Thanks for the cake
OH WOW I didn't expect this kind of rant from you & all I have to say right now is WOW
**compeses herself & reads the post**
However, I do remember an old interview with AR long before the whole E/C romance where he said they were working with two ideas where it was either C would be hooked up with H (glad they didn't go there. It was bad enough with Grissom and Sara but that's because I wasn't a Sara fan) or if they were going to hook her up with Eric. Now AR said at first they were going that route in Season 2 and for whatever reason they dropped the storyline in that season. So regardless of what Ann said I just can't see any viable reason why AR would lie when he didn't even know at the time if they were going to go there or not. I think that interview is on this website.
Actually I've never heard or read the interviews you're referring to, but I trust you.
As for what AR said, I'm pretty sure that, again, this is another example on how actors are...let me think...oh yeah TPTB's spokepeople.
I've read & heard too many interviews of both AR & EP on this topic to say that they're all about how actors really feel about this topic or about how TPTB wanted this relationship to be developed.
I know I'm not making sense...all I want to say is that most of the times you hear their interviews they're not even talking as AR or EP, they're talking as TPTB employees

. They have to say what TPTB want us to know & most of their interviews are sooo misleading that sometimes I really prefer CBS promo than their interviews :lol:
Now with that being said, I think the trip to get there was pretty ridiculous and painful. Some of the things that happened, were imo pretty unnecessary. Now we have what some like to call "clingy" Eric. I do see how a bullet injury can alter someone's pscye to the point where they feel needy, however, I also would like to throw out there that Eric's fear or clinginess may come from a diffierent source and escalated or became more apparent after the bullet. To me he changed a lot when his sister died...H became Super H, distant and kind of cold. Eric became...well dependent. I happen to think it wasn't as noticeable but it was there. As much as I hate to bring it up. His 'fling' with Natalia comes to mind. The whole conversation they had about why he wasn't invited to her party and her comment about just setting some boundaries. Then the rug was pulled out from under him when Natalia was revealed as the mole....(more trust issues on his part...we already know he had them from a previous Natalia comment)
Well I have to say that I agree w/ you on this since it's true everything correlated to his sister & that season changed him so much.
Still the bullet played its role...I wish they had never shot him b/c yeah I still think that is the most idiot storyline they could come w/ for him
Then we had the whole bullet incident, which led to the Jake and Calleigh incidient (enter more trust issues...since Calleigh threw out signals, he picked them up and then bam she hooks up with Jake...sorry Cake fans but this has never made sense to me. Especially since I see that Calleigh was the one that started shooting the signals...not Eric, I did'nt see that Eric started going down that road until the kiss on the cheek)
Let's say that I've never admitted what I'm going to say since I didn't want to believe in it.
When Eric was shot, they decided to use Calleigh as his tutor & best friend & I'm ok w/ that, not to mention that I loved that part.
Still, I don't get why they mad Calleigh literally used Delko's feeling. She knew he had some problems also b/c of the bullet, she knew how unsure he was, she perfectly knew his feelings for her (for god's sake he totally admitted them)...still she used the guy & that's one of the most horrible things they could do both to Caleligh & Delko.
OFC, I had to see him as an idiot w/ puppy dog eyes chasing her!
OFC, I had to see her kissing Jake right in the middle of the lab perfectly knowing that Eric could see her. I don't think we can blame Jake b/c he was the kind of guy


, the only one to be blamed is Calleigh. Ok let's say that I think she couldn't refuse it in that moment..still she could have thought about the whole situation w/ Delko instead of completely ignoring him for five day b/c oh yeah she was busy in Antigua w/ Jake
Again, I'm a CaKe fan, but still I found Calleigh's behaviour both selfish & disrespectful towards a guy w/ problems like Eric! And it was disrespectful also towards Jake, b/c to me it looked like she perfectly knew she was going to leave him knowing that he's not the guy she has always looked for. Jake Berkley for her was just her sexual toy. Let's not deny it.
Now is dependency a good thing...obviously not. However what I find funny is that stupid or not, when he jumps out on his own and doesn't listen to Calleigh...he's an idiot. When he takes direction from Calleigh and does what she says...he's wrong, an idiot etc. As Delynn said about H in another post...Eric can't win. I mean really he can't.
Ok for me Eric Delko has not the possibility of winning. Now, I'm not say that he's completely an idiot & that whatever he does is wrong or bad. All I'm trying to say is that the situation in which both Delko & Calleigh her doesn't allow him to win.
He literally depends on Calleigh (that's what they've shown till few episodes ago) & whenever he tries to become more independent, heal capacity to do it in the right way.
I mean it's not completely idiot to help your father & yeah it was time to let him face some troubles, still they showed how his attitude to help his father wasn't that smart. As far as we know, Eric is injured b/c he got in the middle of the shooting & Calleigh shot at him b/c he was one of the bad guys!
So as long they show Eric Delko w/ these situations, I don't hink he will ever be able to win.
Look at his arguments w/ Cal:
-when Eric said "you don't know him" she said "I'm sorry, DO YOU KNOW HIM???". She literally destroyed him.
-when Eric said "I know the law" & she responded "do you? I mean do you really?". I'm sorry, but again Caleligh destroyed Eric.
Maybe if Calleigh hadn't destroyed his personal ego w/ these quotes, he would have thought more than once wether to help or not his father & he wouldn't have found himself in another situation of "loss"
I keep asking my same question though. What if Eric wasn't lying?
Honestly, I really hope you're right, but I highly doubt it considering how TPTB tend to put him in all of these odd situations.
If he lied to her....let's say that Calleigh Duquesne really won against Delko, but if had said the truth, I still think he wouldn't have found himself in this situation.
Knowing TPTB they're gonna use Sharova for a lots of episodes & you know that for some he still must be the bad guy
Not to mention that I truely believe there was no way that the car fell from the sky. I'm sorry, but it really sounded like a strange coincidence
BTW, he lied to Calleigh more than once....hallucination (we know why, but he didn't tell her), cheat sheet (there's no way he has never used it!) & he should have said the truth, not matter whether it was good or bad, he should have done it :shifty:
Also, I will never understand why folks think it's everyone else's right to know everyone else's business.:scream: Yes, Calleigh was a friend, best friend, more than a friend, whatever, but maybe he just didn't want to air his dirty laundry at that point. Just because I'm a friend doesn't mean I have the right to know every single thing you're going through at that moment. You'll tell me when you're ready to talk about it. I mean I can't see Eric running through the lab going 'hey ya'll I'm living in a sleaze bag motel so if you want to find me that's where I'll be.' For once he was trying to deal with a problem, he inadvertantly caused by looking into his family history, on his own and he's still wrong. I don't get this!:wtf:
I agree w/ you, but still thre's a problem.
Why lying to her about his father? I mean if he really think he's a good person, he shouldn't be worried to tell her that finally he's having a good/healthy father-son relationship w/ Sharova.
To me it looks like that he kinda knows that the problem too big for him to be able to handle it alone. He should have someone who helps him, but, then again he's too proud of himself to admit he has a big problem
The whole proficiences thing. She said they never talk about the bullet and she asked him if he was ok. He said 'it's a process' and then listed the things that helped. Where did he lie?
He lied to her when he told her he had never used it. OFC, in that period he was using that cheat sheet. If you feel so sure about your capacities, you shouldn't go w/ that piece of paper in your pocket!
Having said this, I'd like to add something since I feel the need to do it.
I have never & I reapeat NEVER considered Delko a liar. OFC, everybody in their life has to lie sooner or later & he some times did it. As he did it Calleigh did it & anyone else did it.
So, I've never accused him to be a liar.
After the bullet & after the whole E/C oplà lots of things changed, but then again as Delko lied, Calleigh did it. As Delko made some stupid mistakes, she made them.
To me, right now, they're on the same level.
While some times I tend to justify him b/c he still has that damns silver bullet in his head, I really have a difficult time to defend Calleigh. Some times you can't even try to do it b/c, as far as I know she has no bullets in her head, but still she manages to beahave worse than Eric.
All I'm trying to say is that as I blame Eric, I must blame Caleligh & as I blame Calleigh, I must do it also w/ Eric b/c, right now they're a copuple & they act as a single unit against the rest of the team.
Again, I find it pretty stupid to blam the characters & the actors for it, b/c the only people who can be blamed for this poor storyline (both shipper & non-shippers have to complain about it).
We truely came to a point where people can't stand Eric, some others can't stand Calleigh & lots of other can't stand the view of them together even if were the most professional scene between two CSIs.
I think you also came to a point where you would like to see them separeted for while. Why? B/c you're tired of people complaining about them.
While you're tired of these complaints, we (me included) are also a little bit tired to complaing on some aspects of the show (bare in mind that this season was really good except for the team aspect).
Again, it's not our fault & surely it's not our fav. characters' fault. It's all about poor writing from TPTB ( I know I know I can't stand them :scream
Maybe it's time for both of these wonderful actors to exit the show and they can bring on new folks.
IDK, maybe this is a personal idea I've got about a "show", but I always think that once you're fans are arguing over your character b/c part of them think TPTB are destroying it while some others think right the opposit thing, you have come to a point of return.
I do think that at this point there's no way to have the old Calleigh back or the old Delko back. I also think that TPTB have built up a storyline which is too complicated storyline ( I do thinkt he final episode showed it considering that they're best characters, the ones they consider mostly, have been arguing twice in 10 minutes & it was all about trust issue, I don't mind Sharova!) & actors come to a point where they have to relase lots of interviews on always the same storyilne (How many have they been??? Too many for me :lol

knowing that no one will ever be happy....yeah I think it's time to give up the show.
I'm saying thsi for their well-being. I know that if they went on, they would become crazy & they'd be ready for a rehab :lol:
That's not the future I want for both AR & EP.
How can you think that EP could ever get an award considering the war we have about a show which is always reviewed in such a harsh way?
How can AR go on shooting great movies, if he has to stay on Miami set to shoot always the same storylines, which sooner or later are going to annoy everyone?
Hope this post made at least some sense :lol:
Thanks for posting this b/c you gave me the opportunity to clarify few things & this was also a great chance to show how I really feel about what is going on on the show & outside it.