You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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*ealier in the thread* when you put your glasses like how Danny does when you look into a microscope

I do biology class we where doing a lab and we used the microscops and I just did it...later my friend asked me why I did it and at first I didn't even know that I did it and then I told her why and she was like, "He is so cute" and I had to agree with her. and now I do it all the time.
I've been seeing 'Invincible' DVD ads and hearing the Teenage Wasteland music with it. " hey get your own song" lol
when you explain things by comparing them to various eps. "See, its just like this one time in LRC..."
catey1234 said:
when you watch other crime procedural shows set in Ny, and expect your favorite Csi's to show up there too.

That would be cool like a crossover with one of the Law and Orders....I would love that epi.
..when you are reading a review about a new a film and there is just a mention of CSI and you are all smiles!!
I was reading the Top Ten list thread down in Media and came accross the one, I think it was top Logo shows or something. One of them was 'Gary's Anatomy' and I probably don't have to tell you where my mind went LOL
you're driving around the city with your friends and see a billboard of gary for a watch ad and say, "hey, look, i'ts MAC!" ( & your friends look at you with a , "who's MAC look?" hahaha :lol: )
you delayed leaving for a party to watch more of "trapped". i dont have the dvd's (yet), and can you blame me...i mean danny loses more and more clothing as the episode progresses. plus its one of my favourites anyhow ;)
You asked your optometrist for the new Giorgio Armani full-length poster hanging in his front office window. Why? The model is Carmine as Danny Messer, sporting Armani glasses. :lol:

He said I can have the poster after the campaign's over! :D
^^Holy cow! I'm gonna have to move up my appt to see if they have that poster at my optometrist's office! :lol:
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