William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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So, how may beers britfan :D are you having fun? and I just got home, after work me a a friend went to a local casino, and I had stuck in $15, and hit 4 Queens, and it was $75 bucks, so I cashed out.. and that is a high in itself, but was only drinking 7-up, no drinking and driving in this crazy town the cops all all over looking for Friday drinkers, :( The crew will start filming in July, according to Billy baby, so 4 or 5 more week's and I hope they come here, and I'll start my chasing them again :D
My beer count now for Britfan is 14... mmm, I wonder if she's drinking pints, like we do here in the old UK, cos I may reconsider my count if she is :D I wuss out on beers, I can't do pints these days - unlike when I was in college many moons ago! Now when I drink beer - I gotta go for the bottles.

Anyway, you know what, tomorrow I am going to start a CSI summer marathon. I have decided to watch from the pilot onwards. Ahhh what joy! Wish me well on the marathon, I will report back!
Such rudeness! Lost count how many beers, but a fair few! And I got a signed WP pic for my birthday from poppylvsgriss!! It's lush! Can't be that far gone if I can type, surely?! :D
That's the best present ever! You gotta scan it in for us all to stare at. :lol: Or at least describe in great detail. :p
Hope you had a good-un. :)
I had scanning issues last time. Phototbucket didn't take it, so it may have to be cameraphone job. Will do it when have a steadier hand...
britfan said:
Such rudeness! Lost count how many beers, but a fair few! And I got a signed WP pic for my birthday from poppylvsgriss!! It's lush! Can't be that far gone if I can type, surely?! :D

Don't you be doing naughty thing to that photo now ;)

Anyway, the ability to type when drunk is actually an art form. It isn't as sign how drunk you may or not be, it's just a sign of knowing your keyboard however tipsy, I speak from experience ;)
Sounds like another Friday Night Party to me

whooo hhooo

and yes, we'd like to see the Signed picture of Billy as well
^ More like Saturday morning for us now. :rolleyes:

A steadier hand is probably best since we don't wanna see a smudged Billy. :lol: Did he sign it 'peace'? *sigh* :)
Which CSI game is it? I've done the first one and rescued Grissom from being eaten by maggots (he looked a bit gutted, actually, when Cath and I burst in ) But I had to download cheats for the other one - Dark Motives. I had to or I'd have punched Cath's face in when she wouldn't let me pick up some evidence
LMAO! I'm on the last case searching for missing Gmeister :( and i'm stuck, Cath's standing in the way of where I wanna go. Meh at her LOL. Grissom looks newt like him though which is a shame.

Pfft, the footie last night, i'd rather watch Rovers anyday. Can't believe Bentley was the only sub that didn't get a kick, mind you, he plays for the wrong club doesn't he lol. Sorry for the OTness, just needed to have a lil rant. Grrr!

Britfan, hungover this morning? I should hope so :p I told poppylvsgriss to get you on shots :p mwahaha.

So funny how she's lost for words!
She is lost for words but watch it, she knows whats comin when he leans in, she leans riiiight back. Go Marg!

Damn my bloody phone, Britfan tried sending the pic but my phones being silly and wouldn't work :( *hits phone* how dare you deprive me of Billyness?! Get it scanned in BF!
OMG I feel ashamed, I just took a How well do you know GG quiz, and I only got 7/10. I didn't know what infantilism was so got that question wrong when it asked which case hadn't he worked, and since I didn't know what it was I clicked it, and it was wrong. Then I couldn't remember where he got his PhD. UCLA of course, but I couldn't remember. Then I got the which serial killer hasn't commited suicide wrong, but I never remember the cases, so I would always get that wrong.
I'm a bad fangirl. :( *mopes*

AHH! :eek: I'm watching the interview at the cubs game, and he was called Bird because of his hair when he was young, I am sooo stealing that. :lol: And he's got his shirt signed! That's like OMG! No? Oh yeah, and a chest/arm zoom in, that's what I like to see. ;)
I'm liking the trousers the players/baseballers :)lol: I know nothing) wear. :devil: And why doesn't Bird wear them? :rolleyes: (stealing the name already. :lol:)
*new Billy name alert* Bird, cool beans, we calling him that from now on. Sorted!

Seriously if I took that quiz i'd get about -10/10, my memory sucks. Link me Egger. Oh, and link me for that interview.

OT - I'm pissed off, seriously, the caliber of people in Blackburn never seizes to amaze me. I was sat in the car waiting for my mum outside the booze shop and this chavette of about 14 walks past and gave me *the* dirtiest look for no apparent reason, proper glaring at me. So I looked right back, raised an eyebrow and called her a two worded expleetive that I canna post here. Lmao, the window was open too, hope she heard. Bloody chavs. URGH! I hate Blackburn sometimes, it's famous for being in the Beatles song for having 40000 holes in its roads. Go Blackburn *raises eyebrow in sarcasm*
Squeee, I so wanna see the signed picture, that must be absolutely awesome!

OT - Gah, we have chavs around here too. They're horrible, one time we were walking through town on a night out, and these group of 14 year old chavs started on us, and then started to threaten us, then a few more of our mates who play rugby joined us and they ran off, haha. So funny. :D
LMAO, did they use the phrase of intillectual words 'ARE YA STAR'IN?! I'll knock ya out INIT!' I wasn't even doin anythin, just sat there minding my own beeswax and she was glllaring at me. *cough* biatch *cough* My mum reckoned it was because I had my NY Knicks Jersey on...what difference that'd make I have no idea :s There were some young chavettes in the pub last night, I wannid to go over and kick um out on their collective tush! Muppets.

So yeah, Bird rawks, Chavs blow to get back on subject! Anyway, wheres Britfan & Poppylvsgriss today?! Nursing hangover's ladies?! Oh BF, get scanning that hotness for us lady lady!
Haha, yeah they're choice of language was "oi yer f***in' w*****s, wot u fink yer doin walkin down ere?" and we just laughed and walked off, then when our friends joined us, they started mouthin off as they ran away from us. :lol:

But yeah back on topic now. :p
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