"You Kill Me" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Hilarious episode. Really good writing (and makeup!)...maybe there should be a Lab Rat Spinoff. Great chemistry between Hodges and Wendy. Archie is hot. Henry cracks me up.
hellogilbert said:
The CSIs working on the cases as the Lab Rats tried to figure them out was a good idea, but some of the facial expressions and reaction were completely OC. Like Cath's face when she looked at the plant and whatever Greg mouthed when he was in autopsey.
That was the point- it was from the techs' perspective.

Even if it was from the techs perspectives, it was still oddly used.
hellogilbert said:
The CSIs working on the cases as the Lab Rats tried to figure them out was a good idea, but some of the facial expressions and reaction were completely OC. Like Cath's face when she looked at the plant and whatever Greg mouthed when he was in autopsey.
That was the point- it was from the techs' perspective.

yeah, i think that was the point, too...since it was exaggerated, and you were seeing stuff they wouldn't normally do. Like Brass shooting Bobby D like that.

Also, it looks like they were giving us some Warrick foreshadowing, with him all hyper, maybe on some meds perhaps
I think the whole Greg "Yeah, Whatever" thing was just for humor. Not necessarily an incident, but just for fun and added a little more to the episode.
It really didn't seem like humor, more like he was pissed off and took it out on the closest person. Which is very un Greg like.
Yeah, the Warrick part made me sad. Poor guy... Already going down hill. It seems like Grissom, who's pretty pretty preoccupied moping about Sara, won't be much support for him, so I'm hoping the other CSIs will step up.

I also thought the exaggeration was due to Hodges, who is after all, a bit of a drama queen ^_^
Well....I loved it....I love the humor, the underlining comments and ribbing, one toward the other, the play to the camera by the CSI's etc. I too love the lab-rats, love Hodges, but it's always great seeing them all together. It was mentioned after Labrats that the techs had good chemistry together, and I personally think it was proved once again.

Great to see all the CSI's and Brass, doc and superdave too. Poor ole Bobby...lol! Coming back to the show after all this time, and have Hodges do all this to him, (even though it was just a "game"...heheh!)

I was curious about Greg's reaction. I figured it had something to do with the game, but apparently not!

I do agree the episode was a little corny, but I couldn't stop laughing. One thing I laughed at was when Hodges was "SHOT" in his scenario ans siad the killer was in the lab , grissom asked if he was eligible...:lol:
Yeah, what was with that? Warrick gambling? Have the writers or TPTB forgotten about his addiction as well as his marriage? Hmm. And why didn't Nick do anything about it like before?
No Sign OF Sexual Trauma, i about died laughting that was great. and so was teh whole running gag with Bobbby D. Hhaa. I loved the new opeing credits, so either Sara/Jorga are gone for good, or the wriitters are trying to trick us. Love how the guys would point to the edivence. funny

Most of all, I want to knw why Greggo is in such a bad mood. Yeah, whatever. Please do explain, hopefully we'll find out in futher epidoses.
From my perspective, it doesn't look like Grissom is moping over Sara's departure at all. In fact, he seems like regular old Grissom now, and I like that.

"didn't you know? only GSR gets continuity "

Boy, xfcanadian, ain't that the truth!
Well Greg could have just been tired, remember Nick and Warrick were discussing how it had been a long shift, indicating busy night. So gregs response to Grissoms goodnight could have just been him being tired. I am pretty sure some of us have had those moments when their tired and sometime comes out sharp without realizing it because to you its just being tired.

I loved the Lab-Rat Game, I thought it was a very cool episode and that light hearted atmosphere was more dominate, Just what is needed after last weeks ep. The lab rats fineally get in on something in which they can be the CSI's, and how the CSI's when the rats were stumped were nodding or hinting. As to Grissom playing the game, in a way I didn't find it strange, I think I would have found it strange if he hadn't, we all know that Grissom doesn't like to back down from a puzzle.

I think the light heartedness of the ep, the creative way they did it so that they got the lab rats involved, and how instead of the CSI's being in charge they were basically controlled by the Lab-Rats, and keeping Brass to his funny side, and managing to use just about, if not everyone in any given scene, made for a good show tonight, imo I give this ep - 9/10
LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!
9.7 I think! So many one liners, some stuff I didn't get, I'll have to see it again tomorrow, I'm too tired to concentrate now.
This one was awesome! I'm not a Sara-hater, but it sure was nice not to have her moping around. Loved, loved, loved the new credits too!

But...did anyone notice, and why...did Warrick, Nick, and Grissom all have their collars up like Elvis??
They DID have their collars up like Elvis. I thought the same thing!! I loved how smart the techs were in this episode. It was fun to see them working as a team to solve each of these. They really are fun to watch.