You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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Ok, someone seriously needs to find that picture or take a picture of that poster somewhere. :lol:
yea.. that pic sounds amazing!

..when you see a neighborhood named "Tanglewood" and its letters are exactly like the tattoo, so you think directly of Danny which makes you think of Carmine, then you cant think ok anything the rest of the day.
Haha, there's a "Tanglewood" area in my subdivision, and we like to joke about Danny when we drive by it. It's kind of lame really, but my mom and I think it's funny. :eek:
^^yes I agree, that pic has to be found :p. I think I'm going crazy, I just had a dream where my whole class in school was searching this giantic mall to find an optometry place with the poster, and we only ended up finding Suri Cruise. :lol:
darx2mint4 said:
^^yes I agree, that pic has to be found :p. I think I'm going crazy, I just had a dream where my whole class in school was searching this giantic mall to find an optometry place with the poster, and we only ended up finding Suri Cruise. :lol:
:lol: Now THAT'S random! I had a dream that I was related to Suri... Hmmm... But, I think that should go under the heading "You know you read too many tabloids when...."
When you smell fireworks and say "I smell GSR," in a sinister voice.

When you're at Ikea you only look at the pictures with New York. (they had one in black and white and one in neon colors and I even noticed that they made the pictures at different times cause I saw that the b/w one had an ad for L&O SVU and the neon one Will and Grace XD)

When you want to have cards with art of New York on it. (and your mom even buys them for you and get frames for them too!) and she immediatly knows it's something CSI related.
^^ I almost bought a NYC calendar today...NYC is a really pretty city, but half of my reason was because of CSI... :D I didnt end up doing it though...
you see Gary Sinise as the video "trainer" on the ride at Epcot's Mission:Space and smile when someone in the crowd goes "Hey isn't he the guy on that CSI show?" and you instinctively answer the stranger "Yeah-Detective Mac Taylor in CSI:NY..."
Why? The model is Carmine as Danny Messer, sporting Armani glasses.
OH MY GOD! I'm screaming. I love fashion and ad campaigns, but I've never heard of this. Can someone take a photo of the damn picture please??? Thanks. And are we sure that it's an ad campaign?
I got the Senses game yesterday and now I sooooo want an NY version. I want mini-Mac and mini-Stella and all the rest *g*
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