Worst Movies Ever

I loved Oceans 11. But that's just me. I thought it was clever and funny with a very sexy cast! Very good ending, too.
I agree with Nomate on Ocean's Eleven. It was a great movie. Of course I wanted to see it for George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon and they didn't disappoint.

Ocean's Twelve, however, was another story. I just couldn't get into it, even though it was the same cast. I was very hesitant to even rent it, but my mom really wanted to see it. She basically said the same thing I did - that she couldn't get into it. It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen, but it kinda disappointed me.
Saraholic:I LOVED NATIONAL TREASURE!!!!!!!!!! I'm not yelling. I am just saying something passionately. That was my favorite movie of all time and still is.

Ok then for you, I'd say it wasn't that bad. Not all bad I mean. The story with that pyramid thing was pretty neat along with the Declaration of Independance stuff. BUt just the way the whole movie was put together seemed tooo larger than life. Nevertheless, the idea of treasure thing was really neat.

Nomate:Sidle_my_Idol, in Oceans 12 I thought the part where they 'revealed' how they did it was so stupid... I don't want to give it away for those who haven't seen it... but it isn't even clever or interesting. Afterwards I was like, "So in other words I've been watching 2 hours of them running around for nothing!" The movie could have ended half and hour into it.

Yeah I know. I think they just turned the rough draft of their script to a movie.
I sat to watch the movie because I heard good things about the Ocean's 11....and I thought it would be like The Italian Job...oh well it WASN'T.
Jeez Julia Roberts sucked too.

OH anybody watched the Japaneses version of The Grudge II?
My sister did and got pretty freaked out. She said American version of The Grudge I was nothing infront of that. I can only imagine..
Well...I'm not gonna watch it *shudders*..and yeah I know how you feel Catherine_Willows.
the shining (with jack nicholson, not the remake) was a pretty shoddy movie... it was funnily shoddy though if that makes any sense!
OH anybody watched the Japaneses version of The Grudge II?
My sister did and got pretty freaked out. She said American version of The Grudge I was nothing infront of that. I can only imagine..
Well...I'm not gonna watch it *shudders*..and yeah I know how you feel Catherine_Willows.

There is supposed to be a Grudge II for America coming out sometime next year I believe.

I've only ever seen the original Shinning so I don't know which is better. :p
The one on top of my ´worst movies EVER´ list is ´George of the Jungle´ argh...after like 2 min. I turned off the T.V., after that it´s ´Hey Dude, Where´s My Car´ (I agree, it is funny...but just too stupid for me to ever watch it again...)yep..then..dunno, a lot really...
Inspector Gadget. Matthew Broderick??? :confused: My sisters, friends and I came up with Stephen Fry 12 years ago. It was between Stephen and Hugh Laurie. When we heard about the Inspector Gadget movie we all thought 'oh, cool.' Then Matthew was picked. :rolleyes: Not saying he's a bad actor... He just is not old enough, nor does he have the right personality to be convincing, as Penny's uncle. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
yes they did indeed... but it was funny! and the george guy had a really good body and he didnt have a shirt on most of the time!
There is supposed to be a Grudge II for America coming out sometime next year I believe.


What happen?
Are you sad because it is too far to wait, or mad cause another freaky movie is coming out which you'll be tempted to watch??

lol for that.
I loved Mars Attack! Espeacially with the flying cows and the old granny with her music!! It was hilarious :lol: