What I think you missed, is that Sam and Brian 'kissed' she leaned down to kiss the baby goodbye, and he kissed her, she looked shocked and said something to the effect of "this didn't happen" and wen to work... Jack and his teenage daughter not understanding her at all, but trying to be a good dad , he's so not in tune with her at all...she's a typical kid, who's boyfriend came clear from Chicago, to be with her, and went missing. He got caught up in a world of sleaze and low-lifes, and sold his prized 1977 Camero, that he'd rebuilt and was his pride and joy, to get money. The a..holes who ripped him off were not all they seemed to be. Now he and his friend were involved in his other friends accidental death, and covered it up and ran to N.Y. cut to the chase, they did find him, and the ending ticked me off, While Hannah and Shay were reuniting, Sam and Jack were watching them through the window, and I was positive they'd hug and kiss, but alas it didn't happen. On a happy note Elena and Danny are engaged and were planning a lavish wedding and practcing a 'dance' which was not going at all well, they were giggling and so cute, and she confided in him that she would really prefer a justice of the peace, vs a big wedding, he told her, that's what he wanted too. It ended like that~