Without A Trace #2 ~ Jack's Pack

I expected Medina to leave in a little bit more dramatic way, not just: "I'm leaving" "I want my job back" "ok" "ok". That was pretty lame. :p

Can we expect anything of substance regarding the rest of the Without a Trace cast beyond the Jack and Samantha storyline? — Jennifer
Mickey: Boy, do I have good news for you, Jen. An upcoming episode will deal head-on with Danny and Elena taking their relationship public. Martin, too, will find love, but not without its complications. Marianne Jean Baptiste, who plays Vivian, will direct an episode.(TvGuide)
A heart wrenching episode, the poor girl who couldn't get pregnant, but had already given birth to a son some 10 years back. So she runs into her highschool sweetheart, who's falling on hard times, and think's by helping him money wise, she'll feel better. So she embezzles money from her own bank:( So her co-worker picked up on it and started a piggy-back effect and did it too, and had her boyfriend kidnapp her co-worker and she was found by Sam, So sad when the husband found out, and ever more sad when she found her child had been hit by a car and killed. Jack was so great as always, he's so angry all of the time, and how he stood up to his supervisor :wtf:good ending when he was talking to his co-worker who had been offered his position and turned it down, how they bonded~Both women were arrested so bascially thier lives are over as they knew them!
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I have to say I think this series of WaT is a huge improvement on the last 2 seasons, but...

...if the spoilers are to be believed we have Sam and Jack re-kindling their romance next episode, Danny and Elena's 'relationship' is highlighted in an upcoming episode (only two seasons after it started!) and now (apparently) TPTB are about to introduce a 'significant' romance for Martin. It all seems a little too 'romance heavy' for me - I just hope they can pull it off and it not turn into a soap fest!
A horrible story about the poor guy who got hit by a truck, while riding his bike, and was suing the truck company. And so to take his mind off his problems, he was doing research on-line hunting for pedophiles the scourge of the earth. But when he went to confront the scurm-bag in a motel room the low-life shot himself. Then he realized that he wanted to drop the suit and went ot the truck dirver and confessed that the accident was in fact his falut, because the light on his bike went out. The poor guy lost everything, and so he gave him his van, in a way of restitution. And, if that wasn't awful enough, the guy he worked for on catching these scum bag tried to kill him because he wanted out:confused: but the team saved him. And Danny & Elena's romance is heating up and they are "in love" funny when Jack walked in on them kissing, and said "Am I interupting" and they go "Yes' and he goes "carry on":lol: Jack is so awesome a great actor with his snarky cynical attitude:vulcan: good interesting ep.:thumbsup:
Trace of a romance. It doesn't take a detective [or in this case an FBI agent] to figure out Jack Malone has got it bad for Samatha Spade. The mystery surrounding her feelings for him is solved tonight when the former 'lovers' follow a missing-person case to Los Angeles. Freed from the confines of the FBI office, Jack and Sam are able to be a little looser and talk more candidly about their feelings, teases ex. producer Greg Walker "It's an interesting investigation in that the missing person is on a quest to find out what happened in his past" Jack & Sam to do the same amount of introspecton and are forced to confront the direction their relationship is heading" If things work out, could double dates with Danny and Elena be far behind? source TV Guide
WHOA Jack and Sam are together, they kissed.. more later. A trippy episode, a guy who in his early drugged out days killed a couple and didn't remember, and thought his dad did it. He was running away form another crime that was iffy as to who did it, and how this co-worker died. This story took Jack and Sam to L.A. where they worked on the case. I was stunned when I found out thie guy did it. He then drowned himself in the ocean, because he felt so guilty and couldn't face his horrendous crime. The Jack and Sam got real chummy, she's a bit terrified to get involved with him again, but told him she still had feelings for him. and he said something that made tears come to my eyes:( "I'll try to be what you want me to be" and his daughter is coming to live with him so then he can be a daddy to her baby son. Really senusual and romantic:p
I liked the episode last night.

I have to mention something about the whole Jack/Sam thing, so this might get a little long:

I've always liked their relationship. I don't know why; I've just always felt like it was a good part of the show, despite the whole boss/subordinate thing (no problems with GSR, just a point). However, I have a problem with using pregnancies to make people suddenly together. When I heard that they were incorporating Poppy Montgomery's pregnancy, I was worried. I thought for sure that they were going to use it to throw Sam into a relationship and make the mistake of making her and a co-worker suddenly together. When the father turned out to be some random guy, I relaxed slightly but thought that it seemed a bit out of character (I don't usually watch the show- correct me if I'm wrong). I noticed that Jack seemed to be closer to her, and I wondered how they'd deal with that. Last night, I realized that in a way the pregnancy was a way to start a relationship. But it didn't bother me. They were playing up both Jack's feelings for Sam, and his insticts as a father. And it works. When he kissed her, she seemed hesitant and shocked, but at the same time there was a sense that she wasn't going to be mad at him for it. And she wasn't- she kissed him back a little later. Like I said, it worked. I really felt like it was the way it was supposed to play out. And I think this whole thing might actually work.

Sorry about that rant-like thing, that's just how I see this.
OMG Jack and Sam WOOP WOOP this along with Tony and Ziva on NCIS is definately the only few pairings I would actually believe to happen in real life. Good on them!
Sam:"Would you like to try this?" and Jack just kisses her *squee* and his "I would like to be all the things you need me to be" made me squee even more how cute is he?! And he's terrified about his daughter coming because he thinks he'll screw it up but Sam believes in him and he wants it to work so they can be together!

I really did lol at "Didn't I tell you my mother was in town"

OMG Jack and Sam WOOP WOOP this pairing along with Tony and Ziva on NCIS are one of the few I would believe to happen in real life and good on them!
Sam:"Would you like to try some of this?" and Jack just kisses her *squee* and his whole "I would like to be all the things you need me to be" made me squee even more I mean how cute is he?! And his daughter is coming to stay with him and it scares the crap out of him but Sam believes in him so they can be together!

And I have to say I lol'd at
Sam "Didn't I tell you mother was in town?"
Jack "Yea I'm just in denial aout it"

The story itself was really sad about the guy killing two people when high on PCP. He was so guilty when he found out that he killed himself and did what the daughter asked of him :(

I really enjoyed this ep if you hadn't guessed! Look forward to next week!

I realise I have double posted but I don't know how to delete my previous post so could I get some mod help and delete the post prior to this. Double post due to silly comp messin up agen sorry!
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grssom89, please don't double post. You have 24 hours to edit your replies. I've merged your two posts together.

Hey thanks for that I know I double posted but I wrote this in the previous post as something happened with my comp that I couldn't fix it

I realise I have double posted but I don't know how to delete my previous post so could I get some mod help and delete the post prior to this. Double post due to silly comp messin up agen sorry!
Congrats to Roselyn Sanchez & Eric Winter
Los Angeles (E! Online) – Single life has disappeared for Without a Trace star Roselyn Sanchez.

Sanchez tied the knot on Saturday with her longtime boyfriend, actor Eric Winter, in her hometown of Puerto Rico.

The nuptials took place at the historic San Cristobal fort in San Juan in front of 250 guests, including Eva Longoria Parker.

The couple dated for two years before getting engaged during a holiday vacation in the Caribbean last year. This is the second marriage for both.

Sanchez, 35, stars as Agent Elena Delgado on the hit CBS detective series. Winter, 32, has had roles on Brothers and Sisters, Days of Our Lives and the recently-axed series The Ex-List.
Thank's for the news Destiny congrats. to her and her beloved:thumbsup:

Last night's ep. was another who did it, the girl who worked her self up through the rank's to get where she was in the medical industry, but threw it all away for her low-life brothers, who were down and outers. It was a mystery throughout who and how she disappeared, and Jack and his trickery making the one bro. tell him the whole truth, and fooled him into thinking he was dying and he wasn't. He's so awesome:thumbsup: The ending was a nail biter, but they saved her.
Still another ep. full of lies and deception. One had to really pay attention to this, the "weather man" who was a pompous ass, and got caught up in something that he didn't know of. But he did do the right thing at the end, And the Civil war re-enactment,:lol: Jack goes "You won the war..again" So many un-expected twists and turns such a great show I love the whole cast. Jack and his sarcastic remarks, he's so great and such a good actor. He had to blow up that War cannon, in the last scene, we all knew he'd do it, the little kid in him:rommie:
YIPEE> finally a new spisode, wow this was full of surprises again.. the teenager age 13, who hated both her parents although they were divorced, she still hoped they'd get back together, and ran away with a 40 year old man, but they were actually friends, and then she did something so bizzare, went to the home of a couple who's own daughter went missing and dyed her hair to kinda of resemble her, but ran again and Sam found her, and took her back. The ending was so sweet, after Jack tried to get his daughter in a pretigious school, Sam went and tried to smooth over the ruffled feathers of the head master, [he blew it] and them the end Jack was babysitting her baby boy, and talking to him like a grown up person, really sweet and poignant, and then the doorbell rang and there stood the real dad, always a suspense filled show:thumbsup:
I keep meaning to post here but always forget,

Loved the new ep, I loved the scene at the end it was really sweet and then facing Brian he was like yeah i'm the babysitter and its how straight faced he is which makes it better for me