William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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Yo Ho, just a general reminder to one and all to please stay in the general direction of W/G topics. Thanks much. :)

*resumes watching Billy in "The Beast"*
Ooh, Tallyho! 'The Beast...' On a school day! You naughty thing! :lol:

WPRMW - I got the CTU Bauer tee shirt in New York - a massive tat shop on Times Square and Broadway. It's marv. But not as good as the CSI one wi Grissom on that I got from NYNY in Vegas! That's nice!

Oh! A Levels! LemonJelly - I did A Level Music in 1992! Got a B!
On an extremely random note...I've just watched CSI in Spanish. :rolleyes: WP's voice is way sexier, the spanish dude's voice is too high. :( Sara's voice on the other hand is suprisingly similar to Jorja's. Like the pauses and things, verrry nice. :p OMG Sofia's voice! :eek: Nick's is pretty nice too. :rolleyes:
Oh, I did Music AS. Got a B. :D

*resumes watching*

ETA: OMG I take that back, Grissom's voice is like totally zexy, went all deep and I nearly died. :lol: :rolleyes:
britfan said:

WPRMW - I got the CTU Bauer tee shirt in New York - a massive tat shop on Times Square and Broadway. It's marv. But not as good as the CSI one wi Grissom on that I got from NYNY in Vegas! That's nice!

Hey britfan does Grissom have the hott beard or not. And to think I was in Vegas and didn't bother to look for any t-shirts. :( Oh well....next time.
I would love a "24" tee too. :p

LemonJelly06 said:
I can't imagine Grissom's voice in Spanish... I like his voice too much! :D

Me too. I like his voice to much to have it doubed over

I said on the pic thread that I love his Chicago accent and it really came through in his interview at the Cubs game :D
What I did notice as well, when they had him in the sky box, and kept cutting back to the game :mad: I could always decipher his low sexy voice when they'd start talking to him, it's distinctive, so soothing and appealing ;)
Oooh we on about his voice, so deep and b,e,autiful! Smooth honey dripping over rough rocks, thats Billy's voice for ya.

How addictive is 24? I had to force myself to turn the dvd off last night, just got into it, on the 4th hour of s1. I just said 'NO AMY!' and turned off the dvd box at half 12. So hard to do. Keifer...hmmm :D

I wonder what Billy does in his spare time.
He dances the samba! Ahem, ok I dunno if he does that, just sounded funny. I rekon he goes out with wifey/family a lot cuz he probs doesn't get to see them that much when he's filming. And I rek he watches a lotta sport too, and cooks. I can imagine him cooking on a bbq. :D
Me too. I like his voice to much to have it doubed over
I know, but it wasn't a choice. :( I feel sorry for people living in Spain who might never have heard his zexy voice. Oh, and they call him Greesum. :lol: I nearly died. :lol:

I could always decipher his low sexy voice when they'd start talking to him, it's distinctive, so soothing and appealing
Yeah, me too, it made it really easy to write down, even if I couldn't see who was speaking, I could hear who it was.

He dances the samba!
I was just thinking, and you know we've seen Billy dance three times! The bloopers, in the morgue with Doc Rob (although it was more of a head bob. :lol:) and in that advert. :p

I can imagine him cooking on a bbq.
God yeah, I don't think I've ever read a bbq fic, no wait yes I have, but G wasn't doing any cooking. :rolleyes:
I gotta say, I don't think dancing is one of his strong points :D Like in that advert, he did the least effort at dancing of all of 'em, maybe for a reason! Doesn't he 'dance' in one of the early episodes, when Greg has got some loudt music on? Or that was more of a head thing as well :lol: The only time that he looks vaguely convincing is in that blooper when he's dancing by the car door!
I would love to do some Dirty Dancing with him! Fwoaaar! I can do it... can he??? I bet once he gets those hips wiggling, there's no stopping him... ;)

We need more Billy dancing!
^^hey britfan isn't there a fic about Grissom "Dirty Dancing?" he he he

I think Billy watches sports, reads, and does what everyone else does in his spare time.
and they call him Greesum.
LMAO! I actually laughed so loudly and said it to myself. GREESUM! That it too funny.

Bill dances in Gunshy too, slow dancing too ;) zexy alert.

Gameface I KNOW! He just doesn't make an effort in that advert does he? Everyone else is gettin doooown and he's just, I don't even know what to call it, bopping?!

hunter, I think BF wrote it, on that note BF, send me it :) Thanking you. BF <3s Bleach. :p
yeah Ams, I dunno what you'd call it! Bopping is as close as you can get! He just seems faintly embarrassed by it, like 'Oh do I have to do this!'
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