Worst Movies Ever

War of the Roses~ depressing horrible film about a couple who kill one another over their house. I still cannot figure out for the life of me what was so good about this movie.

The Avengers~ Do i really HAVE to explain why this was one of the worst films I have ever seen? Honestly?

The Prophecy~ stupid 1970's monster movie about the evils of pollution. Only notable because of the hysterical monster bear that looked like a sausage and the kid in the star shaped sleeping bag that explodes into feathers. No gore, just feathers.

Pinata(I think that's how it's spelled.) Xander from Buffy should be ashamed. Pay check or no this idiotic tale of an evil crockery come to life is only good for viewing if you are into Le Bad Cinema.

Reptilicus~ The Danish should NEVER try to make a giant monster movie. Bad dialogue, silly puppet monster, best scene has to do with a farmer that gets turned into a cartoon so that the beastie can eat him. Leave this genre to the Japanese, please.

Godzilla (1998) HOW DARE EMMERICH AND DEVLIN CALL THIS FILM GODZILLA! UTTER BLASPHEMY!!!!!!! Okay.. got that out of my system. But this.. this ...grrr... this asexually reproducing sea monster not the King of the Monsters. Give me rubber suited, Tokyo stomping, Japanese mayhem anyday. And Matthew Broderick sucks. There I said it.
haha i forgot about this thread!

-Chronicles of Narnia.... yeah i'm not a big fan.. *ducks down and avoids objects being thrown* i don't know why i didn't like it. i guess i've seen worse..
haha i forgot about this thread!

-Chronicles of Narnia.... yeah i'm not a big fan.. *ducks down and avoids objects being thrown* i don't know why i didn't like it. i guess i've seen worse..

I haven't seen the movie yet, though I must say after sixth grade I was quite sick of 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe'. We read the book, then we saw the animated version, and then we saw this play (which was horrible).
Yeah, i agree mostly. The Chronicles of Narnia was mostly a disappointment. I saw it with a coupla friends and we were sorta making fun of things said and done the whole way through. but i definitly wouldn't see the movie again. It was just too... technologically advanced, i guess is the only way to put it. i saw an original movie of it years ago and it was really awesome, but they've changed it way too much.
my opinionated rant.
Yeah, i agree mostly. The Chronicles of Narnia was mostly a disappointment. I saw it with a coupla friends and we were sorta making fun of things said and done the whole way through. but i definitly wouldn't see the movie again. It was just too... technologically advanced, i guess is the only way to put it. i saw an original movie of it years ago and it was really awesome, but they've changed it way too much.
my opinionated rant.

When it first came out I had no desire to see it...now I'm glad I didn't since people are saying it was disappointing...the play I saw was crap, I was trying not to laugh as one of the people came out as Susan with the evil queen's dress sticking out from underneath Susan's. :lol:
^^ LOL

yay! it least some people agree with me! my friends all love it and some think Peter is hot... *cough LAUGH coughhh
i personally do not.
the worst movies i've seen are:

1) Forest Gump - i think it pokes fun at mental challenged people
2) The English Patient - most boring movie ever made. i always fall asleep while watching that movie.
3) any movie with Adam Sandler (expect the Wedding singer and 50 first dates)
4)War of the Worlds - it was just krap
5) Sin City - that movie is disgusting

ps. I loved "War of the Roses"
Is it just me, or is Madagascar less-than-stellar? I just don’t get what the hype’s all about.

<insert chirping cricket sound>

Yep, it’s just me.
Is it just me, or is Madagascar less-than-stellar? I just don’t get what the hype’s all about.

<insert chirping cricket sound>

Yep, it’s just me.

I never saw it, I had absolutely no desire whatsoever to see it. It looked that bad.
Is it just me, or is Madagascar less-than-stellar? I just don’t get what the hype’s all about.

<insert chirping cricket sound>

Yep, it’s just me.

I had no choice when it came to that movie...I was coming home from Europe and I was so bored from the long flight so I had no choice....it wasn't too bad I guess though compared to other movies metioned *cough*Troy*cough*
When my neighbourhood was having a street party, they were playing that movie on one of the lawns. I was planning on watching it seeing as the previews looked pretty good- boy was I wrong. It (for lack of better words) sucked. Me and my friend go up in the middle of it and went back inside.

I've never watched the full movie.
I feel that the writers of Madagascar tried too hard to make it funny. It's like they stuck some film, some over-used 'funny' lines, and some computer animation into a blender and the result was crap. :D
Is it just me, or is Madagascar less-than-stellar? I just don’t get what the hype’s all about.

<insert chirping cricket sound>

Yep, it’s just me.

Arg! Don't even get me started on this movie! Haha it was the first movie i ever posted in here. It was so lame and boring.