William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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Thank's britfan I feel the same, on Horatio/Caruso :lol: and I think the crossing over with "WOAT" and "NY" kinda of says it all :eek: I've seen pics of Billy with both Gary [Chicago native] and Anthony, never Caruso, & he wasn't happy when Miami showed up on ther CSI radar, said "what are we a McDonalds franchise"? :mad: but after NY he probably shrugged, and went 'whatever' I can't wait to see him on both, him and Gary are both low key, and will do great together, Anthony is so intense and gets angry easily, so that will be interesting as well, I have seen LaPalgia on a talk shows, and he's also low-key in person and very charming, so it's all in their acting ;)
funny thing was - you know that party they had for Les Moovens last year - David Caruso was there as well - I've defo seen a pic of him with Marg from that event. But no picture of him and Billy! Yet at that event there are pictures of Billy with both Gary and Anthony La Paglia. I think Caruso is scared of him ;)
I think Billy or Griss could take him... without the need to remove his glasses! :D

To quote Harry Hill ( a bloke on UK TV who sets up imaginary fights on his TV Burp Show) 'Let's have a fight!'
Oh please don't get me started on David Caruso/H... I just don't have the time to do a full rant today. ;)

But I was pondering on what makes Billy so hot to me. I mean, this whole thing hit me from out of the blue. I've been watching CSI since the beginning and always liked Grissom the best, BUT I wasn't addicted/obsessed with Grissom/Billy. Then WHAM!!! This year Billy became an obsession.

So I'm trying to rationalize why? And I can't answer that other than to say that the more I research and get to know about him, the more I really like him.

I like the fact that he isn't a glory hound, but an actor's actor. I respect his choices in movies because he did what he wanted as an actor and not what could bring him fame. I think he's pretty intelligent and articulate for a guy who did poorly in school. He's also remained grounded and very down to earth as well, which is very sexy.
OK,ok.... and he's certainly not hard on the eyes either...lol!!!! :devil:

I really can't wait for Season 8 to start as I'm really excited about the crossovers. I also can't wait for Season 7 to go on sale. My DH already knows that's what I want for Christmas...lol!!!

Well I'm heading back to the Billy pics to drool for a while. ;)
I'm like you gilsgal - I respect him as an actor and for the choices he made, for being his own man, rather than pandering to Hollywood. He is an intelligent man, you can tell that from listening to him, he's very articulate. And another thing I like is that he is so damn honest. He says it as it really is, good on him for that. I'm like that, which is probably why I appreciate his lack of tact :lol:
Yes Billy can be very Grissom-like in his lack of tact, but, like you Gameface, I appreciate his honesty. ;)
AHAH! With all the promises that season 8 offers it will be Christmas in September :D Cool, eh?

CSI + William Friedkin = exPLOsive combo. maybe not as explosive as CSI + Tarantino, but still very good.

Speaking of Horatio and Grissom. OF COURSE Griss can take that clown ANYtime :cool:
Sorry about the clown thing, but when you say Horatio, my brain can't stop the ranting that usually follows the sole utterance of this name :p I can't YELL loud enough to express my opinion when it comes to him :p

Seeing Horatio on TV makes me wanna smack the poor & oh so innocent monitor or throw my shoe at it (pick one -depends on my mood)
Seeing Grissom on TV makes me wanna jump/lick the screen :lol:

I'm literally laughing my ass off when I hear people calling those glasses he so skillfully puts on at the beginning of almost every episode, "The Sunglasses of Hottness" :rolleyes: :lol:

I'd rather call them "The Sunglasses of Lameness", if you ask me :p

Oh well :rolleyes: It takes all kinds to make a world, right? :)
Now-Now GrissomFREAK you know you love Horatio :lol: me too LOL :mad:.. I'm pretty stoked I ordered S/4 on DVD [my fav] from TARGET, online and I couldn't believe it, it was her in two days ;) the first time he wore a beard, and I was deeply smitten
, with commentaries from CM and Zuiker ;)it was only $37.99.. cheaper than AMAZON, so now I'm sending all my VHS's of that season to a friend in San Diego, I'm getting her into him!

For all you Horatio/David lovers :lol:.. and the real deal Gary and Billy!

Okay okay, I remember somewhere around here Tally asked you all to remember this thread is about William/Grissom only, I also remember a bunch of you apologising and promising it won't happen again, Hmm. :)

Now if you want to discuss William/David/Gary (G/H/M) then you can do so in the "CSI General discussion" forum, which is there to discuss all three shows and or more then one character at the sametime from different shows.
Sorry I just was relating to the crossover between the two CSI stars, Billy and Gary, but did ramble a bit about the other guy, he's not involed is he? if you want me to delete the pic. let me know :(
*weeps uncontrolably* Everyone dissing H *sniffles* :( Anyways, we shouldn't talk about that *slaps self on wrist* Grissom's a lover not a fighter lmao.

What makes Billy so hot? IMO it's cuz he's so normal. He's not a typical 'celebrity', he's intelligent and he does what he wants to. I like those kinda guys. Hence my adoration for James Woods. I just love guys like that. They don't care what people think and do thier own thing. Tres attraktiv ;)

How cute is that vid, cheeky boy. *sigh* Some loverly neck action too.
I like him too for his honest, his integrity, willingness to work hard to where he is today. He went to bat for Jorja and George to get them back on the show... he's got class

We love Billy :)
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