You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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when wandering around chapters, you come upon a montana/wyoming travel guide and automatically think of lindsay and flacks convo during CotP.

Flack: "where do they have block parties in Montana?"
Lindsay: "Wyoming"

or at least i think thats how that goes..i was quoting from memory.
I saw a story on my Comcast news...the story itself is sad, a baby found dead in a storage unit, but the officer they were talking to, his last name is Messer. But his first name isn't Danny though.
Shelbers said:
when wandering around chapters, you come upon a montana/wyoming travel guide and automatically think of lindsay and flacks convo during CotP.

Flack: "where do they have block parties in Montana?"
Lindsay: "Wyoming"

or at least i think thats how that goes..i was quoting from memory.

Something with Montana happened to me too!..I was reading a text in english and it had Montana in it and I was smiling.. :lol: :)
when you live in l.a, recgonize local landmarks in the show and think "wonder if they might be filming there again today.................."
When the phone rings at lunch time when your surfing the net catching up on posts and you answer "Hello Mac Taylor's Office"

I have done it twice now, my boss is called Mark.
...When you've finally get past the fact that Anna Belknap will not take acting lessons and realize that her character is in NO way whatsoever a 'Montana' type resident.
^^ Haha, I bet his last name isnt Taylor either...

Nope it isnt. I was so make it worse the person I answered the phone to was the company owners son. Luckily he saw the funny side and he sent me a pic of Gary via email.
when searching for an email a client send "with" the boss and type "eddie cahill" in the search box...
(yes, she was sitting right in front of me and looking at my monitor)
when you go out with friends and can only talk about the latest episode of CSI:NY. Or if you call family and talk to your little sister about the show, and of course Carmine Giovinazzo!
(i've done this just this past weekend!)
ok when walking to class you see a tipped over shopping cart and start cracking up. and of course all i could think about that class was carmine and the idiot run. lol.
When people start calling you Montana. (No joke, I get called either montana or DaVid *like from NCIS*)

And you start calling yourself that too. :p
- you answer your cell phone by your last name or 'Bonasera' :lol: I do that all the time!

- you see kids that look like the team or their kids, you think "Hey! Little Danny JR!!" (I saw this really cute boy around 6 and he's like, Danny Messer JR! INcluding glasses!)

- you acquire Danny's lip licking habit and it drives your frineds nuts!!!

-you tilt your glasses onto your forehead when using a microscope during science and biology class! (my friends never get why! except my sister and my best bud.. she just rolls her eyes good naturedly :rolleyes: )

- your New York accent gets thicker like Danny's whenever you talk about him or anything Italian :devil:
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