William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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Don'tcha just love exams? :p Back to school tomorrow. My year group are doing them now! :eek: I get more nervous than they do!

Good luck everyone doing exams! Now stop reading about the lushness of William Petersen and start revising! :lol:

There should be a Billy qualification - BA Hons Hotness or something. I'd do it! What could we have on the syllabus??

ETA - Have I beated Eggy to top of the page??
Is that bad? :lol: It just means you have to watch more CSI, that's all, hhunter! Such a chore for you! ;)
what quiz is this? someone repost or pm me it pwease....hahaha "bird" they called him "bird"? LOL. i would love to see what his hair looked like back to be called that. it couldnt have been that bad.
Anyone else find it hilarious that my post is like huge? :lol: Just me. :rolleyes:

I bet you really hated having to watch His Hotness to type that up, didn't you?
It was dreadful, worse than...umm...something horrible. :rolleyes: I've never watched baseball before actually, it looks fun, not as much fun as rounders though, now there's a sport. :lol: I'm soo joining the Rounder's club at uni. :lol:

The worst thing just happened to me. I was sitting, minding my own business, and this huge ****er of a spider walked up the wall by the side of me. :eek: Which means that it's been in the room with me all day today! I've been in here for 12 hours! I've no socks on either! *wimpers* My dad threw it out of the window so I'm ok now. Sort of.

God, where was I?
Right. Did you like my '<insert>'? Piss myself everytime. :lol: :rolleyes:

Yo yo girls, the links up there
Thanks ams, it wasn't very clear that I linked it was it? :lol: It was a passing link. :rolleyes:

There should be a Billy qualification - BA Hons Hotness or something. I'd do it! What could we have on the syllabus??
:lol: No way it's a science. ;)

ETA - Have I beated Eggy to top of the page??
I can't believe it, I revise for 2 seconds, and someone steals the top spot! I'll have to watch out for it next time. Funny how Ams missed out so closely. :devil:

I'm so jumpy, seriously you should've seen that thing it was a monster. *shudder*
I got 7 out of 10. Shame on me LOL

I got stumped on where he got his degree, the one thing he didn't have in his office -for the love of me, I didn't remember about the fish-shaped board :eek: ... and well the third one was a silly mistake, I knew the answer -swear I did- but didn't check the right thing -it was about the fetishes :rolleyes:

*slaps self and goes hide in closet*
^ I got 7/10 too. :rolleyes: *goes to hide in closet with you* It's dreadful, really is. I've already said which ones I got wrong, so I won't say it again, but I swear these people are cheating. *glares*
WOW, eggy pretty amazing.. I sat and watched it live, but would never have remembered everything he said.. :eek: I do recall they start filming in July, and the tme off with family and some baseball, and the Idaho thing and how they called him "bird" but how the H did you do that! good job ;) what a memory :eek:

There should be a Billy qualification - BA Hons Hotness or something. I'd do it! What could we have on the syllabus??

ETA - Have I beated Eggy to top of the page??
I'd pay £3000 to take that course. Too right I would, his master of hotness should teach it too. He'd havta wear a suit all day woot woot! And yes, yes you did. Hardy har Eggy!

Funny how Ams missed out so closely.
Oh sshh you big moose! One day I shall have a post at the top of the page. How do you do it Egg, share your wealth with the rest of us :p pwwwease.

I'm so jumpy, seriously you should've seen that thing it was a monster. *shudder*
God I did *not* know what you were talking about then lmao...:rolleyes: I did that once, the big ass spider was sat in a glass vase and I didn't see him. Creepy poohead!

I got 9/10 but THE BLOODY QUESTION WAS WRONG! Boo hiss. Lol. Least I beat Eggy mwahaha. Love ya!
WOW, eggy pretty amazing.. I sat and watched it live, but would never have remembered everything he said..
I've got a great memory. :rolleyes:

How do you do it Egg, share your wealth with the rest of us pwwwease.
You've just gotta wait until you just know, you get a feeling, and you know that it's your turn. *nods knowledgedly* << Did I just make that word up? :lol: ETA: I did make it up, I meant to say Knowledgably. :rolleyes:
So hardy har back at you, since you haven't got the sense. :p
Least I beat Eggy mwahaha
:( Yeah, after I told you the answers to the hard questions. *frown* You're mean tonight Ams. *hides*
eggbe4thechicken said:
Yo yo girls, the links up there
Thanks ams, it wasn't very clear that I linked it was it? :lol: It was a passing link. :rolleyes:
Thanks again! :lol: there was so much chit chat on that page, I must have missed it :lol: I got 9/10.. that last question threw me off!!
I scored 80%, said I was good enough to be Catherine. that's OK, I'll be Sara ;)I missed the fish one, and the school, degree I thought he got his degree up north! fun, I love quizzes, revs up the old brain, what's left of it :Dand lots of chit-chatting, and quotes vs quotes.. WHY? HMMM, just asking :rolleyes:
britfan I do need to watch more CSI. :lol:

I missed the quote one, like what did Grissom say
the serial killer one
Howdy everyone!

Came home and to my surprise, Jackpot was on. Talk about great timing. :D

Hmmm where would I work....I'd go with Ugly Betty.  Sorry Jack Bauer and Gil Grissom, Betty wins. :lol:

I'd love to work at CTU too, but I fear I would be either gassed or shot within the first hour! Health and Safety at Work does not operate in that place!

Whenever he leaves CSI, I would love to see Billy play the evil genius in 24... two hotties for the price of one! Keifer and Billy! *drool* *swoon* *thud*

*Goes of in search of Bauer CTU tee shirt from laundry pile...*

OT: OMG britfan you have a Bauer t-shirt??? :eek:
Where on earth did you get that?
ITA, I would die if BP were on "24" with my hero Jack.  And to play a evil genious would be excellent.  Oooooh mercy!!  How frickin' cool would that be? :D

Honestly, I hope this is his final year so he can move on.  Whether it's theatre, movies on the big screen, made for television, or another television series.  Grissom was fun but, I think it's time to say good bye to that character.

hhunter ....and whoever said D.C. was better than Billy is ON GLUE!!!

Amen Hh  I've only seen the cross over between Vegas and Miami once.
Once was enough for me. :rolleyes:

Whoa....I totally forgot about him singing back home! :eek:
So he had on a Cubs hat and shirt, awesome.  I was to busy having fun.

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