Without A Trace *May Contain Spoilers*

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Re: Without A Trace

The latest episode was brilliant. Have to say I was always a bit worried about how they were going to have Samantha find out about Martin's addiction but they played it very well. Samantha was really emotional and Poppy gave a credible performance. I love the fact that it's finally her turn to help Martin after all he's done for her. Slightly concerned about what Martin was wearing when he went to the meeting at the very end though!

And Vivian rocks as per usual. :)
Re: Without A Trace

I also liked the way they did the Martin addiction thing, having both Samantha and Danny involved. I'm kind of glad they are finally resolving it, because I thought they were drawing it out too long. Also liked the case, although the boy made me think of eminem.

I was definitely disturbed by the hat Martin wore to the meeting.
Re: Without A Trace

Martin's appartament looked as Jack's one after the divorce.

Dunno what to think about the ep,I liked it but is that all?
I mean,Sam talks to him,he goes to a meeting with Danny and his addiction is over?Or the story of Martin's addiction is going to continue?

The only thing I've found of the tv guide was this pic. Where's Jack?
Re: Without A Trace

Jack and Vivian weren't really pictured that much in the TV Guide. As a matter of fact, I can't remember if they were in it at all :eek:
Re: Without A Trace

Hormiga said:
The only thing I've found of the tv guide was this pic. Where's Jack?

Oh man, that's hilarious. Martin looks a little hysterical - his smile is so obviously one of those 'see how happy I am smiling for the camera' ones. Danny, though... Mmmmmm..
Re: Without A Trace

There was a good pic on the inside of the TV Guide. All 3 of them were sitting on a couch. Yup, it was a good pic.
Re: Without A Trace

Originally aired: Thursday April 13, 2006 on CBS.


The team searches for a pregnant woman with HIV who goes missing and keep their eyes on both the husband, and a phone call she'd received not long before her disappearance.

What's your fav ep?
Mines are:
S3-"Malone v. Malone".
S4-"Viuda Negra".
Re: Without A Trace

oh great picture. Martin looks like he is crinkling hi nose up at something. :lol: Danny looks adorable! :D

I like all the episodes. The one on Thursday was awesome. The twists in it were great to watch.

I didn't know Elana had a kid. Does anyone know there name?
Re: Without A Trace

That I believe was the first and last mention of her daughter, just that she is 6, I think they are slowly introducing her character, and things in her life.

I was watching RS on the late late show a couple nights back and she is actually funny she didn't talk much about her job on the show, but did talk about the fact that some complain that with her accent they can not understand her real well, then said something to the effect that she didn't know why lol she could understand herself. :D

When asked if she could do other accents, she said nope, other then the one she has Puerto Rican, then she went on to tell the differences between living in Puerto Rico and the US, and that she learned alot of her English from a coach when she arrived in New York, and that she is hoping to get better at it.
Re: Without A Trace

I really like Elana and I'm glad they are introducing her character. It would be cute if they showed her daughter eventually.

I can understand her good but there are just a few words here and there that I can't really understand.
Re: Without A Trace

Yeah I know what you mean, thing is there are a couple times when I misunderstood something Jack, Martin, Danny, Sam and Viv have said at one point or another, I think part of it might be their accents interferring as One small part of it but the other is the fact that they say their lines up and done in tone and pitch, or someone having trouble pronouncing something so it gets garbled like they said it and in reality they probably just said something mumbled, in which the others pick up so the audience goes ahhh thats what was said. :D
Re: Without A Trace

I would have liked to seen that interview. RS is one of my fav actresses.
Sometimes it is hard to understand what she is saying, but most of the time, her English is pretty clear. I also hope they show her daugter sometime.

Anyways, CBS just re-aired the episode with the twin brothers Rick and Greg and I loved it! So many twists, it was great to watch! Does anyone know the name of the ep?
Re: Without A Trace

The ep with Rick and Greg is called "Doppelgänger" from season 2.
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