Worst Movies Ever

I like Madagascar... What I hated was ''Harts wear''
I couldn't bare it and didn't even stayed to watch the end
*cough* Vanilla Sky comes to mind for me. And, to an extent, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. I really enjoy the visual effects and Jude Law in a uniform, but... the plot that was basically non-existant bothered me.
I'd have to say The village, it was so bad. I didn't even bother watching the end. the plot was terrible, the suspense was aweful, the music was terrible and the actors were the worst. it was such a bad movie.

My opinion.

I agree. The trailer and the hype from the media made it seem the like the scariest movie ever. I couldn't watch it through either, you know the movie stinks when you can fast forward through a movie and still know what's going on.
It was terrible, and nothing - not even Joaquin Phoenix - could've made it better. To top it off I bought it for full price at the store, for like $25 which really bugs me.
Another movie that i just thought of that i absolutely hated was Open Water. Now i am a lover of most shark movies, but this movie made me so angry. You spend about 10 minutes watching a black screen listening to them cuss. There was a nudity scene that was just so unnecessary. I probably could rant about it all day but i will spare everyone and not. :lol:
I'd have to say Neopolian Dymanmite. OMG! So many people liked that movie but there was NO plot what so ever. He was just running around like an idiot.
Thank you! I hated Napolean Dynamite! Everyone was saying it was so funny and I was expecting to laugh outloud every five minutes but it was just stupid. Hey, sometimes I enjoy a good stupid comedy but ND sucked.
I agree, ND was a dumb movie. Now i loved Kung Pow, probably the stupidest movie i've ever seen but it had me laughing so hard. :lol:
Glitter, Gigli, any of the Killer Tomatoes movies, and Plan 9 from Outer Space!

I totally agree with you on the first three - i'd rather have my eyes gouged out and have battery acid poured into the holes than sit through anything starring that annoying Mariah Carey person and the very untalented JLo. However, Plan 9 is so bad it's good. I really enjoying watching it and "Bride of the Monster" at least once a year - cheesey, badly made, but very very funny :)

The worst film I ever saw in the cinema was "City of Angels" - I was in a fit of laughter from beginning to end. It was just AWFUL. Nick Cage looked constipated (maybe angels are supposed to be constipated , but it looked ridiculous) I didn't care when Meg Ryan died at all. It was a horrible film, and it could have been great - the original film "Wings of Desire" is brilliant!

Another terrible film is "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover" - the film looks gorgeous (like a moving painting) but its just horrendous apart from that.
There was also this really crappy movie called 'Killer Clowns from Outer Space'. It came on tv one time so I watched it out of boredom- that movie blows, but it was hilarious because it was so stupid and low-budget. Also, I hated 'I Know What You Did Last Summer'. That movie was really bad, and they didn't need to make a sequel! It didn't make it suck any less!
The prequel to Dumb and Dumber was horrible. Thank god I got to see it for free. The prequel is something that they should have left alone....nothing can top the original Dumb and Dumber. That was 90 minutes of my life that I can't get back!
Mr and Mrs Smith had a horrible ending.

Ok STUCK ON YOU! I hated this movie so much. I didnt even finish it. I thought it was going to be hilarious but the plot line sucked so bad. (He wanted to be an actor) Soo Bad.

hahaha Oh Napolian Dynamite. I see why people hate this movie.. but I love it. Its more of a wtf movie.. and thats why I laughed, because it was just so random. (Like when he throws the army man outside the bus window attatched to a string). Deffinatly had some good times watching that movie lol.
There was also this really crappy movie called 'Killer Clowns from Outer Space'. It came on tv one time so I watched it out of boredom- that movie blows, but it was hilarious because it was so stupid and low-budget.

My thoughts exactly on that movie. It was really ridiculous but....I did watch it all. Another movie that comes to mind is Mars Attacks . OMG it was awful. I kept watching because I was hoping it would get better..didn't happen.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was bad too. I agree with an earlier post that Gene Wilder IS Willy Wonka and will always be. Not some wanna be who I thought looked and acted like Michael Jackson. My kids even hated that movie.

The other night I watched a movie called Fathers and Sons on Lifetime. I was so excited because it said it had Rory Cochrane and Jeff Goldblum in it. I kept watching and watching and they weren't in it. I couldn't keep track of what was happening in the movie. I looked it up on IMDB and found out there were 2 movies made with that title. Now I know why I couldn't follow it...they were showing the lives of 3 families on the same street. Ugh..it was terrible. :mad: