Without A Trace *May Contain Spoilers*

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Re: Without A Trace

Well i don't know about others but i must now go locate my stomach, did they have to make that look so real, wicked. :D
Re: Without A Trace

'John Michael' is officially my favourite WaT episode EVER.
Re: Without A Trace

Posted by Charisma:
wasn't tonite's episode titled "dreams" or something like that..but then they changed it?? that`s what my friend Aileen told me.
Well i guess we figured out you're question, and the differences and why the change, definitly makes sense now.
Re: Without A Trace

Did anyone notice the scrabble game that was on the table when jack was in John's apartment. It said ALONE from top to bottom, then MOTHER across. Was a pretty good episode. Somewhat weird but was refrshing. Good Jack episode.
Re: Without A Trace

"john michaels" is the first WaT episode i've watched the whole way through. was it natural that when john michaels started shooting jack's teammates to start yelling "what the %)^*%*??"

i think i'll have to start watching more.
Re: Without A Trace

HOly mother of god...It took me half way through that ep to realize who the boy on the roof was...and yes, Dynamo I knew who was playing the old man the minute he came onto the screen...bad make up job. SOmebody in the effects dept. needs to be canned. or caned, I feel a little naughty tonight, I think it's the antibiotics. :lol:
The whole scene at the beginning...so very, very surreal. I will never feel the same way about the Major Tom song again. Oh, no, wait...I already was a little creeped out about it...I still like it though...it's like a bloody car wreck! GAH!! Now that song's in my head and...crap.

I'm just going to get myself in bed now. *turns off radio from oldies station...don't want to hear that song*
Re: Without A Trace

After the license plate scene, this show had me thoroughly confused, until the last part on the roof. Part of what clued me in was the fact that Jack's partners were shot. The other part was when John Michaels told Jack to state his name. Then it dawned on me what was going on. (I am a little slow sometimes :lol:). At one point I thought the way Jack was acting was due to some medication he was taking.

It took me a couple of scenes to realize who was playing the old man. Recognized him by his voice. After that I realized the similarities in personal situations between John Michaels and a certain character.

Not one of my favorite episodes, but it was rather interesting.
Re: Without A Trace

Okay after the wonderful view from said roof top the pan down and around and up, and back, which might i add was nicely done, but did anyone misplace there stomachs? cause mine dropped.

Top it off i am not even afraid of heights they just did so well that i was like :eek:

I figured out the name Part when i heard the voice, and really looked at the make up (which i agree they could do better), i think i only guessed it, because most of the men in my family either go by John or Jack.

Geez who else thought Jack was having a friggen break down, attacking same, wild-eyed look, arresting his own father.
And notice the "Boss" looked very much like his ex wife marie, nicely done now her i didn't recognize until they flashed the pictures.

I still blame her for this turn around on him, before he hung on to the past with his mom's suicide attempts and then ultimately succeeding, but it wasn't until Marie's attorney re-brought it back up and then pressed and pressed the issue in "Malone Vs Malone" that i think it really nailed him re-opening an old wound, and i am sorry but that is playing way to dirty. IMO
Re: Without A Trace

Why did he try to kiss Sam? And was it all really just a dream, or was the phone ringing at the end to tell him that a 71-year-old man named John Michaels really did disappear?

I must say, until "John Michaels" spoke, it didn't quite click that Anthony LaPaglia was playing him. But, it took me until the end of the episode to recognize that the kid (who was the last to see "John") was young Jack. Or, I'm pretty sure it was. I didn't see the connection between the Boss and Marie, though. *shrugs* My bad.

All in all, I thought it was very surreal, but the Major Tom song seemed to fit perfectly with the mood.
Re: Without A Trace

I didn't totally pay attention to last night's ep so it really confused me. Then Viv and Danny were shot and I was like WTF IS GOING ON?!?!?!? I thought "Are they ending the show or something?!"
Re: Without A Trace

Everything from start to the end was only a dream, in the dream Jack & john were the same person, the dream represented the parts of himself that were missing, (getting close to others afraid they will leave, everyone he cares about dies) that he held himself back missing out on everything.

How i figured this out in the ep with danny's brother rememeber he called Viv and asked why people didn't tell him anything? and the shrink asking him why he thought people didn't confide, and he said cause he was the boss, and she asked why don't you confide to them and he said cause he was the boss.

His job let him have an outlet, in that dream he was literly having a break down, (hence the kissing attack on sam), his behavior being odd, look how tired he was.

Viv getting shot and dying was based because she is what would be considered his good friend (even though he doesn't let her in) and because he is scared of her dying with the heart problem and up and coming surgery.
Danny i think was because he would put his life on the line to help those in need.

John Michaels turned out to be "John Michael Malone" i am betting at the end of the ep it was work calling but i don't think it was about a guy who was named John Michaels, but rather another person who needs him, the fact that he didn't answer it, shows how the dream really affected him.

I am waiting to see if his outlook or his attitude and physcial tiredness seems to get better in the finale next week.
Re: Without A Trace

O M G! i enjoyed last nite's episode sooo freaking much!

the first time i saw John Michaels..i SOOO KNEWWW that he was being played by Anthony LaPaglia..but didn`t realize it was going to be Older Jack...haha. the kid..i didn`t know that was Young Jack..i just thought...heh..some kid. LOL.

can`t go into much detail but i just..REALLY REALLY LOVEDDDD this ep! MY FAVORITE EPISODE BY FAR!!! :lol:
Re: Without A Trace

oooh ya...

i was wondering...anyone know where i can find a list or something of the music used for last nite's ep??? there was this one song...by a girl..it was really good.

then i think..it was a Beatles song that they played twice...
Re: Without A Trace

hmm do you remember the scene it played in? i have the ep still on tape, i use them for quotes, i haven't gotten to it yet.
There are a couple sites that do the music but nothing i can find that has it up yet.
Re: Without A Trace

Jack's Boss was named "Doris" his mothers name who hada commited suicide when he was 16. No one commented on that. Just thought I'd point it out.
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