Worst Movies Ever

OHHH! That's one of my favorite movies! :D Mars attack was so darned good and scary when you're 9 yrs old! :eek: And still is good now. :p Hehe, I loved the strange language that the langauge machine made! AND THAT GRANNY! That was just too funny, Wow, who knew that music sound waves killed them?! :lol:
Mars Attack...I always laugh at that too. I cannot imagine how the hell they've got so famous actors in it.
I knew you were screaming because you didn't want another one. And I'm telling you it can't be that bad. :p

I loved Natalie Portman in that. 'Guess it wasn't the dove'. :lol:
I haven´t seen Mars Attacks yet...argh...soooo many people tell me that it´s so great, but somehow I´ve never taken the time to watch it yet...and about X-Men 2..I did like it (but may be only cuz I went to see it with my boyfriend of that time..lol) but as you said..the first one was way better!!!!!
Yeah, they are making X3.

And I agree about making a Wolverine movie. It already seemed like the first two were too much about him as it is. When you consider how many characters there really are in the X-Men Universe they need to spread the attention around a lot more.
Alright, I agree with you, I really didn't like the Land Before Time movies...

And I hated the movie 'Crossroads'. Ever seen it before? If not, GOOD! AVOID THAT MOVIE! Britney Spears thought she could act...she was wrong.
For the record, I love the X-Men movies. I am a bit concerned that they got a new director for the third one, but we'll see... ;)

Now, before I criticize this next one, let me just say that I love dumb-funny movies. One of my all time faves is "Super Troopers" and I almost wet my pants several times during "Harold and Kumar Go To Whitecastle". And "FUBAR" is a classic. But for the life of me, neither my friend (who also likes dumb-funny) nor I could get further than half an hour into "Napolean Dynamite" before we had to shut it off. We just weren't laughing after about 10 minutes. We tried, we really did. Just wasn't happening.
I'm ok with the X-men movies. But I don't think I'm gonna watch X3 though.

Napoleon Dynamite is that bad eh? Thank God I haven't seen it then.

Has anybody seen Jim Carrey's "The Majestic"? I almost cried for my money and time when I saw it. Most boring movie, ever.

OT: BabaOReilly I luv your av! Kinda makes me happy staring at lol