William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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With you guys all the way about no Emmy noms - for any of the cast, not just Billy. Labrats should have earned Wallace Langham a nod, Empty Eyes for JF, Fannysmacking for ES, and it's criminal that Billy's performance in Burn Out wasn't recognised... or that the show isn't nominated for best Drama... It was a very strong series- I just don't get it. :(

Today, I am a CSI. It's the last day of the school year (WHOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!) and it's fancy dress/dress down day - proceeds to aiding those flooded out in the local community. More rain is forcast for the next 9 hours in Yorkshire... where did I put my canoe?

So Iput my CSI t shirt on and the kids all said I was a saddo - usual reaction :lol: but then a few of them came to my classroom with latex gloves, clinical waste bags, a baseball cap, tweezers and offered to outline a dead body on the floor of my room. But they were brandishing a permanent marker so I declined that authenticity!

Now, as PLG has just told me, I need a ZEXY SMEXZY supervisor to look after me... know of one that fits the Bill(y)? I'm very demanding... :devil:
You taking pics BF, I am hoping to see them missy. You shoulda worn overalls ;) Now they are the zex. There are some rather fine policemen in Blackburn BF, particularly the one who turned up uninvited to my 18th party...lol. Good times, good times. His partner was such a bitch, he rolled his eyes at her, he was well noice. I tried not to oogle him while his partner was "talking" to me. :devil:

On the Emmy front, I think Marg deserved a nod too, for Built To Kill, she was immense in that. Yeah ok, so she had uber drama but she did excelently.

Well I got an odd suprise this morning. I got a letter from UCAS (the system that people from the UK use to apply to university) with loadsa leaflets in. One particular one had a big pic of Horatio just taking his shades off, it was advertising getting digital TV on your laptap. *sigh* wish it was Grissom but still, it made me giggle.
I reckon Billy doing an ep in NY would be awesome, I love NY, and Mac. :D

I'm gutted the emmys didn't recognise him or the rest of the cast, fooools!! -___-
I'm kinda upset too. CSI is a strong drama BF but Billy was great in Burn Out. This season wasn't my favorite but that episode stood out.

Same goes for Marg... off to the Cath thread :)
Howdy guys! :D

That CSI - WAT cross over sounds great!
I'm glad WAT is back on Thursdays and not Sundays. I stopped watching it last year because of the change and didn't care for the replacement.
I am definitely looking forward to BP appearing on WAT. :D

I don't know if this is the final year for CSI but I would love to see Mr. Petersen move on. I know some of you want never want CSI to end, but I feel it's time for all of them to move on. :D

Anyway....that's my two-cents. :lol:

^^ I agree with you WPRMW. All good things must come to an end ;)

I'd like WP to make another movie. Preferably not one where he's got a weird Southern accent :lol:

desertwind said:
I know, it'll be great ;)and GrissomFREAK your correct, he's never won, but has been nominated.. doesn't that suck the big one :(with all his riveting, incredible performances.. we need to be on that panel and judge him, he'd win every year
Seven years and not even ONE win. Unbelievable. That's also what happened with Friends if I remember correctly. I think the show itself was never awarded.

britfan said:So Iput my CSI t shirt on and the kids all said I was a saddo - usual reaction :lol: but then a few of them came to my classroom with latex gloves, clinical waste bags, a baseball cap, tweezers and offered to outline a dead body on the floor of my room. But they were brandishing a permanent marker so I declined that authenticity!
LMAO :lol: :lol: Would have loved to see that.
I know it sucks that they dont get awards, but they don't need awards to be seen as great shows cause it's all down to personal opinion at the end of the day, and CSI is still recognised loads and is enjoyed loads, the same as with Friends. Would still be nice to see them get awards for it though, especially Billy. :D
It look's like he's a stronger driving force than ever, coming up in S/8, the crossover, and now they say he might do a CSI/NY! and I was worried that he'd be the one to go, not Jorja Fox :( I'm wondering if they upped his salary again :confused: and I know he wants to do other things, I wonder why he decided to stay on :eek: but to say I'm pleased is an understatement
I think Billy got a new lease of CSI life after his 'sabatical' last season. He said he had to get back in stage, cos if he didn't, he never would. And having done that, it may have given him some renewed energy for more CSI. I was a bit surprised he stayed on, cos he has threatened to leave for 3 years now, so maybe the break did him good! I'm sure I read somwhere that his co-stars said that when he came back he did seem refreshed.

Anyway, as for the end of Billy's run with CSI, I get the feeling it may be his/CSI's last season. But who knows.

What I'd really love to see is him do a really cool movie, that's made for his wonderfully intense acting. I don't think he's done enough of that sort of movie! But I guess that takes a lot out of an actor.

But he has said once he quits CSI he wants to go home and do more stage plays.
Yeah i'm pleased he stayed on the show too, I have a feeling season 8 is gonna be the last season too, I mean it's not gonna last forever, and whilst i'm an avid JF fan ;) I wouldn't like to see any character leave or be killed off etc, I think the best way to end the show would be with all the characters ;) But yeah I'm uber pleased he's staying.

Ha, just re-watching Primum Non Nocere;
Catherine: How do men live like this?
Grissom: What's wrong with it?
Catherine: Well, it's a cave, with hardwood floors.
Grissom: It's clean. Television, couch. What else does a guy need?


gotta love him. :D
I'm really excited about the WAT and CSI crossover. It states that they will be shown back to back, so that is 2 hours of Billy/Grissom hotness..WooHoo!!!

I'm also looking forward to the CSI and CSI-NY crossover. It will be great to see Billy and Gary together.

Maybe the ptb decided to give Billy some leeway to stretch his acting legs again. I know it's the same character, but different shows, styles and cast might be as good as a rest for Billy.

I just can't wait for Season 8 to start...*sigh*
You know if he decides to leave CSI, all the best to him. I can't say I blame him, he's been there nearly 8 years now. I'd like to see him in more films etc so yeah, if he leaves, he leaves. I'd be gutted but still, the show must go on. I'd still watch it.

So is the CSI/CSI NY crossover a go go? I bloody hope so :D

LOL Lemsip, love that line. I really liked the other quote from that scene.
Cath: So this guy was all about, looks (I know that isnt right, but I cant think?), pucks and...
*Grissom look*
Cath: chicks...

LOL. Awesome scene.
This is how I see Grissom and Horatio getting along:
Horatio: WE... are going to the crime scene. *glasses*
Grissom: Right. I'd certainly hope so. That's our job, right?
*at the crime scene*
Horatio: How many?
Calleigh: Thirteen.
Horatio: Unlucky... *glasses* for some.
Grissom: *whispering to Calleigh* Is he always like this?
Calleigh: *whispers back* Yep. Just humor him, he'll take the glasses off and tell us what to do in a minute.
Uniforms: *CSI Miami's equivalent of redshirts get shot down by snipers on the second story who are associated with various gangs, terrorist cells, and illegally-immigrating Cubans*
Horatio: *shooting at them- narrow misses!*
Grissom: *takes them out in three shots* How can you miss? They were standing, like, ten feet away! What kind of sniper puts himself ten feet away from his targets?!
Horatio: I guess... *sunglasses* they're the worst kind.
Grissom: *shoots Horatio*
Horatio: *sunglasses* Ow.

So no, not seeing Grissom going to Miami so much. Wouldn't it be cool if Mac and Stella came to Vegas?
Grissom: Guys, this is Mac Taylor and Stella Bonasera from NYC.
Stella: OMG, it's the bug guy!
Mac: G-man! How's it hanging, bro?
<Grissom and Mac exchange hi-fives>
:lol: Not really, to me, but I guess that would be the scenerio if it ever happened, which I don't think will.. I guess if your a CSI/Miami and Caruso fan.. which I'm not.. so the "WOAT" and "CSI/NY" are fantastic, can't wait him and Anthony La Paglia, and him and Gary Sinise, should be a real treat to see ;)
Ha ha ha ha Crysthala that was so funny! Horatio is just comical!

But Mac and Griss would be good! It could use the actors actual friendship.
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