William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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I love the cheesy backing music, uber cool. ;) Nah it was a good interview, gonna take a look at the Jorja one now, thanks for posting em Eggy ;)
Woot woot! Nice one BF, your a real man. Thats a compliment btw :p Good effort on the drinking front, I shall be undertaking some of that this weekend. As usual :D

And ams there's NOTHING wrong with a bit of GSR
Lol, I didne mean there was anything wrong with it, just scary for me lol. :D

I'll watch those interviews later cuz i'm off to work soon. Sigh.
Thanks everyone for the love! :lol: 'The mini britters!' Hee hee! That is a very disturbing thought and image!

LOVED the interviews! How cute and curly is Billy? He says some very profound things. He is totally engrossed in the roll and all it means, isn't he? Good lad! And we are both as good at Science as each other :lol:!

If you click on the Jorja Fox interview, is there any body else here thinks she may have a tiny, little crushette on Mr Petersen herself?? I think so people. I think so! I believe gushing is the word! :D
Didn't Jorja say something like 'who doesn't find Billy attractive/sexy' or summet like that :confused:

I think it's safe to say that she does admire Billy greatly.

Funny thing was, she also admitted that when they first started working together, she didn't like him!
Jorja Fox actually has stated, that "she's been a little bit in love, with all her co-stars, at one time or another"[source, jorjafox.online] and her and Billy are real life friends, how cool is that, that's what you see when their together on screen [the camraderie/closeness] and another real treat [and BTW, thank's fans for all the info. on his interivews] is the Charlie Rose interview also on the WPAP site, he's so gregarious, and animated
britfan said:
If you click on the Jorja Fox interview, is there any body else here thinks she may have a tiny, little crushette on Mr Petersen herself?? I think so people. I think so! I believe gushing is the word! :D
Do you really blame her? ;) hah. I think it's cute how he cant squash spiders anymore. :lol:
^^ I was just gonna say that Lemsip. I duzne blame her at all. Hmmmm *imagines working with Billy*

He used to crush spiders before?! How mean, I always trap them and put them out the window/door. Feel mean killing them.

Adz, your icon is priceless.
Nah, I can't blame JF for her crush either. She is so right about who doesn't think Billy is sexy - half of the ladies in the UK are on this site saying how lush he is! :lol: He clearly does something to the Brits! :D

Living TV are showing the Top 10 CSI episodes as voted for by us in the UK. They are showing them at 9pm on Fridays. So far, we have-

10. Rashamama
9. Scuba Doobie Doo
8. Sex, Lies and Larvae

See? Another eppy with LOTS of gorgeous Billy moments. We know what we like. Quite a lot of GSR-ness coming through too, I noticed (but I will not start a fight about it! Shhhh! Never said a word! ;))

And I've worked my mate over for deviousness! I've persuaded him when we are in Vegas in October, he would prefer to see 'Ka' (cos it was on CSI, obviously!) rather than 'O,' and that he would like a meal in the Plaza in the restaurant Grissom took Terri Miller to in S1. Yep, it does indeed exist! The Plaza has a pic taken from there on their website!

AND HE HAS NO IDEA WHY WE ARE GOING THERE! (Not that I'm obsessed or anything! :D

I should be in the secret service!
I just wanted to thank Egg and Adzix for posting the link to that great Billy interview. Some very interesting insights into Grissom from Billy. And he looked...Mmmm, Mmmmm, yummy!!!

BF love your priorities for your trip to Vegas. Must see CSI/Billy sights...lol!!! ;) That's not obsession, it's a way to keep insanity at bay. What your boyfriend doesn't know....keeps him alive. :p Sorry. I'm in a weird mood today. :D

Looks like the UK is in line with some of my favourites. I LOVE Sex,Lies and Larvae. Billy was soooo hot. I love it when Gil gets all focused, indignant and sure that he's right. Very Alpha. :devil:

OK, must go before I keep rambling on incoherently.
Ramble away. we are talking Billyness here. ;)

Boys are just silly so mention beer and food and you can do owt wi 'em! :lol:

There are some very lovely eps on here at the moment. Just had the ice hockey, 'since when were you interested in beauty?' one... Possibly the best throw away line ever!
Grissom is the man of deep one liners, [besides Brass] who always gives us a laugh] from "Boom" Grissom about the suspect "I can't tell if he's brilliant or nuts" Brass responding "Sound familiar" :lol: and I always get a kick out this one from "Overload" Gris goes [about the vic] 'I need to see his testicles" and David goes "I always knew there was something weird about you" I think there is a Grissom 'quotes' thread, but haven't seen it for a while!
Evenin ladies! Im rather...intoxicated so forgive any spelling mistakes mwahaha. I blame the vodka. Anywas, Billy needs my attention. As always.

Sorry ladies but Brass will always, ALWAYS, be my fav character on CSI. easily! *hides* He's just like me sooo, yeah, go figure.

Best grissom one liner has to go to Jackpot.
Griss: [to Al] I hear you got some head.

LMAO I live for that line.
Hahahahahahahaha...drunk. *mocks* :p

That is the best line in history. I like Sara's one too. "I got crabs" Griss' face after that cracks me up. :lol:
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