Yelina Salas #2: 'Get Back To Where You Once Belonged'

till we wait for new spoilers for S5, hope this hug to be for welcome this time :p


Beautiful Pusher. Thanks. :D

Here's another as I was reorganizing my Photobucket account!

and this pic is continuation of this sweet H/Y moment from epi. "Best defence ". heh if only DC or Ann D. to have possibility to see this pics :p after this they for certainty will beg Y to come in Miami again :lol: no one can look at H like Y do it *sigh* there really was one big real romance deal :D

aww Pusher, you are killing me with the hugging pics.
:D (love them)
the episode is so bittersweet.

Lucy, your pic is also sweet. her smile! :D
Beautiful pics, gals. Certainly love the pic with Yelina looking all playful. Sofia certainly knows how to do expressions so wonderfully.
Great news that TPTB are thinking about bringing Yelina back. A light at the end of the tunnel at last. :D Hopefully! ;)
A light at the end of the tunnel at last

hope not from coming opposite train :lol:

i already promise to my self if Yelina come beck in S5 to stop smoke ... and for now what i see this can be happen :devil:
Than i really hope she will be back because smoking is very bad for you, im already done with smoking for 8 months now, sometimes i need a cigaret but its great without them. Sorry for not reaction for a coulpe of days had to go and visite my family... But Cool and pretty pics around again love you all for it thanks.. :D
but me personally want her to be regular, to see her in every episodes ...

I read a lot of articles where David Caruso says good words about actress that played Marisole, I wonder has he ever said something like this about Sofia Milos?
Yes, he did, but I can't remember the quote. It was very nice though. ;) Rex Linn also said some very nice things about Sofia.

I have to say, that Alana seems like alot of fun in the interviews I've seen. She has a great sense of humour. I'm not surprised DC enjoyed working with her. :)
hey Polina nice to see u here again :D

i too have read this articles for DC and Marisol agrrrr :mad:

but long time ago Hummer have post this link interview with SM and she there talk for her character Yelina and H/Y so sweet vid :D


btw Lucy cool Y pic :D

EAT : Caruso : "Marisol turns out to be an amazing woman. She is a surprise for him. He didn't see this chapter of his life coming."

for me this mean that she (Aerosol) won`t betrayal him (H)...and somehow i feel that this will be more ease way CSI Miami writers to bring back Y to this show.... :confused: we don`t need more confused abaout H...just Y to be near him, so he to make it go through this hell in S4...
I love that interview Pusher. Thanks for the link. :D

I remember DC describing the H/Y relationship as being like 'Silent thunder'. I think HnM posted the quote awhile back in the Shipper Forum. :)
what was she saying in the interview because i cant open it. Sorry but im currios... Nice pic again be the way... I watch the first season and i still love Yelina in it... But i also like the new seasons so i cant make up my mind.