Worst Movies Ever

I think you have to be in a certain frame of mind to find "Napolean Dynamite" funny. I saw it once, thought it was hilarious, the second time it wasn't funny but the third time was, lol. Maybe that's just me :p

I saw "Into The Blue" a few days ago - terrible. Bad acting, stupid storyline..the only good thing - and forgive me for being superficial - but Paul Walker being topless for like 95% of the movie.

This might fit in but I dunno, I saw Munich yesterday and I thought it was going to be boring and I wouldn't like it but it was wonderful and Eric Bana is fantastic.
I'm probably going to get rotten vegetables thrown at me at the least for saying this but one film I particularly dislike that always sticks in my mind is Gosford Park. Was severely disappointed by this film...heavens, it spent *so* long dealing with introducing about a million characters (which made the whole thing worse and even more confusing), some of which didn't even seem to have anything to do with anything in the end...and then toward the end of the film someone is murdered, and it's obvious who by (well, it was to me anyway - I believe they even put in some stupid red herrings to try and fool us somewhere), and then it suddenly ends not long after that.

I distinctly remember sitting on the couch in the lounge thinking 'erm, is that it? What a waste of over two hours!' :lol:

But I spoke to a friend of mine who liked this film and told her why I didn't like it - she was quite surprised, and said I was missing it's point of highlighting the divide in upper and lower classes, etc. :confused: :lol:
I hated the movie 'Signs'; It was so stupid and not even scary!

House of Wax: Paris Hilton. 'Nuff said. (Sorry Paris fans; I really hate her)

All of the Austin Powers movies

The new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; Folks, Gene Wilder IS Willy Wonka and he always will be. Johnny can't take that from him

Dude, Where's My Car?

All the Batman movies
Napolean Dynamite.

Worse. Movie. EVER.

OMG! There's another person! I thought I was the only person in the entire world that hated that movie.

I haven't seen it, but it looks stupid and pointless movie to watch.
The Matrix: Reloaded
The Ring 2 (American)
Erin Brockovich (or something like that with Julia Roberts)
Signs = ZZzzzZzzzzZzzZzz
and finally, Stars Wars Epidode III: Revenge of the siths (but YODA rock'd da house !)

WHAT??? You didn't like Signs?? That movie was so freaking sweet! :eek: It scared the hell out of me but it was a good scary. I want to watch it again sometime.

Probably the only good film he made was the one with Bruce, the "I see dead people" one and all the rest were terrible.
House of Wax: Paris Hilton. 'Nuff said. (Sorry Paris fans; I really hate her)
I agree, she cannot act and her screaming was pathetic. They should have left her out of that movie.

The Grudge was a big disappointment. I kept hearing how good it was but it stunk.
^^ I told my cousin that my fave part of HoW was when Paris got that steel thing driven through her head! :lol: That was kinda gross though...

Coyote Ugly. I hate that movie so much...
Ugh the movie that i hated was Madagascar. Worst movie ever! I was complaining the whole time when my friends and i went to the theater. Hehe :lol:
i fell asleep during 'out of sight' with george clooney and jennifer lopez. and i dont mean i was watching it in my basement and fell asleep, i fell asleep in the movie theatre!
i also thought elizabethtown was pretty bad. the script was horrible and i fell like nothing ever happened. i went with people i work with, and the guy i was sitting next to fell asleep twice. twice! thats pretty bad.
I forgot to add Troy.

I went out with a couple of girlfriends for this one and we just laughed, man. Giggled, tee-heed, hee-hawed, snorted, snuffled, tittered, guffawed. Come to think of it, I guess I did enjoy watching the film. Oi, but how I wanted to throw my drink at Orlando.

Yeah! What made me the maddest was having someone with a freaking British accent in the movie. It's supposed to be about Greeks! They really nailed it with the authencity there. Alexander was worse. I wish they hired some Greek actors or at least had Greek directors. That made me mad and ooh how I wish I could swear in Greek right now. Those movies took nearly 5.5 hours outta my life which I can't get back.
I'd have to say The village, it was so bad. I didn't even bother watching the end. the plot was terrible, the suspense was aweful, the music was terrible and the actors were the worst. it was such a bad movie.

My opinion.