"You Kill Me" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Well Greg could have just been tired, remember Nick and Warrick were discussing how it had been a long shift, indicating busy night. So gregs response to Grissoms goodnight could have just been him being tired. I am pretty sure some of us have had those moments when their tired and sometime comes out sharp without realizing it because to you its just being tired.

Yeah, but Greg worships the ground Grissom walks on. It was juat a very un-Greg-like thing to say to his mentor. I can easily see him saying that to anyone else, but Grissom is like a god to Greg. It just seemed out of sorts.

Maybe I'm wishing for something that's never going to happen, and that's a real grown up conversation between Greg and Grissom. I'd love to hear Grissom tell Greg that he's doing a great job, or tell him that he's been promoted to a CSI level II, or just speak to him as an equal.

Didn't mean to stray from the discussion.

Wendy is such a beautiful young woman. Gorgeous eyes. I was surprised to hear that she's 35-years-old. I thought she was younger than that.

Loved Archie. He's such a doll!
Funny episode.

Poor Bobby :lol:

I kinda liked how Nick was trying to be nice but wasn't pushing too hard.

This episode was also more balanced in terms of screentime for everybody then Lab Rats.

I thought Greg snapping at Grissom was weird too, but there are many reasons to snap at someone without reliezing it, inculding being tired. It would be interesting if there was something more to it then that.

I could totally see Hodges pissing off Greg enough to have an arguement to turn nasty somehow, if Greg were all ready on edge for some reason.
I thought the episode was brillant and well written. I loved the humor! Especially Hodges face as he was lying of the table in front of the doc. A huge grin plastered on his face. It was just hysterical.

I thought Greg's "whatever" comment was really snappy, and I don't think it had anything to deal with being tired. If he was so tired, I could see him walking by Grissom without saying anything. I think perhaps...Greg blames Grissom for Sara leaving? Just a thought. I mean heck Grissom was Sara's boss and lover, and yet he was too blind to see that his employee/girlfriend(recently turned fiance)was in over her head?!?!?!? For such a wonderful relationship :rolleyes: , they surely didn't read each other very well. So maybe Greg is angry with him... because he feels the relationship was inappropriate, and just hindered Sara emotionally. JMO.

Or perhaps it has nothing to do with Sara, but the fact that maybe he feels Grissom hasn't really been a boss lately or that he has been too assorbed in his personal life at work to see how the others are doing.
that is the second time the word 'hypothalamus' has been mispronounced. Grissom did the same thing in dog eat dog. They keep pronouncing it 'hypothamus' gah!
I had to laugh at the gun theory. They were kind of right about the muzzle loader idea, but you just can’t drop a bullet onto smokeless powder and it will fire. You need a few other items in there as well. It also has to be set firmly against the powder. If not all you would get is a flash, and your gun could go boom.

I really did like the rest of the show, and Greg is defiantly angry about something. Makes me wonder if Sara said something to Greg about Grissom not having confidence in Greg or something to that nature?

Hope everyone in the states had a nice Thanksgiving.
Or maybe Greg was mad because he found on Nick asked Warrick [and Griss] out to breakfast instead of him...

Whoops, sorry. It's the shipper in me coming out to play. :lol:
love love love love LOVE this episode! Probably my favorite so far! Seriously. It definitely makes up for the not-so-great ones lately. I LOVE Hodges, he's so funny. "You think I'm smart?" had me roflmao, and SuperDave! Hahaha XD
What an incredible eppy.

I had the feeling Greg's comment to Grissom was nothing more than a normal reaction to a bad day at work? I mean, we didn't get to see what happened with the CSI's all day. Maybe he had to dig through another dumpster? :rolleyes: :p I seriously doubt it has anything to do with Sara, though, or Grissom, for that matter. It would be really dumb if it was IMO.
Was Grissom's comment about Sara visiting her mom just his way of avoiding talking about it?

gah I was hoping the rumored phone call would be there.
Top ten reasons to love this episode:

10 - "Running gag..."

9 - the return of ProblemSolver!Grissom

8 - Hodges' goofy post-mortem grin

7 - Bobby D, even if only to be persecuted by Hodges

6 - Wendy's reaction to Hodges gamepiece likeness of her. If he thought he stood a chance with her...I'm thinkin' not so much anymore...

5 - Aggro!Greg.

4 - Continuity, thy name is Lucky Chips.

3 - "No sign of sexual trauma"

2 - Not verbatim, but roughly: Hodges: "You can't. You're the victim." Archie: "Then I'd say I have a vested interest in the matter." Somethng like that. I'm sure I'll be rewatching this one often!! Speaking of which...


This one gets ten gold stars, a happy face, and a headbang with devil horns, a rock-lock and cookie-monster vocals. It RAWKED. Kudos to the whole cast, special props to Langham, Kao, Vassey, Rappaport, Wellner and welcome returnee McCullouch. If the writers' strike is resolved quickly enough to avoid leaving this season with an asterisk, let's hope for one more gem like this...
Such a GREAT episode! If this doesn't convince the network to do a Lab Rats spinoff I don't know what will! Loved Henry on PCP, loved Wendy and Hodges flirtation. Just great to see a different type of episode. I hope this Lab Rats theme is repeated every year.
Love the list KORBJAEGER, I definitely agree with all you stated above! :lol: Loved the: "WHO DONE IT, AND HOW?" as well.

The episode was definitely written with creativity and humor in mind! I hope the two groups can come to an agreement come the 26th. Thats when they are suppose to sit down with the other again.