Yelina Salas #2: 'Get Back To Where You Once Belonged'

I do love that interview. Thanks for the link, Ani.

Lucy said:
I remember DC describing the H/Y relationship as being like 'Silent thunder'. I think HnM posted the quote awhile back in the Shipper Forum. :)

This took some digging...
Here's what I posted. It's dialouge from an interview that he did on a local station. Never really found out the date:

"There's a lot of unsaid things going on between our characters. We both try to make it so that the viewers can see it without it being spoken out loud, silent thunder. Personally, I like that electric charge I have with Sofia on screen and I'm amazed at how well she portrays her character. Real chemistry cannot be just put there simply."

And the Rex Linn interview he did with the AJC.

Atlanta Journal Constitution
August 16th, 2005
Andrew Dalton

I recently sat down to talk with Rex Linn; a now regular cast member of Monday's hit show CSI: Miami, about his character and his relationships with the other cast members.

Q: What was your first thought when you were told that your character was going to become a regular on the show?

Linn: To be honest, I was really awe struck you know. My character is like only the second one, that isn't a CSI, to be made a regular after Sofia’s.

Q: Were you surprised by that, Sofia (Milos) leaving?

Linn: Wow, I mean. We were all really shocked to hear that she’d been written off. She’s a great woman [whispers] and one hell of a cook.
[laughs] We all love her, and hope that she comes back. Who knows, right?
HnM, you are a star! I knew you would find the quotes for us. Thank you. :D
HnM thanks for this extra info, till now i haven`t read this interviews.... :D

Nathalie_Emily ur ava is my guilty conscience :lol:

and if i don`t make mistake this link is the same interview like the vid from CBS side ...


this is ours 'bad' girl :devil:
Love the pic and thanks for the interview i fineley could read it now... And Yes i love my avatar, its just a little message to myself.?????? :devil:
A lovely pic of Sofia to end my day. I just love her expression in this one. You can probably guess who she's looking at even if you haven't seen the episode ;).

Oh wow! That scene from 'Hurricane Anthony' is so evocative HnM. Thanks for the picture. A very nice reminder of a truly great episode! :D
You're welcome :), I was just watching that episode yesterday and had to post a pic. It's certainly one of Sofia's best acted episodes, although she acts splendidly in every episode, and I just love that expression.
for me too 'Hurricane Anthony' epi was the best for H and Y...there Sofia give all of her to make this last scene in this they two DC/SF really have such chemistry. all of theirs conversation always have been so unspoken like they read one others mind ... and at the same time a little too difficult like there is one one that they don`t have to cross ... all of this make me want Sofia to come beck in this show ..

HnM thanks for this lovely pic :D

H: Hi.
Y: Oh, I just locked up the paperwork on Burton. But if you want it.
H: No. That's okay, that's fine. It won't be a problem.
Y: I'll just be a minute.
H: Okay.
Y: Here we go. That's all the papers.
H: All right.
Y: All rightie.
H: I was, uh...I was wondering...I was wondering what, uh,you guys were doing tonight,
you and Ray, jr..well, um, you're gonna have to,'re gonna to have to
take that board up down,so I, I assume you're going to need some help.
J: Lieutenant Caine?
H: Yeah. You, uh, evacuated me.
J: They.. they told me I could find you here.
H: Right. Um, Julie, right? / Uh, Julia.
J: Julia, okay.
H: Julia, I'll be right with you. Excuse me.
Y: How's she doing?
H: She's, um...I think she's going to be fine. How, did later sound?
Y: I think that would be nice.
H: Good.
Y: Good.
H: So I'll see you later.
Y: Yeah.
H: Okay.
Y: Yeah.
H: Thank you.
H: I was, uh...I was wondering...I was wondering what, uh, you guys were doing tonight, you and Ray, jr..well, um, you're gonna have to,'re gonna to have to take that board up down, so I, I assume you're going to need some help.
Aw, I really miss H's wriggling. Only Yelina could make him wriggle so very effectively. We need to see this side of H again! ;)
Lucy said:

I have to say, that Alana seems like alot of fun in the interviews I've seen. She has a great sense of humour. I'm not surprised DC enjoyed working with her. :)

well I ` ve noticed that too when I read what she said I couldn` t but laugh so hard I hope my friend didn`t think of me as a crazy one ... I think she` s got a lot of fun playing Marisole, and that`s great ` cause televison is supposed to be fun isn`t it? :lol:

and thank you very nuch HoratioAndMe for the quotes I so like Sofia Milos amd admire her for everything she ` s done to Miami if she wasn` t there I probaly wouldn` t be here with all of you
I so like Sofia Milos amd admire her for everything she ` s done to Miami if she wasn` t there I probaly wouldn` t be here with all of you

for me she make CSI Miami :lol: and if in this tv show didn`t exist this romantic real deal - H/Y relationship i for sure won`t be here :D till now for me is too difficult to manage with this language - English, but for me this effort is deserve... :D hope soon to see Sofia back in CSI Miami and to have more pics and quotes to discuss here in this lovely thread :p

but Polina u must understand me and suppose others users here why we jump over this subject Aerosol...for my self is a too hard to accept all this new stuff in S4 and i try to do my best to not talks for this....
You're welcome for the articles polina. It's always a pleasure to post anything in relation to her. :)

We all certainly hope she returns soon, Ani. The idea of coming in here after her return is quite enticing and I know, though we all have a little hesitance about the writers, we hope that we do see her again--and not just for a spot.
Hmm … I just can` t hate her for being with Horatio. We` ve never had a chance to know Marisole well so let her rest in peace and pray her ghost won` t chase our HERO, especially when Yelina comes back and they ` ll live happily ever after.

And Horatio` s wriggle … I bet it ` s the sign of his feelings, it is the real sign he likes her a lot (and we all know it ` s more then just “liking”). Sometimes we can` t find right words when we talk with someone we like or care. I did that a lot when I was at school but now I can hide my actual felling pretty good though sometimes I still blush.
I wonder has he ever blush while talking to Yelina?
You guys might have already answered this (so sorry if you did!), but where did H send Yelina and Ray? I have Brazil stuck in my head for some reason..

if it WAS Brazil, has anyone heard talk of her appearing next year, given the fact that H and Eric are headed there?