William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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hahaha :lol:

My favourite Grissom one: "Wow, you're hot." :D

In fact the whole convo is pretty damn funny. :D

Grissom: Wow, you're hot.
Chandra: I'm... I'm sorry.
Grissom: You're eminating heat. This is a new infared camera. It's good for looking at evidence in the dark. (to Greg) Did you get her blood yet?
Chandra: My...why?
Grissom: So many reasons.

:lol: love him!
^^ I didn't do too badly though did I! One spelling mistake. Not bad, not bad. I'm rather impressed with myself.

LOL, yeah that's classic too. I really like Sara's, 'now whos the punk, bitch?' Mwahaha. Go Sara.

Oh another fave Gman line is from the Pilot (I think?) when he takes Holly to the morgue and she craps herself and he comforts her and shouts 'YOU ASSSHOLES!' through the window LOL. Love that.
Great quotes ladies. Maybe we should pull out the Grissom Quote Thread..

I've got one off the top of my head

From The Finger
Catherine and Grissom are interviewing the 'supposed' victim and Catherine asks for his clothes
Then the 'victim' looks at Grissom...

Grissom: *shurgs* Vegas
What about this one from "table stakes" ?

Brass : "Where you been?"
Grissom : "Proctologist."
Brass : "Sheriff getting your ass, eh?"

But there are so many others !
Sorry to sound thick, but what's a proctologist? Is it an American thing? :D

My other favourites are from 'Iced,' - 'I love it when you wear your gloves...' to Ecklie. So cheeky and he has his big wooden spoon out! And in '4x4,' - to the gangsta pimps when they are just blabbering - 'I think that is the most stupid thing I ever heard!'

But Brass' 'Hey, do I look like Paula Abdul to you?' made me pee myself!

It's a toss up as to who does the one liner deliveries the best between them!
As far as I know a proctologist is a doctor who specializes in diseases of the... er... ass. :p diagnosing and treating... I may be wrong though...

Another fave quote:

Grissom: That took a long time. You may need a prostate exam.
Greg: My prostate is just fine. I'm not a soda fountain.
Grissom: Well, hopefully you are, 'cause I need a number two as quickly as possible.

:lol: number 2. :p
Yes indeed! Thanks, destiny! This is a conversation I never anticiapted having with a mod! :lol: And you did research! How sweet! Hee hee!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm not even going to ask why Grissom was visiting one... it may depreciate my crush on him considerably! :lol:

And cheers to you ass well, Lemsip! Good work there, too!
to be honest the only reason I know vaguely what it is, is cause we had a conversation about it ,this randomly in a psychology lesson at college once... Billy wasn't mentioned though. :p
LMAO BF, thats a classic. The gloves thing btw. Love Grissoms one liners but Brass is more sarky which I lurve. Both have amazing comedic timing. It's like Grissom doesn't know though, love cheeky Grissom. It's one of the best Grissoms.

Delightful topic of convo here ladies. :p
he he great scene in Iced. I've been racking my brain for some awesome Gris quotes. I'll have to check my note ( yes I write them down) that's how obsessed I am :eek: :rolleyes:
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