William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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Oh no, everyone's starting to talk like a chav, it's addictive, I won't get sucked in... in.. innit... nooo! :devil:
Thanks for the interview egg :D
How slanderous of you ams! I was not hung over! I was out playing with my friends! *mutters obsenities* Though I was force fed shots. There is no excuse ever for pernod and black. Urgh. *shudders*

I am trying to get the signed pic onto photobucket, but I am having trouble logging in. I anybody else? I can't scan it in as it saves it as the wrong type of file and I can't get it on to pb that way either. Sorry! Bear with me!

And thanks for all the birthday wishes and gorgeous pics on the other Billy thread. Loved them all. Thank you. :D

I'm still on dial up so I need a transcript of the Cubs interview. What gorgeousness did WP come out with? Why did they call him Bird? What did his hair do as a youngster? :eek: Any takers? I thank you in advance.

*goes off swearing at photobucket*

ETA - I got 10 out of 10 on the GG quiz... la la larrr! With no revision! I am Queen Boff of Billydom!! Tra la la!! :lol:

ETA2 - Did I ever tell you how much I ADORE photobucket?!? I'm just gonna post it on the pics thread! Whoot! (I hope you like it now! :lol: No pressure!)
Are you ready for the transcript? This is better than Stats revision any day! :lol:

Here I go:
(Nobody better beat me too it, I'll cry. :rolleyes:)

WOW! They've changed the WPAP around when did that happen? It wasn't like that yesterday. :confused: Me likey likey anyway. :p

Sorry, try again:

Commentator dude: Chicago native Bill Petersen with us, doing a great job as always with the stretch, getting this crowd going and...tell ya Bill we've had unbelievable crowds this entire series and they're just waiting to get excited..
Billy: I know Man it's been bizarre that's all I know...it's just been bizarre
C: <insert some baseball talk which I'm gonna leave out, k?> Yeah, the numbers the talent is not matching the record right now.
B: It's gonna come, we'll get this thing turned around..
C: <insert> *lol* << as in me lol. :rolleyes:
C: so how's doing these days? What's going on?
B: well we're on our break from csi so get to come to a few cubs games which is great...we start again in July, so they gave us about 9 weeks off, which is great, gives us a chance to see the families, see some baseball.
C: so the upcoming season will be season number what?
B: Number 8 (he says 8 so billy like :))
C: Yeah that's great..
B: Yeah you know who woulda thunk it. (<< Look at what he said! :eek:) We thought we'd try and do a decent tv show, maybe be on for a year or two, and here we are..
C: You've done more than a decent tv show, oh that's for sure..
B: Well it's been remarkable and err, we're unbelievably blessed.
C: I don't know what the statistics are... <insert> ...but you think about series that either don't see the light of day, or get a pilot, maybe half a season then go away,
B: Hundreds of them
C: This is truly remarkable, but it says a lot about the great writing and the great acting
B: We have a great group, a err really remarkable group and we've just opened an exhibit of science in industry down on the south side and err it's called the CSI experience and it's really a treat for people that have liked the show, have liked the science it's a err it's a tribute to the show...so we're very proud of it.
C: I have to ask you, in your business is there anything similar to the struggles that the cubs are going through, I mean with the personel it's there, the numbers are there it should equate to a better season than we're seeing so far, do you ever experience that...
B: Yeah, in a lot of shows there's been a few last year that just had remarkable casts and a lot of really great writers, and a pretty good idea you know, and it just didn't gel. I mean there were a couple of shows I had friends on that were off after 4 or 5 episodes, you think to yourself how can that be? But it's a combination of things, just like this (refering back to baseball of course. :lol:)
C: <insert> Now you went to Idaho state on a football scholarship..
B: Well, that's a bit of a missnoma (no clue how to spell that :lol:) that I went there, my grade point averages was so bad that I had to take theatre classes to err get my grade level up, so that I could even be eligible, and I fell in love with the theatre, of course, and err, and the rest was history, I left football and everything else in the dust.
C: Do you ever think what if? You shouldn't have to I mean, you've had an unbelievable career, you ever think gosh I could have 7 concussions..
B: Yeah that's what would have happened, I'm not sure I would have actually seen the football field, probably would've been toast in the practice.
C: How about the bears season? (I can't make out what they say :rolleyes:) We had a lot of the current bears on...
B: We were actually in Miami, and it was a great first quarter,
C: It was..uh <insert> Bill can you hang around for a couple more minutes?
B: Sure. Whatever you like.
C: Bill Petersen with us, 6-0 florida.

OMG Part 2 here we go:

C: .....blah de blah...actor, chicago native Bill Petersen in the booth with us, and uh, actually this is funny because our first year 2005 you did the 7th inning stretch, and I kept calling you William, I got criticised a little bit on the radio for it, and I called in and I said You know I wanted to be respectful, you know that's your name, and it's on the list here and everything and uh, then I found out that everyone calls you Bill. So I just wanted to be proper, and <insert>
B: You can call me anything you like.
C: Laughs then you guessed it <insert> You know Bob and I talk to players all the time about how they like their name pronounced, and a lot of times, it's mispronounced for a long time, and you go 'really I thought it was this' and the guy says well 'nobody ever asked'.
B: laughs really adorable like. :p Right.
C: So we always prefered to call people what they prefer to be called.
B: ...I've been called a lot of things, so I wouldn't worry about it.
C: Hey did you have any nicknames in your football playing days?
B: Ah, not..well they used to call me Bird.
C: Bird?
B: 'Cause I had a whole lot of hair and it looked like a bird's nest. It started as bird's nest then it went to Bird.
C: <insert> One of the things you get to do when you do the stretch is you chat to Pat and Ron, before you come over here, and Ron's one of your heroes.
B: He signed my shirt (SQUEE!!!! :lol:)
C: Oh he did.
B: Look at that. (he like displays it all proud)
C: Very nice, it's number 10 if I'm not mistaken, right on the back.
B: yes. he was a hero growing up.
C: Still is a hero... (then the camera zooms in, oh yeah, come to Eggy. :devil:) ...to a lot of people. *sigh* <insert>
So let's just think big picture here, for a second here, sum up what it means to be a die hard fan of the chicago cubs.
B: It's rough. (Weezy laugh. :p) This is one of the roughest patches I can remember. Just because I know that this team are so much better than this, and I'm sure they're gonna get this tournament (turn around? IDK), somebody's gonna make a spectacular play, and (something else to do with getting a home run) and this will spin around.
C: <insert>
B: Just not right now.
C: <insert> Well I said it earlier...

Part 3:

B: this is our home team, and it always will be, win lose, or whatever, and err, I mean there's a certain part of not winning a world series in a hundred years that makes you come out, you know? I mean I'll never stop, there's hard times, there's times when you get disappointed a lot, but you turn on the tv again the next night, and like I said, these guys are gonna (I can't make out what he's saying sorry)
C: they've the best fans in the world, <insert>
B: You've probably said this Bob, but they seem tight to me, (like the trousers. :lol:) every game they break out for an inning or two, and they go back, then they catch up, and then they get tight again.
C: <insert> I think some of the fans frustration would be like if they showed the same episode of CSI every week, for you know, 6 months..
B: well yeah
C: We've seen a lot of this this year...fundamental mistakes, and lack of timely hitting, and you know eventually they're gonna tune out.
B: it's frustrating. I'm sure no more than for the players.
C: that's the thing, as high as the expectations are for the fans, the players expect a lot out of themselves, and there is no one as frustrated as those guys out there in that ball park than those out there in the white uniforms right now.
B: yeah
C: <insert> Alright last thing Bill, how much have you learnt about forensics?
B: Quite, More than I ever thought I would ever know. Let's put it that way, no, yeah you know, it's actually interesting, because I stayed away from television for a long time because you get stuck playing the same character if the show is successful, you could be on it for a long time, playing the same guy, and I wanted a show that would at least be interesting week to week, and I would learn something from it, and that, this show has done that for me. I have a whole new appreciation of science.
C: <insert> Do you find yourself in your down time, I'm sure it helps preparing for the role, but just, you know seeing stories in the paper..
B: Exactly. I read articles in the paper that I would've read 8/10 years ago, you know, where...and I understand them, at least a lot better than I did before, and it's really remarkable. And the people I've met that are in the science community and the forensics community, and the law enforcement proffesion are all...

Part 4:
B: ...are just a remarkable group of people.
C: I don't know if you read the books, or saw the movie zodiac, but you think about how far we've come in forensics and if that'd happen 15 or 20 years later they probably, actually would have caught..
B: Absolutely, I mean heck, just since the OJ trial, they've made incredible advances.
C: <insert> And you were in Manhunter, correct?
B: Yes, that was wear I first got a taste of it, working with the FBI err, a forensics lab, and er in Washington DC. It was about an FBI profiler but er there was a lot of stuff in the movie, that's one of the reasons, in fact that film was one of the reasons we thought that CSI could be successful, 'cause people have always been interested in what, how these guys caught guys, you know? And all the different tools they had to use.
C: <insert>
B: (something about someone and the wrong side of the tracks. :rolleyes:)
C: now do you follow the white socks at all?
B: Well I do on well, you know I don't go over their box score, but I check the score.
C: <insert>
B: As we all do in chicago, I have a lot of friends who are serious white socks fans, so I needle (needle? Huh?) them as much as I can.
C: <insert> Now Bill always a pleasure, and you know you're always welcome to come stop up, whether you're singing or not, and we'll catch CSI coming up this fall again.
B: It's, It's unreal for me to be up here, and be with you guys, so great to see the game from up here, so I appreciate it very much, thank you.
C: thanks Bill, Bill Petersen. Well he's hoping his cubs are gonna turn it around and everybody here is waiting for it to happen!

:) I did it. Enjoy?
That almost killed me. :lol:

Oh, and photobucket always has a spaz with me too. :( Oh, it's fixed now. *hurries off to pic thread*
woah great job there Eggy! Even though I watched the clips, I still had to read it through :D

I loved the bit where he shows off the autograph. Like a big kid! Much respect for Billy and his love of the Cubbies. It's so easy just to jump on sports bandwagons, and it's really nice to see a big star like him with such a public show of support and pride for his seemingly always struggling home town team.
Though I was force fed shots.
That might be partially my fault, told poppylvsgriss to get you on 'um. :D

WOW! They've changed the WPAP around when did that happen?
Aye I knew that was happening, puppypower posted something about it on BTA.

Had two more "interesting" experiences with chavs last night. I hate um seriously, should be illegal. *swears loudly*

Here here Gameface big props to Billy for sticking by his team. Good lad. Makes me adore him more. If i'm ever famouse, i'll still support my boys. Till death do us part lol.

ETA - Ch-ch-check me out, i'm now a Pathologist.
haha, nice job eggy! Well transcripted, I dunno if i'd have the patience for that! :p
Well done Ams! :D

OT - I finally got to 100 posts *does mexican wave*
woah great job there Eggy!
haha, nice job eggy! Well transcripted, I dunno if i'd have the patience for that!
Mwa! :D I got to listen to Bird's voice for an hour, I'm not about to complain. :lol:

I'm going to add to the sports convo, lol, because I feel left out. :rolleyes: I'm a huge Whitaker family supporter, they are a big family of show jumpers, and I love it when they all show up to events, even if they don't get placed. Plus Ellen's gorgeous. :p
There I contributed to the convo. :rolleyes: *scurries off*
Eggy, I bow to you! Thank you. That was awesome. I bet you really hated having to watch His Hotness to type that up, didn't you? Now, don't blame me if you fail your exams next week because you were doing this! ;)

Thank you, chuck. I hadn't realised there was so much! How weird that he shows off his hero's autograph like I did with his! :lol:
britfan I love your autograph of Billy. That is HOT!

Hope you had a great birthday and you are not 'terribly' hungover :lol: :eek:
Cheers, hhunter! No. I'm fine, thank you! ;) Even won a few quid on the dogs!

Watching Fear and Loathing and a couple of other hottie eps sorted me right out! ;)

Isn't it a cracking prezzie? Top bird, is our poppylvsgriss! :lol:
I got 9/10 of that Grissom quiz thing, and I shoulda got 10/10, one of the questions is wrong. The first one, he gave Miss Piggy to Catherine as an office warming prezzie. Boo hiss at that quiz, im right! Humph.

Just watching the interview thing now, baseball and Billy, to quote Bill & Ted, exxxxceelllent!
will someone PM the quiz, I want to take it.

Glad you had a great birthday britfan it's good to have you back here in Billy-Land :lol: ;)
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