Worst Movies Ever

It's alright. :p Plus, Baba has started his little review thread, so everything is ok.
I loved the first one! Especially *drool* Stephen Dorff *faint*
Actually, DaWacko, I think Mel Gibson in Signs was a reverend. I think reverends are allowed to marry and have childeren.. I think...

Oh ok, that would explain. thanks :D

Oh yes, again bad movies. American Pie movies...
ooo i have one to add to the worst movies list...

LORD OF THE FLIES (the original) MOVIE SUCKS!!!!!!!

haha! Definately! As if the book wasn't creepy enough, they had to mix it with bad acting... really dangerous combination.
Oooh, we got forced to watch Lord of the Flies in English, we also had to read the book. They were both terrible and all the while our teacher was saying, "This was one od the greatest films of my youth, everyone loved it!"
Back in high school. We were forced to read The Great Gatsby and then watch the movie. *ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ* :eek: Heads dropped on the desks every few seconds during that God-awful time. Four of us, each read, a quarter of the book. We took notes, exchanged them. We aced the quiz at the end. :lol: We used the movie viewing as a sleep catch-up. :rolleyes:
OH count me in for 'The Grudge freaked the hell out of me' list.
I donno whether I'd call it a good or a bad movie...but that's the scariest movie for me. The damn movie couldn't even let go of the comfort inside the rug of the bed...
Also, when they first showed that freaky dead-cannibal girl in the attic...mannn those...japanese know how to scare the hell out of ppl.

Ok other worst movies are:

"National Treasure" ...whatever it was ...just stupid. Disney made Nicholas go from cool to fool...lol.

"Ocean's 12"... I think I've mentioned that before...but the movie sucked beyond words. My cousin, who usually shows how much of good choice on stuffs he has...picked that movie saying 'I think it is a good movie'...after we watched it...he didn't even look at me for almost an hour...lol...after he did..I said, "it sucked" and he nodded...lol
The most recent one I watched was The Grudge. All the guys at work kept saying it was fantastic. Then I found out it was just because of Sarah Michelle Gellar. LOL Guys are like that. ;)

Oh yeah, The Blair Witch Project was very, very bad.
Sidle_my_Idol, in Oceans 12 I thought the part where they 'revealed' how they did it was so stupid... I don't want to give it away for those who haven't seen it... but it isn't even clever or interesting. Afterwards I was like, "So in other words I've been watching 2 hours of them running around for nothing!" The movie could have ended half and hour into it.
Ok other worst movies are:

"National Treasure" ...whatever it was ...just stupid. Disney made Nicholas go from cool to fool...lol.

I LOVED NATIONAL TREASURE!!!!!!!!!! I'm not yelling. I am just saying something passionately. That was my favorite movie of all time and still is.
OH count me in for 'The Grudge freaked the hell out of me' list.
I donno whether I'd call it a good or a bad movie...but that's the scariest movie for me. The damn movie couldn't even let go of the comfort inside the rug of the bed...
Also, when they first showed that freaky dead-cannibal girl in the attic...mannn those...japanese know how to scare the hell out of ppl.

Ok other worst movies are:

"National Treasure" ...whatever it was ...just stupid. Disney made Nicholas go from cool to fool...lol.

"Ocean's 12"... I think I've mentioned that before...but the movie sucked beyond words. My cousin, who usually shows how much of good choice on stuffs he has...picked that movie saying 'I think it is a good movie'...after we watched it...he didn't even look at me for almost an hour...lol...after he did..I said, "it sucked" and he nodded...lol

So was Ocean's Eleven a good one or not?

And yes, The Grudge was scary. I couldn't sleep until morning for a whole week after watching that!

And Blair Witch was pretty bad. It sort of made me laugh.