William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
Grissom was fun but, I think it's time to say good bye to that character.
(using a direct CSI quote :lol:) I'm not ready to say goodbye!
I'm honestly not!!! I still need a few more years :(
YAY! thanks!! i just scored 100%!!! which makes me feel creepy and lazy and that i have no life but one of them was just a lucky guess! well, its my day off so im gonna go watch some CSI season 7. tah tah.
I messed up the last question on the written music exam today :lol: but the rest of it went ok! :D Haven't got another exam for another 2 weeks, only reason I had one this week was cause it was an AS resit. yay -___-
^ I've got one exam tomorrow, then none for 2 weeks too, well apart from general studies, but that doesn't count. :lol: I'll be free to come on here. Not that revision is stopping me. :rolleyes:
I'm honestly not!!! I still need a few more years
Yeah, take it to season 10. :lol: I'll definitely still watch, even if noone else does. :p
i have like a full week of exams noooooooooo
biology today which was so-so
maths statistics tomorra which shud be ok
chemistry on weds which i absolutely hate
philosophy on thurs

id love them to keep going till 10 seasons coz thts a fantastic acheivement :)
Guys I've just found out something that I didn't know before, hence the finding out something, so now this sentence doesn't make sense, but I'm still writing....:rolleyes:
As I was saying I found out something, and I can't say what I found out on here, but it's :eek: worthy, well I :eek:-ed, and so yeah, pm if you want to know. :p It's a good un. :lol:
This is the point where I get no PMs, and feel all alone isn't it? :rolleyes:

biology today which was so-so
maths statistics tomorra which shud be ok
chemistry on weds which i absolutely hate
Wow, me and you are like...the same! :lol: Well the first three subjects. :p Bring it on I say to the stats exam tomorrow, you know your significance levels from your confidence intervals? :lol: :eek: *goes to look it up*
id love them to keep going till 10 seasons coz thts a fantastic acheivement
Yeah, what's ER on now, like season 50? :lol: People *raises hand* still watch it. :p
wooo, i got 10/10 on the Grissom quiz
*grumbles* Are you sure you're not seeing double? :devil:
What year are you in Egg?

I have a CTU tshirt too, wooo!! How are you guys getting 10/10 on that quiz, you must be clones or something :devil:
BACK TO WP, did you see the new here on his CUBS game? very cool ;) and that video is awesome. he's so smart, hope he's having fun on his hiatus ;) re-run city till Sept. :( bet he's sleeping in!
Oh. Snap. 10/10 on the quiz. I have NO life.
Hmm, ok. So, Grissom's hot, why is a cat under my bed, and I HAVE A BIRD! We named him Captain Jack Sparrow, Parakeet Extraordinaire. I couldn't name him Grissom. Not cute enough.
Grissom... sleeping... cuddly. ^.^
i just bought a new car last monday (6/3/07) and i named it Lulu...and im going to go get a trunk monkey for Lulu next pay day....im thinkin ofnaming it Grissom......or something grissom related..
eggbe4thechicken said:

You have a nice time WPRMW? :)

You bet I had a great time. Enjoyed Vegas too. :p

LemonJelly06 said:

I have a CTU tshirt too, wooo!!

OT: What? You have a CTU shirt? :eek: I want one. God, I would love for BP to be on "24" and be the bad guy. I just do. :devil:

Congrats on the new car MissMonk.

What year are you in Egg?
Furteen. :p (that means thirteen. :rolleyes:) I wish I was still in Year 7. *throws a tantrum* Wow, 50 mins until I leave to go take my last ever stats exam, I'm gonna have to nick the text book or something, I don't know what I'm going to do with out Maths. :eek: I suppose I'll just have to find a different hobby. :rolleyes:

I wonder what Billy does in his spare time. I bet he reads a lot, oh and watches bug porn. :lol: One minute, I thought he didn't have a computer? Jazzfan! :lol: *hugs*
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