World Cup 2006 and Other Football Stuff #3

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DaWacko said:
I start to think Holland didn't win because they could play in their orange clothes. :p
I think you might be quite right there, Ducky!

I hope Ukraine and Australia will win.

I'm still supporting:
I would love to see some more underdog teams wins so I hope that both Swizterland & Australia will win tomorrow.
wow what a night was yesterday :D

England win, but for me was big disappointment theirs game :( i keep wonder is this team have defence ?! can`t believe that they play so disperse and unorganized. JohnTERRY make some big mistakes not only this match :( and where was Steven GERRARD ?! :mad: how can they play only with one attacker Wayne ROONEY ?! no no no... don`t think they gona make it long time in this WC 06. but as i see after Portugal have win theirs match...and now they have two guys with red cards (Deko and Costinha) out for the next game....even CRISTIANO RONALDO have some problems.....hummmm England again have luck .... if Portugal was with full squad for me England is on his way to theirs UK...

and now for the next match Holland and Portugal ... awww what ugly view...what happend with fair play motto ?! for me all this fallen start after Figo hit one guy without ball... Ivanov have to shwo to him red card ... agrrrr...and this referee Ivanov is piece of sh..t...HE spoil the game.... :( for my regret Holland lose :( it`s not fair.... :mad:
Lucy said:
So, now Holland are out, who will the Dutch fans support? How about England? :D

I will do! England is my 2nd favorite team after Holland! ;)
my support list now:

I don't like Portugal at the moment. (I know this is childish, but i WANT to be childish. :p)

I also hope that Australia will win today. They're cool.
You're absolutely right there Pusher, it was the ref who spoiled the game. I have nothing against Portugal or the Portuguese, the ref just made it into a tough game on both sides. :(

Okay, so there goes my prospect of a Holland - Germany final, now I'm hoping for a Germany - England in a way, because it's the same kind of game.. it's war :D
I have nothing against Portugal

me to , me to :p if i have to be honest i have a lot divided - i love Holland , but also love Deko, Figo and Kristiano Ronaldo...ehhh this all is past now. but Germany - England can`t play final...only 1/2 ... will see will see...don`t think Englad have chance against Germany even they play better...till now this is not England team that i know end love for my regret :(

:lol: :lol: :lol: everything is personally attitude - this is the sport spirit...

I also hope that Australia will win today. They're cool.

can`t believe that i going say this but GO Australia GO !!!
Pusher said:
but Germany - England can`t play final...only 1/2 ...
They can't.. owww dude, then something went totally wrong in filling in my WC-shedule.. *looks at shedule*.. *starts puzzling out where the mistake was made* Heh, this is frustrating, cuz I can't see where I went wrong.. but I'm sure you're right :D
Thanks.. but uhm.. alright, I might be an amateur in this :p but *looks at Pusher's shedule to figure it once again in order not to say anything stupid haha* okay.. so let's say W57 will be Germany.. and W59 will be England.. then, Germany can become W61 and England can become W62 and the final will be between those two teams.. so aren't I correct in saying that it is possible to have a final between the two.. :confused: Yeah, I think I started getting confused since Holland is out.. it may also be the fact that I'm still drunk haha.. no I'm not, I'm kidding.. *hides Heineken behind back* :rolleyes:
I think the reason why only Rooney is up there... Sven-Göran's plan started to suck after Owen was injured and that's the reason why there is only Rooney.
it may also be the fact that I'm still drunk haha

not ur in mistake :lol: i`m the one who is still drunk and asleep :p sorry for this !!!

but this way England will go play with Brazil awww *afraid*

Sven-Göran's plan started to suck after Owen was injured and that's the reason why there is only Rooney

ok i agree with this. but i don`t think that GERRARD play well in so forward position. for me it will be better if nex game we see ROONEY and CROUCH together in England attack :rolleyes: :confused:
i think the holland v portugal game was hillarious, the players finally grew some balls and started to contact lol. i found it quite amusing

i had a funni convo with mariel while watching it

Mariel: this just isnt soccer
Ma: i know it isnt, i mean this is amusing :p caching, bada bing bada boom, one point to me
Mariel: haha, nice

it was very amusing lol.

cant wait for tonight, aussie aussie aussie, oi oi oi
When they start to injure each other (like what happened to Christiano... or what Figo did) there's nothing funny at that. May end your career.

Italy - Australia will be intersting game today
I know it definately won't be happening, but I think it would be really amazing if the final is going to be Australia - Ghana.
Congrats to England,there're lots of Ecuadorians here and they were happy and proud of their team so they didn't worry much.
What happened to Becks?He was throwing up in the field yesterday.

Congrats to Portugal too!!!
Holland-Portugal was a very violent match,it was incredible that Portugal won with 9 and without Cristiano Ronaldo.

IMO today Italy and Switzerland (even without Senderos) are gonna win.

Ref are doing a very bad WC.

Yesterday,they didn't air the Holland-Portugal live here,they only air 1 match live per day,and tv goes slower than radio,that's quite annoying.
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