Worst Movies Ever

I agree with Live4GrisNSara ND was such a WTF movie. It really had no plot, but I thought it was hilarious.

I could NOT stand the moive "Head over Heals" with Freddie Prinze Jr. stu-pid.

Alfie. Now I love Judd La, but this movie wasn't all that hot.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was bad too. I agree with an earlier post that Gene Wilder IS Willy Wonka and will always be. Not some wanna be who I thought looked and acted like Michael Jackson. My kids even hated that movie.

Thank you 1CSIMfan! I hated that movie! *prepares to duck from fans pelting pebbles*

I got the VHS of Willy Wonka for my 12th birthday and I loved it! Gene Wilder is Willy Wonka! Johnny Depp is... umm... one really weird Wonka bar.

Don't get me wrong, I love Mr. Depp as much as the next guy. But somehow in the movie he comes across as this dark and creepy man. But this is just IMO. So please don't hate me! :D

Anyhoo, I just love the songs in the original movie... the one with Charlie and Grandpa Joe; The Candy Man; Oompa Loompa doopadee doos.. hehe.. I can go on. :) So who knows... I might be prejudiced. ;) Who can take a sunrise... Sprinkle it with dew... :)
Cabin Fever.....one of those lets kill everyone off with a flesh eating virus, while we have the friends turn against each other type movie. Horrible, terrible acting.
Land of the Dead. My nephew got it for Christmas and begged me and my boyfriend to watch it. It was so bad I actually fell asleep in the middle. But I was told that it was so bad they wanted to turn it off but made themselves watch it through.
Ok, on the American Pie thing...I loved those movies! I havn't seen Band Camp yet and I'm not planning to since everyone said it sucked but c'mon American Pie was hilarious. Espescially the part where Stiffler had to eat the dog crap and pretend it was chocolate truffles? Priceless! :lol:

On the subject of Napolean Dynamite, I'll admit some parts were funny, but not haha funny. More like heh funny.

Oh another movie: Freddy Got Fingered! I hated that movie! Maybe I shouldn't of watched it when I was 8 but c'mon, the previews looked hilarious. "Daddy would you like some sausage". Man was I wrong. :eek:
Ugh, i remember watching 'Freddy Got Fingered' when i was younger too. It was so stupid, but i probably didn't understand half the stuff that was on it at the time :lol: It came out in 2001, so i guess i was 11. Was this the movie with the dead cow on the road that kept getting run over? Lol i seem to remember that part for some reason..or i could be thinking of a whole other movie.... :rolleyes:
Ya, i'm reading all about how good Moulin Rouge is, but when i watched some of it with my sister i couldn't even get through the whole movie. I thought it was downright strange.
Ohh! and thinking of this movie made me think of another movie i HATE...Big Fish. Like wow, what a lame movie. :lol:
I saw "Hostel" tonight - I love Quentin Tarantino, but this was really bad. It was all blood, gore and breasts. It wasn't even scary and the fact that the media hyped it up [saying people would faint in theatres and it's the scariest movie ever..] and it was a big let down, really bugged me.
Yeah, "Freddy Got Fingered" was really bad. The only good part in that film was the "Daddy would you like some sausage" part. That was the only part of the movie in which I was laughing, but that part I laughed my ass off. The rest of it sucked.

Speaking of American Pie and bad movies, I saw a preview for a movie with Chris Klein. I thought he dropped off the face of the planet after that travesty "Rollerball" was released. I wanted to go see "Rollerball" in theaters, but I was sick that day.
I saw "Hostel" tonight - I love Quentin Tarantino, but this was really bad. It was all blood, gore and breasts. It wasn't even scary and the fact that the media hyped it up [saying people would faint in theatres and it's the scariest movie ever..] and it was a big let down, really bugged me.

Yeah. To me, this movie looked like another copy of Saw.
Once went to see a film called 'Eight Legged Freaks' basically about giant spiders. It was so bad it was quite funny! :lol:
Some of the worst films to me are:

America's Sweethearts
Pulp Fiction
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
The Others

I will probably come up with more later, but for now that's all I can think of.