"You Kill Me" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Where the hell is Greg? What, did Eric piss off the writers or something? I missed the first 5 minutes of this episode, but still no Greg. I'm about ready to throw something! Dammit!

Edited because the commercial is over, and oh, there he is. Okay, I feel better now.
To say I'm disappointed with the scene between Cath and Gil would be the understatement of the year. Seriously, we don't even get a good scene with him and Brass?

Just because Sara left doesn't give Gil rights to be a jerk. He's been friends with Brass and Catherine for a long time. Or at least, season 1-5 Grissom was. His second personality (season 6-8) apparently hasn't.

And not happy to hear about Wendy maybe taking the field test. We already have enough CSIs and enough good actors fighting for screen time *cough, Warrick* Oh well. Ep's not over yet. Hopefully it'll get better.
I don't think Griss was a jerk. Actually, I thought both scenes were, in the words of Henry, "Endearing." Anyway, just IMO.
Hm, what's that thing Greg had on his ear? Was it Hodges' attempt to make him seem unintelligent, along with the slow, stilted speech? And do you think that Greg is angry because he heard about Hodges' portrayal of him? So far as I can tell, there was no other explanation given for his bad mood. I'm crossing my fingers that it's something else, that will be explored next episode.
Well I'm just talking about lately. Not in this ep exactly. I don't like how he's not as connected to the team as he used to be. It bugs me.

Hodges is such a dork. He really bugs me sometimes with his suck-up and know it all-ness... but he's such a dork. And i love that
Sniff. Grissom must REALLY have too much time on his hands to be playing with Hodges. Grissom being nice to Hodges. Creepy. Not that Grissom isn't nice, but dude, it's HODGES! Who just saw him and Sara- *sobbing to hard to finish babbling*
This is better than 'Lab Rats'.

Aww, poor Greg. I think he's mad at Grissom for letting Sara go without a fight... or something. *shrugs*
I love this episode. I love the chemistry between all the lab rats...especially Wendy and Hodges. I think she said that about the field test and it made him worried about her. I thought that was sweet. Funny funny show.
I thought this was hysterical. I love the lab rats together. So nice to see something this lighthearted after last week.