Worst Movies Ever

"Hold me like you held me in Naboo" i couldn't stop laughing. :lol:
and when Aniken got his legs chopped off and he was burning up i cracked a rib... and he still lived! i thought it was cheesy but funny.

i almost died of laughter when a girl sitting next to me made these funny groaning sounds, like she´s haveing an orgasm or something, when they showed naked brad pitt

Those reviews are the funniest things I've heard all day!

I remember my friend and I dared each other to see the third matrix movie... some guy in the theater kept kicking my friend because we kept laughing at it. We especially loved the part where the woman had been pearced with all those... things and just would not die! She just kept talking!

My three worst movies of all time:
3. Vanilla Sky
2. Macbeth
1. Othello (1965)

If any of you haven't seen this cheap version of Othello you MUST see it for a good laugh. They painted a white man black! and he won and oscar for the worst acting I've seen in my life.
Oh wait! I forgot! Jaws: The Revenge is definatly my number 2 worst film of all. When the shark bites the boat and blood goes everywhere... but when it roars... that part is CLASSIC!
Anything with Hilary Duff. I can't stand her she is so damn annoying! I would write more about her but they'd lock me away and trhwo away the key. Seriously, I hate her and nothing, NOTHING, can ever change my opinion

oh my god i love you and totally agree with you! i think she's the worst actress ever!

*hugs* I love you back! Anyone who sees Hilary for the true evil she is is my best friend!

Someone said that Paris sucked and I agree on that as well. I'm pretty much out for anyone with blonde hair and think they have any talent whatsoever.
Yeah I donno how ppl like Hilary, Lindsey, Olsens, Paris got to act....they freak me out....I think I can act better than them...I think everybody in this board can act better than them...lol...seriously.....
I am not being rude...just being honest...I mean..c'mon.

Lindsey was good only in 'Parent's trap.'
Hilary Duff was ok (but only ok, never better) in Lizzie McGuire (but only the TV show). When she tried to go on to bigger and better things it just didn't work.

I hated Freaky Friday! I spent the whole movie waiting for the parts with Mark Harmon, of which there weren't nearly enough.
That Howard Stern movie that came out a while ago (can't remember the name). That movie sucked big time!!!!
I have two more friends to add to my list:Sidle_my_Idol and soph! Lol, I agree with you, soph, she should have stayed on the TV and not gotten too large.

Paris and Nicky Hilton are spoiled little brats, IMO.

Onto more movies:

The Village was a very disappoitning movie campared to M. Night's other wonderful films. I even though Unbreakable was better than this one. I was just so disappointed. It was an interesting concept.
I hadn't seen any of M. Night Shamaylan's other movies before I saw the Village. I really liked the story although the ending sucked. Joaquin Phoenix *drools* is awesome.
I hadn't seen any of M. Night Shamaylan's other movies before I saw the Village. I really liked the story although the ending sucked. Joaquin Phoenix *drools* is awesome.

The thing with M. Night Shamaylan's movies are that he knows and does a great suspense build up. But never quite gets the ending right.

It's like he gets you all worked up for something really really big, but then its a BIG letdown. :devil:
I loved Signs and The Sixth Sense but again, The Village was such a let down. Joaquin Phoenix was hardly in there at all, I was confused at the end as to whether the guards *cough M. Night himself* knew what was going on inside there.

Another movie, it didn't suck, but The Incredibles. It wasn't my favorite Pixar one that's for sure. I found myself very bored during it and wishing it to be over.
I'm a Johnny Depp fan but The Ninth Gate sucked. Sorry Mr. Depp.

So did Loser, Lost Souls, Glitter, Gigli, Vanilla Sky, The Avengers, Blair Witch Project 2, Dungeons and Dragons, The Jason series, Grease 2, Rocky 5, Speed 2 .. among other movies.
I really don't like Hilary Duff. I agree, she was way better in Lizzie MacGuire.
That's the problem with many celebrities these days; they appear in one small little role and then when they think they were good in it, they try and get into every role they can. Then they try and sell merchandise and then they try out for musical roles and the whole nine yards. It just doesn't occur to them that they might not be good at something.