that it's stupid, even though you've never met him. ;)
You know that you watch too much CSI: NY when...

Your best friend asks you what you want for Valentine's Day, you reply Flack,(duh!) and the next day in Chemistry class she brings you a HUGE collage of Flack pictures and has you to paste it onto the front of your binder.--And it's still there.

Also, you know you watch too much when you are like "dead to the world" alseep and yet you can still wake up at five minutes until ten on a Wednesday night. Just in time for the show!
--I did this once. I just wandered out into my family room at ten o'clock and my mother's like "weren't you just asleep", and I reply "And miss New York? I don't think so"
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