William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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BF the mud and rain added to the awesome festival experience, and I was at the front of hte main stage for every act except the killers. :D Oo there's a new Billy fan, and from the UK, rock the hell on, welcome. :) And Billy in mud..?? *thud*
Yeah sorry I didnt come on here sooner Egg, but as Ams said, on sunday night I got no sleep, after the Foos played last we went all over our campsite with random people singing and I didn't get any shut eye. But i'm ok now. :D
What would I get Grissom for his bday? I'm awful at buying presents unless they tell me what they want lol. So yeah, wouldn't have a clue! I'd get him a beard trimmer to give him a hint to grow it back and keep it nice and short. I might buy him an iPod with all his joyus (ahem) classical music on it, I doubt he has an iPod. A new microscope lol. I'm just spitting out ideas atm lol. Oh, and a new hat, he seems to be fond of headwear so yeah, new hat lol.
Have you finished drooling and bouncing off the walls yet, ams? :lol: I was laughing like a loon at your texts last night! :lol:

Ok, prezzie for my little Grissipoos -

1. Tickets to the opera at Covent Garden (sorry V Festers - no mud!)

2. A day out at Alton Towers theme park. Scream if you wanna go faster! Obviously, I would have to hold his hand on the big scary rides :devil:

3. A day in my classroom when I've to teach Shakespeare. He can teach it and I can put us a brew on! There, I would just hold his hand because I could... ;)

And obviously cake.

Mmmm. Cake.

Oooooooh! I loves the CAKE!!
hahaha! me and my friends have a crazy innuendo for the word cake ;) so that post was very funny :lol: but yeah that sounds pretty damn awesome, although seriously I reckon he'd like running around in the mud at V ;)
PHEWWW, going through all the chit-chat.. and having no idea what was being said or what your all talking about... :confused: did you all see the pictues in the S/8 thread, our man is beardless, which we all knew since his gal shaved it off, but alas his hair is grey :( ~~~yells NO~~~~Gris what are you thinking? darken it a little bit PLEASE :cool:
don't worry desert - you ain't the only one in the dark here, I'm doing the :confused: face too!

He looks good in the pics from the new season, looks very trim 'n fit :cool: I like a bit of grey as well, so that's ok :D
They are lovely pics! Yum. I like the more natural hair colour too. Time to unleash the Silver Fox action - cos that is delish! :devil:
Yeah BF i'm trying to settle down, it's hard after such things... :devil:

Oooo, maybe me and Griss could have a joint bday, mines exactly a month after his so he'd have to wait but I think i'm going to Alton Towers for my 20th! I'd take him on Rita with me, 0-60 in 2seconds or somethin' crazy! I loooove that ride.

Hey, umm, spoiler free person here, please less chat on the pics. I'm a little paranoid, k?

Not so sure about lycra, i'm not for men in lycra...sowwie lol.
:rolleyes: err, I meant that it would be funny. :lol:

I can't believe we missed G's birthday. :( I was kind of preoccupied on Friday, so yeah that's my excuse. :lol:
I'd get G a voucher. I'm crap at presents. :rolleyes: I think I'd ask him what he wants. :lol:
Rita is one of the best rides, haha! I found it amusing how they have to cool the track down between each ride. hah. I'd take him on Nemesis though, that's a ride and a half. :devil:
I didn't even notice we had new pics, I shall run over there in a secondo. *sigh* God Billy, why don't you just make me a happy fangurl and grow it back. Even a lil stubble would do?!

Rita is immense, so it Air. I think i'd take him on the tunnel of love ;) Mwahaha. Serenade him in the boat...thats not me at all, im usually the one who's splashing the water on everyone and rocking the boat LOL. So mature... :rolleyes:
Hell yeah, i'm all for it. And we can't get him one of those ponchos that keeps him dry, whats the point in that?! We want wet Billy gawdammit!
I was just contemplating my obsession with Billy this morning, and was wondering if others are as commitable as I am. I swear things are getting bad. I'm sure we ALL have Billy/Grissom wallpaper/screensavers on our computers, thousands of pics on our HDs, read staggering amounts of fanfic, make posters, art and icons and feverishly try to buy every movie ever made by Billy.

So my question is, "What have you done, because of your Billy obsession, that makes others (and yourself) wonder about your sanity?"

Aside from the amount of time and money I have paid out over the last two months to find and buy 12 Billy films, here's mine as I already posted in the Billy pics thread:

I have changed my computer prompts so that when it starts up I now hear Billy say "Tell me exactly what you want me to do for you, to you, with you"

For my error prompt, I now hear Billy say "And I'm looking for one" "A screw" "Yes"

When I empty my recycle bin, I now hear Billy say "I love my work"

When I shut down the computer I now hear Billy say "Come on. I'll take you home" *sigh*

My husband and my 2 older boys think I've lost it. :rolleyes:
But I don't care... I get to hear Billy first thing in the morning and just before I go to bed at night. ;)
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