You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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when you tell all you're friends the danny quote- "waterproof mascara dries your eyelashes" and they're now sick of it
When you buy the new People's Magazine because they list Carmine Giovinazzo as one of the sexyest men alive. You then proceed to cut the picture out and hanging it up with your CSI shrine. (yes, I do have a csi shrine)
I was just looking through some boxes of stuff from my old house (I've just moved) and I found something I'd forgotten about. It was my CSI scrapbook! A while ago I used to get pictures of ANYTHING CSI related and stick it in. :D Yes, I believe I qualify as obsessed. But it's nice to come here and see other obsessed people (no offence anyone :D)!
None taken. I have a collage of Keith Urban (my hero) pinned to my wall, and thrown in are my CSI pictures, including the People's pic of Carmine! I also spend my entire spare (an hour and a half) on this site.
I just remembered two incidents that happened to me:

-You are in school and your next subject is Science and so you have to go to the Science Lab for lessons.
Guess what I said completely unintentionally? "C'mon! Let's go to the Crime Lab!" My friends laughed at me for days... :lol:

-You are able to pick up a word relating to CSI in an article that supposedly has nothing to do with CSI.
There was a review for some movie and the reviewer said that CSI crimes were more realistic than what the movie offered. It was just one sentence in a mass of words I wasn't interested in, and yet, I picked up the word CSI...

... when you try to convince people that there's an actor called Carmine Giovinazzo.
It's true, here he's unknown...
Crime Lab... :lol:
They don't know Carmine Giovinazzo? well that could happen but look at this:

- when you tell your students that you think Gary Sinise is handsome, and you don't care he could be your father, and they say: who is Gary Sinise?, so you explain, the guy from CSI:NY, and they answer: what's that?, and your students are only 4 years younger than you :lol: :( (I'm 23)
I think the People's issue is Nov. 27th, but I'm not sure. He only has a small article, but I bought it anyways! :D
Crime Lab? I did that! We call ours a 'super lab' but My CSI friends and I put on our safety goggles and say we're going to the crime lab.
How about every time I put latex gloves on in the kitchen at school I make some sort of reference to processing something.

And I'm always worried about fingerprints and GSR. :lol:
Nim! That happens to me so often too.

Me: I love Carmine Giovinazzo!
Friend: *unintelligent squint* Gio-ni-what?

Sigh... :lol:
We wear latex gloves in the deli that I work at and I have a habit of taking them home with me. I can't just leave my fingerprints lying around where anyone can find them!q
DAnNSfreak said:
Nim! That happens to me so often too.

Me: I love Carmine Giovinazzo!
Friend: *unintelligent squint* Gio-ni-what?

Sigh... :lol:

LOL it took me forever to realize it was 'Giovinazzo' and not 'Gionivazzo'
Well, I read the list of the actors in CSI: NY before its premiere here and I swear I thought Carmine Giovinazzo was one of the girls. But then in the first episode when I saw the credits I was like OMG it's a boy!!!! *blushes*

- About the gloves things: sometimes I have to clean the cage of my birds so I put gloves on and I say: I'm gonna process Fili's cage :p
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